Angelic Tamer - [ Chapter - 6 ]

Seong-Min logged back in to search for the "Friendly Tamer" job, the only way to find jobs at that moment was through quests, talking with NPCs or accidentally stumbling upon one.

He decided that talking to NPCs would be easier since that was the way he found his first job, so he then went back into the starter village and started talking to all the NPCs to see if they knew anything about the job.

The only information he found on the "Friendly Tamer" job was that it could be in a unique quest or it was in a place that was high place and Unique Quest can only be done once or a few times before it's gone forever.

So he first look in the highest places and all he could think of was the mountains near the village and so he went to multiple mountains and explored it for a while but he found nothing and so he decided to go back.

He then asked the NPCs if they know any NPC that gives a unique quest that is in a high place or was in aountain, Seong-Min also texted Ari to know if she knew any unique tamer quests just in case.

And he still found nothing after all that searching and asking around, so he decided that he would search the mountains again and those time he would looked more carefully and this time he was able to find a cave on the side of the mountain that he hadn't seen before.

He went up into the cave and started to wander through and he really thought it was going to be another tomb but as he continued walking inside it was becoming more and more clean and he then saw a white light up ahead.

[Ding! Jaeyon has unlocked the achievement "Lost Temple Of Light".]

[The "Lost Temple of Light" achievement makes your attack against demonic monsters 100% more effective.]

He looked around the room where he saw the light shining brightly and he got a text back from Ari and she said she, "Hey, I haven't heard of anything like that, sorry." he texted back saying that it was ok and he might've found something better.

He then continued to search around the room after sending the text but while he was exploring the room there wasn't any loot at all nor there was any bodies like the other tomb he went in before and there was an altar in the room.

He went to look to see if there was anything on the altar and after checking it he then also checked to see if there was any hidden mechanisms but all he could find was a book that he wasn't even able to take.

So he tried reading it because there might be a something special about it and he was right, after reading it an angel came down and light started to appear out of nowhere and Seong-Min was in awe

Then the angel looked down on Seong-Min and smiled as she said "Young Adventurer of Light, I will bless you with a quest thy must accomplish and I will give thee a blessing that will suit your current occupation.".

[Angel Of Light]

[You must bring back the Holy Sword Of Light from the evil group of demon worshippers to the Angel. | The Demon Worshippers can be found in the Dark Canyons.]

[Reward: You will be blessed with a Holy Occupation, 25k experience points and 40,000g]

[Penalty: Will Have a curse for 3 days in real time and 5 levels will be deducted]

The penalty was very harsh so he definitely have to do the mission and the mission gives him a holy job and that will definitely have a boosting and healing skill with it and also at least this time it tells him where he has to go.

So he then started searching where the Dark Canyons were and after a while he found a map that could help him travel there and so he started travelling to the Dark Canyons as he went there on foot.

He came across a bunch of monsters that had the darkness attributed and so he killed a bunch of monsters with his tamed creatures along the way and he was able to get a bit of loot and experience as well.

When he arrived at the place Seong-Min saw that there was a whole camp of people wearing black clothes and they had a red cross on it and when he appraised them he saw that they were the Demon Worshippers.

So he just immediately ran towards them and summoned his tamed creatures and started killing the NPCs with Demon Worshippers above their name and his tamed creature also helped him kill some of them.

There were also some prisoners in cells that he saw in the camp and so he freed them as he was massacring them and after killing most of the Demon Worshippers suddenly a boss health appeared as a man with a long robe came out.

When Seong-Min appraised him, it said he was the Demon Priest Worshipper "Ubel" and he was able to summon low rank demons to fight for him but Seong-Min had Splashy and the rest helping him.

So he didn't have to worry about the demons and so he charged in with his sword aginst the Ubel and then he sprinted at him with a lot of speed and kept slashing him but it looked like he was using some dark magic.

Seong-Min jumped back to rest since he used a lot of stamina fighting Ubel head on but he was able to remove a bunch of his health but then Ubel raised his hands into the air and started chanting something.

His eyes flashed a blood color and a lot of his health was removed but then magic circles that were the color of blood appeared in the air and then demons started to come out, they were just eyes with wings.

But their level was extremely high for Seong-Min to face but thanks to Splashy and the rest he was able to deal with it pretty well and Seong-Min targeted Ubel as he was cackling at them as his eyes started bleeding.

Then Seong-Min sprinted in and then sliced off the Ubel's head right off and then the demons that he summoned started to dissipate into dark red smoke as he started to catch his breath.

After that he got the mission rewards and he and his tamed creatures leveled up a bunch thanks to how many worshipers there were and from the experience from the quest and he also received the money from it as well.

But then suddenly the angel appeared again and ligut came down above her and the Angel said "Young Adventurer of Light, I thank thee for thy service and as promised I shall give you the blessing of light."

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the job "Angelic Tamer".]

[The "Angelic Tamer" job is a Legendary rank job | it gives the user 10 more stat points for every level up and it boosts you and your pets healing rate by 20% | It gives you the "Light" attribute]

He also received some Job Skills called "Holy Healing" it uses a new stat called "Light" and it was like mana and be also got a skill called "Divine Protection" it's strength for defense depends on how much light he uses into.

So he added a lot of the stat points to the light attribute and he wanted to test it out his new skills so he went to Orc Village that he had heard about and then after be got in he summoned all of his tamed creatures.

He then started hunting and he used the "Divine Protection" skill on himself and hewas also able to use it on his tamed but the speed of depletion for the light stat is multiplied by how many light shields he summons.

Then he used the "Holy Healing" skill to the Splashy and the others but he was only able to heal some of them since je didn't have enough light stats for all of them but be came back after fighting for only a bit.

After all of that his level didn't move up much but he realised hus stats were actually on the level of a ranker now and he thought he could try doing raids so he messaged Ari to see if she was interested in going to a raid.

Only after a few minutes, she quickly replied back and said yes and she was bringing a few friends along as well and he was okay with it that and so he became pretty excited and started waiting for them.


『Hey guys we reached 1k views I am so happy and also I hope you guys continue to enjoy this series and I also hope that it continues to grow as well.』
