The First Trial - [ Chapter - 24 ]

He greeted me with open arms, he told me that what I am looking for is in their treasury but if I truly was the successor I would be allowed through the barrier.

I didn't understand till he showed me towards the treasure, it was just a bracelet but it shined so bright he told me that his bloodline was the only other bloodline that was allowed to even touch the treasure but they couldn't use it.

So when I went pass the barrier he looked even more excited because he's heard that the power was awe inspiring so he told me to to check what does it do.

So I checked it out and it boosts the strength of all my tamed monsters and skills related to them by 300% and it had a special skill attached to it called "Monster's Space".

I used it and I teleported to a place and saw Splashy and the others in a habitats of their own and it seemed like it was natural for them, they all greeted me snuggling me and they acted like they were even suprised.

I went out and checked out Splashy and the rest's new power, we went to the training field that the viscount told me that it was a high quality place that couldn't be broken diwn easily.

So I tried out my new powers and Splashy and the rest's new power, I fused with Thunder and saw that I was able to fuse his power to me much more than before and I definitely looked much cooler.

While trying out the new skills the viscount looked in awe and asked if I would want to try fighting their knights, I heard that all knight NPCs were named so that meant they were strong so I wanted to see it for myself.

So I agreed and I saw all of their levels were over 1,000, the viscount smiled and said they were his most strongest guards so I combined myself with Snow and checked out what would happen if I transformed.

I was able to temporarily unlock some of the authorities like the Illusion and Demonic, I was able to make them fight each other and make them to go into depression and fear.

They were taken out without a hitch, the viscount looked pleased and told me, "The Godly Tamer has got an amazing successor but he created a trial whenever you get one of his artifacts but don't worry it will be worth your while.".

[The First Trial]

[The Trial of those who are the successor of the once great Godly Tamer could challenge and it beholds great rewards to the successor who completes it.]

[Reward: Unlock the hidden feature of the bracelet, 50k experience points and 75,000g]

[Penalty: Repeat of Trial, -100 Favorability from the viscount and Godly Tamer]

I was in shock, I was excited to unlock a hidden feature on an item because I asked myself "If the bracelet was already that powerful, how powerful would it be if I unlocked the hidden feature?".

And when I looked up on the top right side of my screen I saw there was a timer and it ended, I was immediately teleported into a dungeon I used God's Eye and saw it was called "The Test Of Artemis".

So it was test from the greek goddess of domestic animals, so I figured out that the trial had multiple tests and I saw there was a gate connected at the end of where I started.

When I went through the gate I saw there was a large area with a big house and there was a lot of domestic animals from the real world, none of them were from any fantasy stories.

[Ding! First Test: Make All the animals in the area your friend!]

So I had to do multiple tests and this test is that I had to befriend all of them, I quickly looked around for food and after a while a found some food for some of the animals.

I quickly fed them and the animals I didn't even fed became very friendly towards me and I just decided to play with them, I was still amazed at how realistic DigiLife was even the animals acted real.

And after a while of playing with them, I finished the first test of the trial then another gate appeared, I said goodbye and went through and I saw it was a a field again but it was a barn.

It had all sorts of farm animals, I looked around because the test wasn't given out yet and I found the place they kept the food, I also checked what was it and it was called "The Test Of Diana".

So the test was from the roman goddess of the countryside, I was really ready for this because I remembered every time me and my dad went to the countryside to take care of animals

[Ding! Second Test: Befriend All The Animals in the area!]

I did the sam thing like what I did with the other gate and I was quickly able to make friends with them, we played for a bit and I saw that I got a notification.

[Ding! You passed the first trial of the Godly Tamer!]

I thought it was supposed to be hard, so I was confused I was quickly teleported back to the same spot I was before.

[Ding! The Godly Tamer is shocked and says, "The Animals were supposed to be feral no matter who was near them!]


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 734] [Defense: 733]

[Constitution: 732] [Agility: 732]

[Dexterity: 731] [ Dominance: 1236]

[Luck: 730] [Light: 732] [Dragonic Mana: 318]

--------| Effects |---------

( +295% to All Stats )


『Hope you enjoyed!』
