School Discussion - [ Chapter - 97 ]

After they defeated the boss, the viewers were even more amazed by the scene because they showcsed some powers none of them had seen before so they donated a lot trying to ask what they did.

Although they kept asking Seong-Min didn't answer any of their questions since he wanted to use them as like a trump card and it wouldn't be very good if every single person has information of his skills, abilities and summons.

He just wanted to show of what it could do basically and once he collected all of the loot from the bosses, he then went up to the camera and then said, "Hey Guys! Thanks for watching, I might ansqer your questions next live stream.".

While he said that he moved the camera pointing at Snowy and Blacky and continued and said, "Maybe I won't but I promise you guys the next live stream will be as intresting, see you guys next time, bye!.".

Then after that Seong-Min recalled Blacky and Snowy and was thinking of what to do next until he saw the time and it was getting pretty late so he decided to log off and then prepared everything for tomorrow.

Once he prepared everything, he then went to bed and the next day, he quickly ran downstairs and ate some breakfast with his dad and then readied up for school after he was done he then left the house.

As he left, he said goodbye to his dad and then quickly ran while heading to school and while he was heading to school, he met up with Red as he was walking, so he then went up to her and started chatting with her.

Red talked with Seong-Min as they were walking towards school, Red also apologized for not being able to help during a couple of the fights since she actually disconnected for a bit cause she had to talk to her parents for a while.

Which Seong-Min responded as he said, "It's okay, we all have our life and we have own classes in game and so we have our strengths and weaknesses and we were able to clear the dungeon even though it was a bit harder."

Just after saying that Red then just stared at him intensively and so he was a bit confused but Red just sighed as she put her hands behind her head and looked up and then looked back at Seong-Min.

Suddenly she then said jokingly, "What right do you have to say that every class has a weakness? You have the swordsman, magic, necromancy and tamer class all bundle into one! Your character is literally broken!".

She said as she laughed a bit and Seong-Min was now a bit embarrassed at what he just said and Red completely saw that he was embarrassed and so she giggled a little bit since it was a bit funny to her.

Though after a while, they finally made it to the school when they got there, Luna was waiting at the gate as she said, "Hyejin already went inside, c'mon let's go in now." she said as she headed in as well with the two of them.

They then went of to their classes and all agreed to meet at the plantation room once again and Hyejin already agreed to meet there as he told Luna before he went to his class and so the rest of the day went like usual.

Nothing that intresting happened although the popularity of Seong-Min's channel and as well as his friends' channels grew even more and a lot of them talked about their channels and stuff so it was really cool.

When a bunch of the classes were over it was finally time for them to meet in the plantation room and so Seong-Min headed over there as he already saw Hyejin waiting by himself and he was pretty early.

So while waiting for the rest Seong-Min asked jokingly, "Why are you so early now? Your usually not like this." he said as he chuckled a bit and Hyejin chuckled as well but he then sighed as he looked up to Seong-Min.

It looked pretty serious until Hyejin said, "My parents are waking me up really early and they said if they ever hear me being late once I won't be able to play on DigiLife for a while." he said with a teary face and so Seong-Min laughed a bit.

Hyejin was now hitting Seong-Min not to laugh because for him it wasn't funny, he was really scared of his VR headset being taken away just because he was late so he now had an alarm for everything and he was trying to be as early as he could be.

After a while of them chatting together, both Luna and Red came in to the plantation room as they were talking together and when they did Luna looked a bit red and so Seong-Min asked, "Luna, are you feeling alright?".

Which when he asked Red answered for her and said, "Oh we were just talking about a few things, it's fine, especially you don't need to know this." as she said that Seong-Min just became confused when he heard that.

Although Seong-Min was confused he decided to ignore it but the thing the two were discussing about was actually when Luna got like an engagement ring with Seong-Min being her partner and Red teased Luna about it a bit.

Then after that they all started discussing to each other what they were going to do next and they also invited to talk with Ae-Cha and Ari since they added both of them into their contacts so they could discuss together.

While they were all talking they found out that Luna and Hyejin were still stuck in the tower while Red and Ae-Cha cleared it already so they actually couldn't be all together when on what they were planning to do.

Ari was also a bit sad because she wasn't able to join them but the rest of assured her if she asked they would've invited her and they said that they just forgot because they were trying to search for the quest.

But as they talked, there were quite a few things that they discussed about and they just all agreed to grind for now since they didn't want to do much without Luna and Hyejin and so they started thinking of a good grinding place.

As the question of where they should grind appeared, Ari then suggested going to a place she knew where the levels were pretty high but weren't that high although the thing was that the respawn rate of the monsters were broken.

If they use that to their advantage they would be able to level up quite a bit and also Ari told them the place for where the monsters spawn were huge so they should be able to level up quite quickly if they grind there.