Rebirth Class Stone - [ Chapter - 60 ]

Seong-Min chuckled and said, "Yeah, you can say he is one of the best in that class.", Red was amazed and said "You'll have to introduce me to him sometime." so then Seong-Min said, "Yeah, sure.".

Then after that they continued heading through the mines and after a while they stumbled upon loads of armoured kobolds and their weapons and equipment were even stronger than the ones before.

So then Seong-Min summoned Sobek since he was the only one who could actually fit in the narrow tunnels and if he summoned any other of his summons the tunnel might actually break due to their size.

After giving Sobek the command to kill them he charged forward with great speed and then pierced the bodies of multiple of the kobolds but some of them were still alive and now the kobolds were surrounding him.

Red was about to help him but then Seong-Min stopped him and then Sobek let out a little roar then lime colored mist started to appear and then crocodile men appeared and they were an assasin variant of their kind.

They were summoned through Sobek's inate ability, "Crocodile's Command" which allows him to command all kinds of crocodiles and summon them as well so Red was really impressed at Sobek's strength.

And also couldn't believe something that small had such an enormous amount of strength so then after that they continued walking through the cave and after a while of walking they found another big opening.

When they got out of the tunnel it was a huge throne room and there were kobolds everywhere and then there was a kobold on the throne with a weird looking har but then it started talking, "Human, you killed my people, I kill you.".

Then it pointed at them as the kobolds started charging at them and thanks to it being such an open room Seong-Min was able to summon all of his summons then Seong-Min said, "Kill them all.".

Oakley started creating roots into the ground and then started restraining a lot of the kobolds and the undead goblins were killing the kobolds with amazing speed and strength leaving no traces of them even appearing.

Diluvial then summoned a huge tide behind him drowning losds of the kobolds in the process while controlling it so it doesn't effect the others and then suddenly Thunder jumped near the water.

Then it started adding electricity to it and those that didn't die from the water were now being electrocuted by him and were now dying and as this was happening Red and Seong-Min were still at the entrance.

When they met each other, Red thought that Seong-Min would've been a better swordsman so that's why he was helping him find a class rebirth stone so that he could change his class as well but that wasn't the case.

And now he saw that the tamer class fit Seong-Min perfectly with no flaws what so ever and he just got the ability of other classes so that he could cover up the things that the tamer class couldn't do by itself.

He was literally the perfect one man army and as the massacre on the kobolds was happening the one on the throne was now frowning and then said, "Human is strong but Akar is stronger!" and then he stood up.

The kobold then looked at the other kobolds and then his eyes flashed the color red then the kobolds eyes turned red as well and then they started going crazy trying to kill everything in sight.

It didn't matter what was going to happen if they were killing their allies or disregarding their lives they just became killing machines and then the kobold started laughing and then said, "You will see that domination is the best choice.".

So then Seong-Min ordered Snowy to kill everything that was in his way and allow him to get to the one that looked like the boss and so she did and then started using her authority to kill everything in Seong-Min's path.

Red could only follow as he watched the massacre unfold in front of him then while they were walking towards the boss it was now feeling a sense of fear and worry then said, "PROTECT ME! PROTECT ME!".

It shouted as the kobolds looked to their king then started going to protect him but Seong-Min's summons didn't allow that and killed anything that tried to go near Seong-Min to stop him from killing the boss.

So then Seong-Min activated his appraisal skill and then saw that it was actually the boss and his assumption was right but it was weak the only thing strong about it was actually it's inate ability to control it's kind anf it's intellect.

After reading everything he needed to know Seong-Min took out his sword and then kept cutting and slashing at the boss until it died since it had a lot of health rather than it's own kind since it was a boss.

Then after a while it died and then all of the eyes of the kobolds turned back to normal and when they saw that the boss died they all started running away into different directions and some were able to escape.

So then after that Seong-Min then looked at Red and said, "Let's loot the place shall we?" and Red with a terrified look on his face chuckled and said, "Y-Yeah." then they started looking around.

And after a while of looking around they were able to find the rebirth class stone in the eye of the boss and it was actually ranked as a mythical object so Seong-Min actually didn't think it would be that rare.

Then after that Red activated it and then he was given another chance to select his class and then he changed his class into the spearman class and then it was confirmed and he was sent back.

After coming back Seong-Min then went up to him and then said, "Here is a little congratulatory gift for your class change." then he saw that it was a job orb for the spearman class, "Piercing God.".