His Domineering Protection

When I raised my head, I saw Derek. He was wearing a clean, white shirt, straight suit pants, and spotless black leather shoes today. He looked inexplicably handsome and fresh.

"What an arrogant mistress you are! Whenever you're scolding other people for being shameless, you should look at yourself and remember that you're more shameless because you're just a home wrecker."

Although he sounded calm and his face was devoid of emotion, it seemed to me that he was intimidating.

Casually, he threw Vivien's wrist aside. But it was as if Derek had exerted so much strength, she took a few steps back, barely keeping herself standing with Shane's help.

Shane pointed at Derek and growled, "This is my family's affair, and it has nothing to do with you!" "Oh, but it does, my friend. It has everything to do with me."

Having said that, Derek pulled me into his arms and calmly added, "If you divorce her today, I'll marry her tomorrow. What will it be, Shane Hayes? If you continue to be indecisive, you're nothing but a coward!"

Each word that came out of his mouth displayed how daunting he was.

Moreover, Derek was at least half a head taller than Shane. He was looking at the latter with an unwavering gaze that could send shivers down people's spines.

I was shocked that he knew Shane's full name, and even protected me so fiercely.

Never had I experienced being protected like this in my life.

He not only got my self-esteem back, he also helped me vent my anger on these two adulterers.

Of course, he also managed to make Shane think that I had cheated on him.

Shane glanced at the man who was better than him in every single way. He tried to open his mouth, but soon realized that there was no rebuttal he could make. Thus, he turned his attention to me.

"Eveline, I never thought you're that kind of a person. How could you do something so shameless behind my back?" The sight of his livid pale face brought joy to my heart.

He finally knew how it felt to be betrayed! Even if he didn't care about me, at the very least, he cared for his dignity

Perhaps to him, I was merely a piece of meat he didn't want to eat anymore. Even if he had thrown me away, he would not allow anyone else to eat me.

Truly, he was that kind of a person.

"Don't you have anything to do during working hours?" said a stern voice.

I looked over at the man who spoke and saw Leroy, frowning at all of us. In particular, he was glaring at Vivien. Perhaps he felt ashamed of his daughter.

Shane glanced at me and Derek a few more times before Vivien finally dragged him away. He didn't forget to pick up the bank card from the floor before leaving.

Shane glanced at me and Derek a few more times before Vivien finally dragged him away. He didn't forget to pick up the bank card from the floor before leaving.

The onlookers saw that the show was over, so they slowly dispersed. Then, only I and Derek were left at the scene.

"I want to see my mom." My voice was faint, for I was still immersed in grief.

"Can you walk?" Derek glanced at my injured legs.

I nodded at him, and told him not to help me. But the second I left his arms, I felt dizzy. Right before I lost consciousness, I felt a pair of powerful arms grab me right in time.

The second I woke up, I smelled the strong scent of disinfectant.

When I opened my eyes, I realized that I was lying in a ward. Louise had her head down, peeling an apple right next to the sickbed.

"Lulu," I muttered. When she heard my voice, Louise looked up. Seeing that I was awake, she glared at me with displeasure.

"You're really something, Eve, you know that? Why didn't you let me know that you're going through something like this? Am I really your best friend? I kind of want to stab you right now!"

She then used the fruit knife to pretend like she was stabbing me. I didn't move away from it, for I knew that her displeasure was just her way of showing me that she cared for me. I felt warm in my heart, and soon, tears welled up in my eyes.

Louise and I were two extremely different people. She had never once cried in her life. Or at least I had never seen her shed tears since the day I met her ten years ago

Compared to her, I feel particularly useless. Oftentimes, I would cry; sometimes, at the slightest inconveniences. She hated to see me crying, and always told me that tears were useless. "Well, go on! Tell me what the hell happened." Louise finally stopped scolding me. Knowing that I couldn't hide the truth from her any longer, I figured it was best to tell her the whole story, aside from the part about Derek.

Right after I explained everything, she kicked a chair nearby.

"Fuck him! I'm going to kill that scumbag! Shane Hayes, you're a dead man!"

Louise had always been loyal to me. I could tell at a glance that she was ready to explode right now.

"By the way, how did you find me? Besides, it doesn't seem like we're at Virtue Hospital," I remarked.

"We're at Wonder Hospital. After I spoke to you on the phone last night, I sensed that something was wrong. When I called you today, a man answered for you. He told me that you were here."

The man she mentioned was probably Derek.

When I thought of him, the words he stated earlier came to my mind. "If you divorce her today, I'll marry her tomorrow." I couldn't help but feel touched

"Where is he?" I asked.