Undying Dragon - [ Chapter - 93 ]

The fire blasted directly at Seong-Min luckily enough he was able to protect himself but from just one attack it took a lot of his energy from his light stat from that one attack since he had to repair the shields.

But Seong-Min dashed directly to the dragon's face and took out his holy sword and combined the Angel's holy power and Diluvial's water power in his swordsmanship once he did that he started slashing the dragon's face.

He summoned all of his summons quickly except Fortress and a few others since it wouldn't allow the others to be summoned but thanks to this they all charged directly towards the dragon and Seong-Min summoned the undead goblins as well.

They started using the movement ability from the reapers to slash and dodge any attacks given by the dragon while Oakley and the Angel were providing support for all of them who were fighting.

Diluvial and Thunder combined their abilities to boost each other and Snowy turned into her bigger form to attack the dragon, Seong-Min also turned into his dragon from and then started using both water and holy authority.

All of them kept attacking the dragon non stop but because of the scales of the dragon, they weren't able to do a lot of damage so Seong-Min went back into his normal form then activated piercing mode.

His skin turned into silver and then he charged directly at the dragon once again dealing a lot more damage towards it, Seong-Min also placed a poison bug on his shoulder to get that poison boost effect that he has.

While he was doing that Seong-Min summoned a couple Holy Spirit Kings and One Holy Spirit Emperor to attack the dragon as well and whenever the dragon tried to attack him or his summons he uses his divine shield to protect them.

Although he was able to protect them, his light stat was being consumed rather quickly and the boss's health wasn't even below half yet so Seong-Min started to pick up his speed and kept slashing cutting the dragon.

Oakley suddenly put it's hands towards the ground then huge roots started to come out and Seong-Min saw that Oakley just learned a new skill, it was called "Tangling Giant" it creates huge roots to restraint it's enemies.

So the roots started holding the dragon down onto the ground which made it's physical attacks mearly useless because it couldn't gather enough power to actually hurt anything as it was now stuck to the ground.

Which made it a lot easier to chip away it's health and the only thing they needed to be worried about was it's flame breath and just the second it reached 50% of it's health a blue flame covered the undead dragon.

It's eyes started burning the blue flame as well and the roots were being burnt away and suddenly the flames of blue changed into a dark purple and the dragon looked at Seong-Min and started breathing flames again.

Once that happened Seong-Min created a shield in front of him but it wasn't strong enough so he told Diluvial and Snowy to shoot water at the flames and Seong-Min did it as well to stop the fire that was coming at him.

Seong-Min was exhausted by that one moved and the flames of the dragon were even hotter, more powerful and it had a lot of kick to it now, Seong-Min's light stat was used up a lot and now it only had about 25% left.

He was definitely scared that he was actually going to die right there but he charged at the dragon again with one of the undead goblins holding him and whenever the dragon tried to breath fire Seong-Min would move with the goblin.

The goblin kept using the movement skill and the dragon shouldn't be able to interfere with the skill since it was a undead attributed monster as well and so using this to his advantage Seong-Min was still able to attack the dragon.

But the pace right now it was going to take a while to even reach 25% of it's health and even more if he was going to defeat it luckily he still had help from his summons dealing a lot of damage towards the dragon as well.

Then Seong-Min told Sobek and Ifirit to help each other since Sobek was actually able to learn quite a few water abilities from all of his leveling up and grinding and Ifirit should be immune to fire damage from the dragon.

So he made them go in as well as the other summons who were ok going near the fire but the rest of the summons who weren't a good fight up against the fire stayed back and attacked from long ranged.

The spirit kings and spirit emperor that Seong-Min summoned were pushing through the fires that the dragon created and it looked like they weren't effected by the fire a lot and they just kept attacking.

But because of him summoning the spirits, his boosts were taken away as well but now there was a consistent damage against the dragon even when he is trying to dodge so it was definitely a fair deal.

The viewers of the live stream were watching the tenth floor fight even better than the other floors because it has been a while since they have seen Seong-Min actually struggle in a fight before.

So he was receiving a lot of donations from them as they cheered him in his battle and so after a while of fighting the boss, he was finally able to make it reach 10% although nothing happened at 25%.

There was something changing about the dragon at 10% and it started glowing a black light and it blinded both Seong-Min and the viewers and when Seong-Min saw the dragon now he was now very un-confident about this battle.

Since the dragon actually evolved but it kepts it's defense and health at the same stat and percent but it's agility, strength and dexterity were a lot higher now than before and it's broken wings were now fully repaired.

The dragon was now called "Undying Dragon" it started flying now and Seong-Min was really angry and frustrated thinking how is this battle even fair for him and his viewers were even wondering if it was even possible.

The reason for this is because most of Seong-Min's summons had a few long ranged attack and it was even faster than before now so the damage was going to be a lot slower and the hits are not even guaranteed anymore.

Seong-Min just charged at the dragon riding Snowy to fight the boss while he was also casting spells and if any of his summons could fly or attack the dragon he told them to attack it immediately.