Violent Meeting

Nearing the end of a warm summer day the sun reaches its magical hour. Looking golden outside light strong enough to pierce the lush green trees and bushes as the sun falls to the west almost perfectly a cabin radiating noise, singing and a stench of tobacco, Then a man emerges from the taxi dawning a black hood and black robes not even a spot of His flesh showing. Walking on a stoney path with barely any grass leading towards the small cabin. Possibly a family home? Hunting shack? That is yet to be seen.

As the men in this shack laughed, smoked, played cards and joked around, suddenly yet precisely the door  open and the shadowy phantom emerged into this shack. For a few moments nothing but utter silence unbroken, kept hostage under the same phantom's menacing pressure.

               Suddenly a smaller more frail man named Gambino, then gets up gains the courage to walk and approaches this man and attempts to talk to him saying.

'well how are you?, Sir would you like to drink, or maybe play cards? I'm Gambino if you didn't know'

As he points and looks at his companions previously playing. This man after pointing towards said cards in the same motion grabbing his knife and unleashing a barrage of swift, nearly accurate, strong-form danger slashes.

This Ghost doing nothing but dodging, evading like a boxer, weaving, rolling,ducking it seems this thug had the upper hand but this figure was only getting close to deliver a swift, exact, strong body blow towards Gambino's left side. while making an impact, shattering countless ribs on Gambino. Whilst stunned from this very moral attack the phantom took his dagger and plunged it till the hilt in this man's right leg. A pool of blood accumulates, then Gambino  falls. In his last breath saying

'Help, he isn't a human, run if you want to survive'.

succumbing to the blows losing blood by coughing from his mouth takes over slowly losing his breath and becoming unconscious. Nothing but two moves to kill one person this devilish figure now truly established himself as inhumane without flinching using his monstrous strength and cat-like reaction times.

            After those events transpired over a course of six minutes. Flabbergasted, completely consumed by their survival instincts, frozen, deciding instinctually whether or not to take flight or fight as an option. Completely in under a moment upon viewing Gambino's Husk, their collective lives flashed before them in an instant.