A month had past by now, its been one long month at that.

Life has pretty much gone back to normal except the odd disappearance of Aiden. I've not seen him since he showed me the basement, but its not really my problem anymore.

My sole focus is to concentrate on graduation in three months. I may not be living in that castle anymore like planned but I still decided to stick to finding a job in childcare.

That's my future goal.

But sometimes I lose that focus. I didn't think that this whole vampire mate thing would affect me so much but I had to leave, I couldn't stay there, it was horrible what they were doing there. It's affected me in a way that I can't help but have nightmares or can't bring myself to sometimes because of the pain in my chest that comes and goes.

I'm human, I didn't think it could give me so much pain but luckily my parents are there for me, more so my mom than my dad much to his disappointment but he says he sometimes can't help but go and answer their calls, since they are not only his bosses but his kings too. But I don't grudge him for it,I have my mom so its okay.

Ugh I can't think about this stuff while I'm studying. i have an exam coming up soon and I have to pass this. I've been reading the same sentence in my textbook over and over again. Beginning to get frustrated with myself there was a knock on the door that distracted me.

"Come in."

I slammed the book shut to turn to the door while I'm seated in my desk chair in the corner of my room.

"Honey I bought you lunch." Mom

She pops in through the door with a plate in her hands but I sighed and shook my head at her.

"Thanks but I'm not hungry mom."

She visibly frowns to me in further into the room to shut the door behind her and place the plate on a side unit next to my bed.

"Lily, You need to eat something. you didn't eat last night or had breakfast this morning." Mom

She said as she took up space on the edge of my bed . i just shrugged at her.

"I've not been hungry."

I've started to swung my chair side to side. My mom sighed to then pat the space next to her so I got up from the chair to sit next to her like she silently asked.

"Lily, My dear, you can't hide anything from me. I know you are hurting and they are too, believe me. It amazes me with how your father can even manage them right now from what he tells me." Mom

I huffed and scowled to glare at the floor.

"Its their fault anyway. How can they do this to those girls? Its horrific and disgusting. They probably weren't even in their right minds. They were probably compelled or something."

I then gasped when a thought popped into my mind, that seemed to startle my mom.

"What if they compelled to feel the way I do? What if they compelled me to sleep with them mom?"

Her eyes were twice the size when i finally looked at her face.

"No, sweetie they wouldn't of done that." Mom

I glared at her next to me and she glared back.

"How would you know?"

"Okay first, I get that you are hurting but don't look at me like that, I'm still your mother." Mom

I soften at her words and regret the way I looked at her.

"I'm sorry. I just don't know what to do with myself right now."

She wrapped her arms around my shoulder and pulled me into a side hug and I leaned my head into her shoulder with my hands on my lap.

"But you do know what you are doing. You are focusing on your studies and your exams coming up. You are actually doing really well considering most teenagers would even be able to think of anything else. you are a very strong minded young woman Lily and I'm so proud of you." Mom

I burst into tears at my mom words, they filled me with love, only temporarily filling the wholes that I hold right now from the separation from my vampires.

"Thank you Mom."

I wiped my eyes with the sleeves of my hoodie. I cried a little more, something I've not done since the day I came home, from the castle. I've been holding everything in, not daring to shred on more tear, thinking its the last thing I needed to do but I think I really needed let go of the bottled up feelings.

After calming down a little from the crying, I wiped my nose while my held me closer to her side.

"So, em, has dad ever told you how they're all doing? I mean I know vampires have heighten emotions, so i feel like this, are they the same or what?"

Her eyes wonder around the sight of my now red and puffy face with a gentle smile.

"Your dad has told me a few stories. Long story short, they are worse than you are right now." Mom

"How so? I'm sure they would just go back to that PLACE and do what they will."

I couldn't help but snap at the thought. I didn't direct it up my mother but them. That's the only thing I could think of what they would be doing right now, going crazy on drinking blood, killing and sexually abusing those girls. It just makes me sick to think of about it.

"You would think that but no. Its the opposite of that." Mom

I frown in confusion. Why would they not be doing that now?

"What do you mean?"

She lowers her arms around me to rub circles on my back in comforting motion.

"Well, your dad says that the day you left he told them to get rid off everything in that place." Mom

I gasped again.

"They didn't kill the girls did they?"

She shook her head with a small chuckle.

"No, they didn't. In fact they were all treated of all injuries, compelled to forget everything and once they were all well enough they were all dropped off at home safely." Mom

I nodded to the fact. It still doesn't excuse what they did but I suppose that's a start.

"Okay what about the rest of the place?"

I wiped my nose again with my now wet sleeve. I'll defiantly have to change my hoodie after our talk.

"They abandon the place and chained it up. None of them can enter the room now." Mom

"How? They could just break the chains."

She sighed.

"They made those chains from a witch's spell. not only you are their weekness but some witches spell can work on them. It doesn't kill them but it really hurts to a point, it's painful for a long time."

Oh. I didn't know that.

"I thought witches spells didn't work on vampires and when especially they are the vampires?"

"Not all of them, just some. if it were with anything blessed or holy than it would kill me but not them." Mom

"Has anyone done that to you?"

She laughed and nodded.

"Yes, someone tried to that spell on me but everyone have witches so I survived. A friend of mine saved me as she was a witch." Mom

Cool. I would of love to see a witch.

"But Lily I do have to ask you something." Mom

Her tone became more serious and I dreaded what she was going to ask me.


"Do you ever plan on going back? I won't ever force you and I you want to stay home and carry on your life without them then I will totally support you. Even your father will too." Mom

I don't think I can go back. The pleasant memories I had with them were flushed away the moment I saw that room. Everything came to light and did they think would happen If i lived there?

Did they still wish to continue with doing whatever it was they were doing? I just bare the thought.

"No, I can't go back."

I watched hoe my moms nose scrunched up slightly more forcing a smile and nodding.

"Okay, but that would mean you would have to reject them Lily. Reject the bond you have with them." Mom

I stare down to my hands thinking about it.

"How would I do that? Can dad not tell them for me?"

I know that would be a lot to ask dad because god knows how that would go down, I might not even see him again they might become that angry.

"You and I both know that would be a very bad idea. It has to be from the bonded person, directly from the mouth with their voice and their presence. It would make it more real for them to believe it." Mom

I nod knowing that's What I'll have to do but i'm not ready to see them yet, or if I ever will be. But at the same time the sooner the better.

"Okay. I'll do it. Can I go after school tomorrow? Dad can take me after school tomorrow."

She took my hands in hers with a very small hint of a smile. I remember when Damon first saw me in the castle bowing to him and Ren, he also had a small hint of smile on his which he wiped in the instant. Sigh.

"Of course. I'll tell him when he comes home tonight. i'll come with you tomorrow also, I know it won't be easy so I'll be by your side." Mom

I smiled back at her. She leaned in to kiss the top of my head to let go of my hands and stand up from my bed

."You better eat the sandwich now Lily. Don't I have forgotten." Mom

I giggled at her now feeling a little bit better from our talk.

"I will."

'Good now I'll leave you to your studies." Mom

I nodded at her and watched to how she left my room to close the door behind her.

I have such supportive parents but now all i can think about is what I'm going to say to them tomorrow?

How will they react when I tell them I won't ever be coming back?
