I knew that they would react badly but this is just madness.

Ruel actually tried to leap at her but luckily my husband got to him first and tackled him. But when I saw Newt trying to attempt the same thing I saw red and I had to hit him to put him in place.

How dare he?!

I had to make sure she got out the castle once I gave her my car keys and shut the door to keep them in from chasing after her. I helped Dahyun handling the boys. He's been doing this on a daily basis now, it's hard to see the boys like this but they've brought this on themselves.

I did warn them years ago about that room, but they never listened.

Luke surprised me though when he popped up from behind Newt but a glass shatters and it caused everyone to stop. It was the window.

Ruel punches the window and was ready to jump out but myself and Dahyun jumped over the desk in time and pulled him in.As he screamed on the top of his lungs, heart broken with his hands over his chest. He doesn't fight us, infact he turns to me and hugs me tight, not wanting to let me go. I know he loves Lily more than any of them and he stopped using that room since Lily entered his life but what could I do. Lily didn't let me explain things to her completely and I also didn't wanted to see my daughter cry.

I've never seen him like this before, none of them actually.

The office door clicked open and I found Damon standing near holding the door handle in his hand.

"Don't you dare to move a muscle Damon!!"

I shouted at him while I pointed at him with my free hand and using my other hand to rub circles in Ruel's back in comfort.

Ren jumps up from the floor and runs part Damon out the room, pushing frozen Damon out the way.

"Oh fuck!!" Dahyun

He ran the fastest I've ever seen him run after Ren. That's when I finally noticed Jin take one more step so I glared at him, daring him to take one more step and see what happens. Luckily he didn't move.

I became actually more worried for Han. He was oddly quiet and didn't dare stand up from his seat. He was more like a sitting statue, glaring at Dahyun desk chair that Lily once seated in.

He doesn't want to accept what happened.

Jin sat back down again and I brought Ruel over to him to sit with each other.

Behind me a thud of storming steps left the room and I turned around to see Luke standing still Infront of the desk, blank just like Han and Damon was squatted down to his knees next to the door with his face in his hands.

Newt's missing.

"Damn it!!"

I screamed. It's like looking after children.

Lucky for me, I'm a fast runner.

I sprinted out the door and just spotted Newt's foot as he ran around the corner.

Very fast did a run down the hallway to the top of the stairs case. I couldn't see Ren or Dahyun around but Newt was just down the stairs. So instead of running down that I jumped and threw myself in the air with Newt's back in the sight.

I landed right on top of my target's back. Newt fell on the floor screaming on frustration.

I gripped my arm around his face and put him in a headlock. He's my king and very strong but right now he'll be at his weakest since his mate just rejected him moments ago.

"No!! Volyl get off me!! I-I have to go t-to her!! Please!!" Newt

He pleaded with me and I felt so bad,my heart aches for him,for all of them. My daughter included but again the way they treated those women wasn't just right.

"No Newt. I can't let you do that."

My arm started to feel damp under his chin a d that's when I knew he was crying. Soon enough he stopped struggling and I shifted my weight off him to sit next to him and give him a hug like I did to Ruel.

I'll be doing this with Lily, later. I'm sure she'll need a full girls night tonight. I have a feeling Dahyun will spend a night here just to make sure they're okay and don't do anything stupid.

"I-It h-hurts." Newt

His hands grabbed onto my arms tighter as he cries into my shoulder.

"I know it will."

He let's out a sharp breath and whimpers with his tears uncontrollably falling.

The front doors opens and I look up to see my husband with a tired look in his eyes and an unconscious Ren on his shoulder.

"What happened?"

I nodded towards Ren just hanging by his arm on my husband's shoulder like a drunk passed out man.

"Oh I had no choice but to knock him out." Dahyun


"How did you manage that?"

"Believe me it wasn't easy but I had to repeatedly hit him in the head with a rock until he passed out. I'm sure I'll get it in the neck later but it's fir the best right now." Dahyun

That's a shame, but like he said it, for the best. It had to be done or God knows what he would do if he got to Lily in that state of mind. They are even more dangerous when heartbroken so it seems.

"I bet he put up on hell of a fight though."

He nods and shrugs up Ren more to his shoulder.

"He did. This is when I'm thankful he's weak right now or I wouldn't be standing here right now." Dahyun

He shows a forced smile but it's pained. He would be hating this just as much as I would if not more. They're his family, like his little younger brothers that he gives life advice to. It hurts him in many ways and I can see it through him.

"How is he?" Dahyun

He nods towards Newt who was still oblivious to Dahyun's presence, in his own world if disparity.

"Not good. All of them are really bad."

I sighed out.

"We should get these two back to the office." Dahyun

I nod back at him, but how I'm supposed to get Newt back to the office? He doesn't seem in anyway to be able to find the will to walk back.

"Yeah. But how am I sup-"

"I've got him."

I was startled by Ruel's sudden appearance. I didn't hear him coming down the stairs. He bends down to grab Newt's arm and pull him up.

Once Ruel stands with Newt now sobbing onto his shoulder, glaring at it.

I froze up watching him do that, was he going to run?

But then he shakes his head to look at Dahyun with a nod and then back at me with a nod and turn away back up the stairs.

Shocked at his behavior I stood back up slowly to wipe my hands on my legs and follow him up the stairs, listening to Dahyun follow behind me.

When we reached the office, Ruel placed on the sofa to sit him down and standing himself straight, no longer crying and screaming but blank.

Luke was leaning up against the desk, eyes full focus on the floor and Jin, Han and Damon were sitting with Newt on the sofa together. They all seemed to have stopped crying and now show nothing but blank and that's not good.

"What happened to him?" Jin

He pints at Ren just when Dahyun gently places him on the floor next to Luke's feet.

"I had to knock him out. I'm sorry." Dahyun

The sadness was clear in Dahyun's voice but Jin doesn't react just hum with a nod.

"He's still alive, that's all that matters." Luke

He randomly spoke but still not moving a muscle.

No one else spoke, just an awkward silence in the room.

"Guys I'm sure this isn't the end. I'm sure of it."

Damon scoffs and shakes his head to glare at me as I now stand next to my husband.

"How would you know? Of course it's the end. Did you not see that? She just rejected us." Damon

He stared at me with so much hatred but I won't take it to heart, he's hurting so they'll be very aggressive right now.

"Yes I saw but something's nipping at me telling me it's not the end. Only the beginning."

"The beginning to what?" Ruel

He finally looks up at me with red puffy eyes.

"I don't know but it's not the end."

I sighed out and Dahyun places his hand on my arm gently. I know he would want to hold my hand but with what just happened I don't think it's a good idea to do that sort of stuff around them just yet.

"I think you should go back to Lily, Volyl. She'll need you. Please take care of her." Ruel

He bite his lip after he spoke with his hands in his pockets, but I couldn't help but nod and agree with him. I know he is hurting but she'll need me and I have to go to her to make sure she's okay.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of her, Hmm. Thank you."

I caressed his back and he nods back. I looked up to my husband and smiled at him before saying goodbye for the night and walking out the office.

As much as I would of love to kiss my husband before I left, but like I said before it's not the right to do that. So right now my next destination is the shops for junk food for an all night girls session.

Lily will need some sort of distraction too night to and I'll be there for her as her mother.