Undead Chimera - [ Chapter - 88 ]

So then the boss lost a huge amount of health just from that one little tackle, the boss wasn't at the same level as Fortitude so it was hard fo it to fight back but it was able to break through Fortitude's defenses.

Which surprised Seong-Min a lot since he didn't think that the mini boss was capable of such a thing but still he continued attacking the boss as he was now moving even faster than before along side his summons.

Red activated her blood aura and shadow aura and the amount of aura that was coming from her increased by a lot as well and she was moving even faster than Seong-Min and that was a given since she was a spear class.

Since they were known to have incredible agility in their stats, Ari was able to cast loads of spells now since she activated her ability which was called "Grand Mage" which allows her to ignore cooldown for one hour.

The cooldown of the ability was just five hours so it was amazing but the ability was thought to be fair since the skills would still require but now Ari was even higher level than before she added all the new extra stats to her mana stat.

Hyejin was now able to create multiple potions at once since as his level increased it increased his proficiency as well so it was a really good ability and so his potion effects were now even stronger than beofre.

Ae-Cha just kept launching barrages of attacks against the mini boss but then suddenly it's huge swords started having a purple aura around it and then it threw one of the swords into Fortitude and it stabbed it.

Seong-Min appraised the mini boss and saw it was using it's inate ability "Debuffing Aura" which would give it's enemies a random debuff and it gave Fortitude a paralysis debuff which made it unable to move correctly.

Then Red continued to charge at the mini boss and Seong-Min warned everyone from it's purple aura so then the boss threw it's sword to Red and so she quickly dodged it making sure to not even touch it.

After dodging it she then used multiple stabbing skills for her spear and then kept stabbing the boss with intense speed and Seong-Min found out he could remove the debuff from Fortitude using his holy sword.

It was able to do this since it had the ability called "Holy Aura" which negates any evil effects it touches and so Seong-Min quickly got on Fortitude as he told it to charge towards the mini boss once again at full force.

They both then started charging at the boss as the boss was tackled and Red jumped out to dodge Fortitude and Ari continued shooting loads of magic attacks against the boss and Luna summoned two dullahans.

So then Seong-Min jumped onto the mini boss and then started slashing him like crazy as the two dullahans that Luna summoned before started charging at the boss was well but then the mini boss eyes turned red.

There was no signal that it was a boss phase but it was just angry and so Seong-Min was thrown off the boss and then the boss threw it's sword at Seong-Min but then Seong-Min created multiple divine shields to block it.

He was able to block it but he landed pretty rough so he still lost a bit of health but the two dullahans were now near the mini boss then both of them started attacking the boss with their skills and their big sword.

But the boss was about to hit the two dullahans as he pulled back the sword he threw at Seong-Min and then he swung both swords at each of the dullahans and so then Red immediately appeared blocking one of the swords.

Then Seong-Min immediately summoned a divine shield to block the other sword for the other dullahan so he then quickly dashed in to help them fight the mini boss and they kept using multiple skills to fight the boss.

Fortitude's gem flashed and then suddenly a skill that Seong-Min hadn't seen before was used as a portal made of sand was created above him and then boulders started falling down on the mini boss dealing loads of damage.

Everyone who was near the mini boss were protected by Seong-Min and his angel since they bought use divine shield although the angel just used a similar skill to his and it wasn't as strong but it was good enough to protect them.

After seeing that Fortitude's AOE skill nearly hitting Luna and the rest he immediately told Fortitude to not use that skill when allies are nearby the place it was trying to attack and it seemed like it understood it at least.

So then Seong-Min continued to help and attack the boss with everyone else and when the boss's health reached below 10% it's eyes were now permanently glowing read unlike before when it just shined a bit then disappeared.

Now the boss's stats increased by 250% except it's defense stat since it's defense stat decreased by 50% and it just ignored his defenses as well and kept trying to target everyone which made it harder to attack him.

Since it was disregarding it's health and just trying to make his hits land and each hit removed 15% of their health even though they were boosted using Ae-Cha's ability so it was really dangerous to get close to the mini boss.

But whenever they hit the boss their attacks doubled in power so it was a bit even and they continued attacking taking turns when they attack and they would go near Hyejin when they needed to heal up their health.

After a while of doing this the boss finally fell over and it closed it's eyes as they got the experience points, gold and equipment and all of them were pretty tired after that and they were a bit scared of what the actual boss would be like.