Amy Remains in the Toplist

After the first grading was posted, Amy got the number 1. She was still consistent and remains on the toplist same before when she was still in grade school. She's not really into grades but whenever she got a task, she does it with all her heart and excellency.

"Hey Aems...congrats.....I'm so proud of you....I can't believe that my best friend is the top 1 in this school," Nor said. Amy replied, "Thanks Nor, you also made it to the top 5 congratulations also." "Hey why don't we celebrate? treat.." Nor excitedly said. Then the two go to the cantain. 

They got pizza, spaghetti, fries and hot choco at their table. They had fun eating when Mr. T passes by and said, "hey you black girl, you are good but do even better than the one at your front." Then he leaves. Nor seem floating after Mr. T said those words, while Amy was furious. "Hey are you insane? he's calling you a black girl," said Amy. Nor just said, "not a problem Aems...doesn't long as he came near and just talk to me to just said do better....yes I will do better, no offense but only in Math.....," she said while smiling heavenly.

After the two finish eating, they then went to their room. This time, it was a day not to have a class but to give recognition for the achievers in class. The room was full of food and designs. Amy got surprised because at her past school, it was just a simple posting of top achievers. For a while, Mr. T arrived and everyone settled down on their respective seats. 

With no introduction he said, let's begin. First is the top 1 Amythest, top 2 Armani, and Top 3 Noraska. Then picture with no congratulations. He then leaves the class. While waiting for the next subject, they ate the food prepared in the table and just having some chitchat.

The next subject is Englisg. When the teacher arrived, everyone settled down. The teacher then called the top 3 students. It was still Amy who got the number 1 spot. The teacher congratulated everyone and encouraged them to work hard to pass the subject.

Then the Filipino teacher arrives. "O klas, ngayun ay iaanunsyo natin ang tatlong magagaling sa klasing ito...simulan natin sa nangunguna Amythest, pangalawa si Noraska at ikatlo ay si Armani,....kongratyolesyon sa lahat, naway mas galingan pa ninyu sa mga darating pa na araw...maraming salamat klas." Then she leaved.

The bell rang and so it was time for lunch break. When Nor and Amy was at the door, Armani congratulated Amy and then smiled at her. "Oh Aems here's Mr. Lamborghini again.....I really knew he likes you," Nor happily said. Amy replied, "well you must know I hated know I'm just here for school and most for my dreams....we're still very young should know that." 

When they were at the canteen, they were about to pick their lunch but the owner said, they can get aanything they want because it was already paid. They whisper of who might be the one who pay. Nor insisted that it was Armani but Amy just get angrier. The two just pick up the food as everyone are watching them and wanted also to get their food.

They then sat at their favorite spot near the window. Amy loves the scenic view of the beautiful landscape of the school garden. Nor then excitingly said, "I know it Aems, it is Mrrrrrr... Laammmmmbooorgghiiiniiiii," and Amy replied, "yeah must be but don't give that look that as if I'm gonna like what he's doing." "Yeah but a simple thank you won't mean anything," Nor insisted. "What I'm gonna thank him/ No way Nor. Well we must confirm it first of course I am a grateful person butt please not just him." "Why is that Aems that you hate him that much? I know he's kinda bragger but atleat not to you," Nor said. Amy replied, "Well it is the same Nor of how he treated other people it is still the same for me no matter if he play it good for me." "Okay Aems enough of the talking, can we eat now? I'm even getting hungry arguing about him." The two then eat.

After they eat, they headed to their dorm. Since they had no class in the afternoon. When they arrived, Nor wanted to start a conversation regarding Armani but seems Amy is not interested. After fixing their things, Amy then grabbed a book to study. "Oh c'mmon Aems, you are doing that for real? Of course I cannot beat you and had no plan doing so. You are always be the toplist," Nor tease Amy and she laughed and said, "well if you are the one who would beat me, that means you plan of enticing me not to study just to get behind me and you're on top hahaha." The two laughed so hard. Amy just then do what Nor wanted. Nor then grabbed her Ipad and scan for movies and said to Amy, "c'mmon let's watch movie....commom Aems it's just a few hours. It is time to relax since we have no class. Please don't be guilty about it Aems no even pressurring you." The two then watch a Sci-Fi movie.

It was 5 o' clock in the afternoon when someone arrived. "Tok, tok," someone's knocking. Nor opened the door and shouted, "Mom, dad oh I miss you so so much," she said while hugging and kissing them. "Oh you must be Amy, Nor did talk about you a lot," Nor's mom said. Amy was a bit shy especially when she knew that Nor's parents are rich. Nor's dad is a Judge. Amy just replied, "hello good afternoon maam, sir." Nor's mom said, "I'm glad you're not influenced by Nor's talkativeness," then she laughs with Nor's dad. Nor's dad said, "by the way congratulations you both topped this grading and for that we will have a dinner at the mall." Nor shouted "yeyyyyyyyyyyy," and Amy became even more shy. She thought she didn't have enough money for a lavish restaurant because her parents can't even afford her school. She just rely on the scholarship plus the five thousand allowance every grading. She is also saving for vacation so that she can buy good food and things to her family at the province. Amy became silent and Nor noticed then whispered, "Hey Aems, don't worry it's on me." Then they headed to the mall riding in the SUV of Nor's parents.