Re-Challenging The Top Ten - [ Chapter - 30 ]

I quickly took this chance because it seemed that the boss Asmodeus thought that I was still in it's spell so I quickly started attacking it.

I had Infuego and Tsunami as the tanked and Sprout as the support and the rest of us were the damage dealers, after slashing it for a while, it's health didn't even go below 80%.

I was really having a hard time then suddenly it used a huge AOE move then I saw that all my tamed monsters were now recovering in my panel so I couldn't rely on them and the Spirit Emperor that I summoned was already below 25%.

I quickly turned into a dragon and started attacking it with my authorities that I had at the moment and with all the moves I spammed against the boss I had to quickly turn back into my normal form.

My health was now below 10% and I couldn't fight back anymore and I just had to chug some potions to heal myself while the Spirit Emperor was trying to stop the boss.

And after a bit the spirit emperor finally died even after using it's boss skill it only got the boss at 55%, I tried summoning the red capped goblins but they were too low level to even face the boss and I nearly died but then my passive skill undying blessing activated.

My strength was now even stronger and I checked all my tamed monsters were now able for use and when I resummoned them, they were now stronger as well.

So then we started to fight back against the boss and each hit was now doing 2-3% now and Sprout was able to heal all of us to full health instantly, and in just a few minutes his health was already below 20%.

[Ding! The Godly Tamer blesses you with a temporary skill!]

I didn't have time to read it but I quickly used the skill and I saw all of my tamed monsters went back to their panels and now were recovering, and my strength was like it was added by all of them combined.

And I checked and saw it was called "Final Struggle", I was only allowed one slash with all the strength I received, I slashed and it created a huge quake in the forest.

It instantly killed the boss and I didn't gain any experience points, I was confused and checked that the penalties that I recieved were very severe, it was that 50% of my stats were locked for the day, after that 20% of my stats are going to be locked for the next day.

My blessing energy won't recover for the entire day and the skill undying blessing won't happen for another week and I can't gain any experience points for the entire day as well.

I guessed it was fair because I was able to kill a boss that even the Experience King's level couldn't even match up to it but I couldn't even tell what was it's level even with God's Eye because his level was extremely higher than mine.

I quickly went back to the castle of the Elf King and I recieved my reward, but when they saw me I was treated but it did nothing to my penalties.

The mission reward's experience points were not collected and I also received the gold when I checked, it said I could leave the game and the penalties will go down so I could leave but I still haven't received my reward yet so I didn't.

[Ding! Due to Gaia's Blessing and your sacrifice your reward's power increased by a substantial amount!]

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the job "Spirit Tamer".]

[The "Spirit Tamer" job is a Legendary rank job | it gives the user 15 more stat points for every level up | You can learn all skills from the "Spirit Summoner" class.]

[Ding! Jayeon has unlocked the achievement "High Elf's Blessing".]

[The "High Elfs's Blessing" achievement boosts all you stats by 50% | The High Elven Race will treat you as royalty | Natural Spirits will help you and your magic skills from the elven race's power increased by 100%.]

[Ding! Due to the penalties the blessing energy won't be given to the player!]

I guess that it, so I ended very early and I realized how long do I actually play but anyway I was going on a break for two days and I asked myself "Why not start early?".

And so for the next two days I didn't log in to DigiLife and I decided to make a garden near my house since it helped me use time and I also saw that during the first day of the break, I saw that I haven't even been in the top ten in combat power or levels anymore.

When I checked thoroughly it seemed like a few people found Mythical level jobs like me and I found Hinge was number one in the production class leaderboards so I messaged to congratulate him.

During the break I decided when I got back I would try to get back into the top ten or even reach the top of the combat power, I wouldn't even dream of the level leaderboard one because Ae-Cha would be dominating with her job.

But anyway I already got my third job and I also saw that Ae-Cha already reached 2,500 but her combat power was in the top five, so I was curious if other people also got some blessings like me.


[ Jayeon's Player Profile ]

[Strength: 874] [Defense: 874]

[Constitution: 873] [Agility: 873]

[Dexterity: 872] [ Dominance: 1874]

[Luck: 872] [Light: 873] [Dragonic Mana: 449]

[Undead: 1,349]

--------| Effects |---------

( +445% to All Stats [LOCKED] )


『Early Upload since I won't be around later but I also have a question for those who read this series, "What do you enjoy about this series? And is there anything that bothers you about it?", I'm also very sad that this series couldn't join the beast taming contest :( but I still hope you guys enjoy!』
