Grim Reapers - [ Chapter - 90 ]

Seong-Min then helped Ae-Cha to finish of the rest of the undead that she was fighting then after that Sin-ui started collecting their corpses as blue and black energy automatically went into the others' treasures.

So he was a bit annoyed that the he had to do it manually but he couldn't complain since the item itself was very strong and after he collected all of the corpses Seong-Min noticed that everyone was looking at something.

When he went ot check they got another chest but the chest wasn't like what they got before but now the plating of the chest was regular iron instead ot it being made out of gold and a few other gems.

But that was understandable since they didn't even fight a boss but they still ipened the chest and there were two items and both were pretty good but not as good as the ones they got and they wrre only helpful to Luna.

Since the whole dungeon was a test for her so it makes sense, the two items were two rings that looked similar to Seong-Min's but it boosted the stats and skills of undead by 25% and their proficiency growth was boosted by 20%.

It was only helpful to Luna and Seong-Min since only the two of them had necromancy skills and the effects of both rings weren't stackable to each other so Luna took one and Seong-Min took the other one.

Once they took it, they both out it on and then suddenly a black light shined brightly from both of the rings and then suddenly the light changed into a dark purple color and a string was created that linked the two rings.

[Ding! The Players Jaeyon and Death have acquired the "Undead Couple Rings" which has an extra effect that when the two bearers are closer to each other, the effects of each ring are boosted! The Rings have been bounded!]

After they saw the notification the string of purple light disappeared and then Hyejin then chuckled looking at the both of them and said, "So... You guys are a marr-" before he even got to finish the sentence Luna punched his face.

Luna was visibly bright red and so Seong-Min tried to lookk at the bright side and said, "Don't worry, we're not really married, it's just a game Luna, don't worry!" he said as he tried comforting her as he patted her back.

Although while they were doing this Hyejin got up and then went closer to Ae-Cha and then whispered asking her, "Don't they look good together though?" when he said that, Ae-Cha chuckled a bit.

Both Luna and Seong-Min looked back but both of them were now looking away from each other so when they stopped looking at them Ae-Cha chuckled silently and whispered back to Hyejin, "Yeah, they do.".

They both started chuckling to each other silently so Luna and Seong-Min was confused as to what they were tlaking about but they just ignored it and continued their exploration through the dungeon.

As they were walking deeper into the dungeon, a dark energy was surrounding the floor but it wasn't doing anyhing so Seong-Min decided to appraise it to see if it was dangerous and all it said was that it debuffs randomly.

But the effects can be cancelled by holy and light attributed skills, abilities and items so Seong-Min activated his holy authority and surronded everyone with some holy energy to negate the de buff surrounding them.

While they were walking Hyejin actually found out that hr could store the black energy into a glass bottle and seal it tight and when he checked it, the name of the item was now "Cursing Energy In A Bottle".

So it really made them wonder what was making the energy but as they went farther into the dungeon, they stumbled upon some undead and skeletons but the black energy surrounded them as well.

So Seong-Min checked what were it's effects, they were actually being boosted instead and so Seong-Min then told Luna, "The black energy actually boosts undead, your undead should be more powerful, try using them!".

When she heard that she summoned her undead and Seong-Min made sure to not cover the undead with the holy authority and instead used it against the other undeads they were fighting like a gun using his hand.

All of them were doing pretty well still after fighting the mini boss but then suddenly the dark energy got thicker and rose higher but they were still able to see everything clearly but then Luna looked surprised.

Then she said to Seong-Min, "Stop surronding me with your holy authority." and so he stopped immediately and when he did the black energy started surrounding Luna and then it created an armour of energy around her.

It also boosted her stats quite a bit and so they wrre surprised but they kind of excepted it since she was a necromancer and her main job was also a mythical class like Seong-Min's so it wasn't anything to be that surprised about.

Still they were curiously as to why the dark energy became thicker but in just a bit of walking they quickly got the answer and it was that they were near the boss room now and so they started preparing to enter it.

After preparing for the hit they all then headed inside and when they did, there wasn't a boss but there was three grim reapers that looked immensely powerful and they all looked like they had the strength of the mini boss they fought.

So it was definitely going to get harder and also there was a black and purple cube on a pedestal and it looked like the grim reapers were guarding it and so before attacking Seong-Min tried appraising the box.

Right after doing that the grim reapers didn't even allow Seong-Min to read the description, it was like they noticed a skill was being used on the box but they ignored their questions and started to fight the reapers.

One of the reapers disappeared as it spun in the air but then it suddenly appeared right beside Seong-Min and now it was holding a huge black and purple sythe which was pretty similar to the design of the box.

Which made Seong-Min even more curious but he first brought out his holy sword and blocked the sythe that the reaper was using and then parried it and flung the sythe away from the reaper's hand.

But then it started cackling as it raised it's right hand towards the sythe and it disappeared in the black energy just to reappear in it's hand and the it charged at Seong-Min again ready to attack him.