Sword God - [ Chapter - 70 ]

So then after killing the boss they collected loads of experience points, coins and loot but none of the loot were usable for any of them so they decided to sell all of it then split it three ways.

After doing all of that Seong-Min then went back to the livestream then said, "Hey Guys! Thanks for watching the live stream and I hope you enjoyed and also if you want to see me play with Fire Frost Mage more please tell me!.".

Then he ended his livestream and then Katomi ended her livestream after saying her goodbyes as well and her first stream was a huge success and she was able to get loads of followers, views and donations.

It was so much and she also earned a lot from Seong-Min so she then sent a bunch of her earnings to him and then she went up to and then said, "It's your payment for helping me, I need to log off now, bye!.".

Seong-Min wanted to return the money that Katomi gave to him but she already left so he then sighed and then Red asked, "What should we do next?", Seong-Min chuckled and said, "Let's explore a new place.".

So then Seong-Min and Red headed towards a new city that was just found on the second floor and while they were travelling to the new city they stumbled upon an old beggar but then Seong-Min's appraisal activated.

He was confused since it activated by himself but then the old beggar had the title "Sword God" and his stats and skills were extremely powerful and he was definitely more powerful than Seong-Min.

And so he told Red she could go by herself first since he needed to do something and so she did and said goodbye to Seong-Min and so after that Seong-Min headed towards the old beggar and then smiled.

After that he then gave a few gold coins to the old beggar and then he said, "Young man, you are so generous! I'm very thankful to you." Seong-Min smiled and then asked, "Do you know the place well?".

The old beggar then chuckled and said, "Of course, I do." so then Seong-Min asked, "I need to learn how to use the sword better and I'm not sure who can teach me, do you know anyone who could teach me?".

Then the old beggar eyes widened and then asked, "Do you know who I am?" Seong-Min knew exactly who he was but he pretended not to and asked, "Aren't you just a regular beggar?".

So then after Seong-Min asked that and said, "So it really was a coincidence or maybe this was made by the heavens." then the old beggar threw his rags away and then showed his cane was actually a sword.

When Seong-Min saw his aura it was incredibly strong and the old beggar actually had really big muscles and then he asked, "Old man, who are you?" the old beggar then chuckled and then went towards him.

He then said, "I'm the Sword God." so then after that Seong-Min looked impressed and then asked, "Are you going to teach me?", he started going somewhere and then said, "Yes, so follow me.".

Then Seong-Min started following the Sword God and after a while they went into a hidden area that Seong-Min hadn't even heard of before and he was in awe it was a beautiful blue cave.

After that the Sword God then threw a sword at Seong-Min and he caught it but then it was too heavy for hum to even carry, Seong-Min wasn't even able to lift it but the Sword God threw it like it was nothing.

So Seong-Min really so the gap between their strength after he did that and started following him and then he started training Seong-Min in the cave and also did practice battles between him.

Seong-Min then acquired a new stat in his profile and it was different than the others it was called "Swordsmanship Proficiency" and it was numbered by percent so it was definitely different than normal.

The stat was gradually becoming bigger as Seong-Min trained with the Sword God and it especially grew when Seong-Min is having the practice battles with the Sword God and after a while he reached 75%.

And after reaching 75% the Sword God went up to him and then said, "So you already reached the level of sword mastery ay? You really have talent in swordsmanship would you like to become my successor?".

After hearing that Seong-Min got really excited and said, "Of course I would like to be your successor!", so then Seong-Min used the only job slot on his second class and now he had an unique rank job.

It was called "Sword God's Apprentice" and it boosted his swordsmanship by a lot and it improves damage by 250% if Seong-Min uses a sword and Seong-Min's sword skills have been improved by 250% as well and there is no sword you can't use.

Everything that he got from the Sword God was incredibly overpowered and when ever he uses his sword it felt like there was no weight to it now and whenever he swung with the sword there was a huge current of air.

So then after all of that the Sword God then said to Seong-Min, "You have to go now, you learned almost everything and become better from the outside world and once you do I'll teach you my sword ability.".

When Seong-Min heard that he was really excited since his ability was called "God Sword" which said to allow him to cut almost anything with his sword so it was extremely powerful and had loads of explosive power.

But Seong-Min wasn't sure what was the draw back to it since if it didn't have any draw back the Sword God would have ruled the world by then but it looked like he wasn't able to use it a lot.


Author: 『Hey Guys, I hope you guys are enjoying this series and if you are please add it to your library if you can, thank you!』

Editor: 『...』