Live Streaming A Test - [ Chapter - 62 ]

So then after summoning all of them Seong-Min decided that this would be a cool thing to live stream so he started up his stream then said, "Hey Guys! It's the Godly Tamer here and here is my friend Red.".

He then took the drone camera and pointed it at the giant statue and then said, "This is the boss we will be fighting and I hope you enj-", he gets cut off by the boss suddenly appearing in front of him.

Then he said as he dodged the attack, "Woah, that was a close one but I have to focus on fighting, so enjoy the show." he said as he smiled then ran towards the boss and Red was honestly surprised.

After hearing all of that Red still couldn't believe that Seong-Min was a streamer but he was pit back to reality when the boss threw it's sword next to him and Seong-Min shouted, "Hey! Snap out of it!".

That definitely got him to be focused again and then he suddenly appeared behind the boss's head and was about to pierce it but then suddenly the sword flew back into the boss's hand at an insane speed.

Then the boss swung his sword to stop Red from hitting him and then it jumped back like it was actually making smart decisions and this surprised Seong-Min, Red and the viewers but then the summons started attacking as well.

Snowy ran up to the boss and started using her authorities and then suddenly two giant arms made out of rocks appeared out of the ground then grabbed the boss then Thunder started running towards the boss.

It used a new movement skill that Seong-Min hadn't seen before and it moved around like lightning and then suddenly appeared nesr the boss's face and then used the skill thunder claw creating a huge scar in it's face.

Then Oakley started putting it's roots into the ground then quickly pulled them out and started using them like whips and started slashing the boss with it's roots but then the boss broke out of the arms.

It grabbed the Oakley's roots then pulled it towards him then took it's sword then hit Oakley with it's blade then suddenly Diluvial created a beam of water stopping the blade from hitting Oakley.

After blocking that the Angel started healing Oakley up since Seong-Min forgot to summon her a few times before and this was his first time in a while he summoned all of his summons at once.

So then suddenly the fire spirit then blasted itself towards the boss and continued trying to hit the boss but was quickly blocked by it's sword then Red quickly charged in again at the boss.

He appeared near the face of the boss again and the boss started to block his attack but then a blast of energy appeared behind his spear and it blasted him to the back of it's head and then he was able to pierce it.

Then a huge crater was created in the back of it's head and then it's eyes turned red again and was about to swing it's sword but then Tsunami and Infuego charged in stopping it and then started using their abilities.

Tsunami created a little stream of water that kept blasting through the body of the statue and Infuego did the same using it's fire ability and then Thunder roared at the boss then a thunder cloud appeared.

While this was happening Seong-Min suddenly appeared on the arms of the boss and kept slashing and slashing while he was walking closer to the face of the boss and then he used one of his new sword skills.

It was called, "10 Aura Blade Slash" which was a skill that slashed it's target ten times with each slash getting stronger each time it hits but if one attack misses the damage is lowered by a lot.

But Seong-Min was able to hit the boss's arms with the skill seven times and then he used a dash skill and then suddenly appeared near the boss's face and then slashed it's right face for his eight slash.

Then he combined the ninth slash with the skill "Strengthed Slash" which would improve a single slash by 150% of it's attack and then he cut its face directly then the final one again creating a cross slash.

After doing that the thunder cloud that appeared was at the top of the boss struck a huge yellow thunder bolt down on the boss's head and then it's eyes started burning a red color in it's eyes.

So then suddenly a blast of red energy came from the boss then it pushed and damaged everyone who was near the boss then it's blade started releasing a red aura similar to Red's blood aura ability.

Then after doing that it's speed was even faster than before and then it was able to hit Snowy who was flying in the air into one of the walls and so Seong-Min told the Angel to heal Snowy and then Thunder started charging in.

It moved so fast and before Thunder could even get close it appeared beside him but then Thunder used his thunder claw skill to try and block the attack but he was still pushed back and damaged.

But it's damage wasn't as high as before but he still took a lot of damage from the boss so then Red activated blood aura again and then charged in at an insane speed at the boss hitting him multiple times.

Red was doing a lot of damage and Tsunami and Infuego were still getting up since they were knocked back a lot after the burst of energy since they were directly attacking the boss with their abilities.

Then Diluvial created a huge wave attacking the boss but he let it ignore all of his allies so it only damaged and knocked back the boss and now the boss's health was lower than 25% but then it's eyes kept shining many different colors.