Love Is The Root Of All Weakness.

"Xander, three decades it's enough for you to forget about Anna. You can pick any girl of your choice, since you're still a young and eligible man." Master Wang Shu said to Xander who was staring at Anna's photo album on his table.

"A young man that's possessed by seven demon spirits." Xander starred more sternly at the photo. " I must avenge her death." He stood up and held onto the wrist band that Anna made for him.

"Mistress Ai Jing the Mastermind of the Angelic Beings is still in search of you ever since you got missing from the coffin she locked you up." Master Wang Shu said taking a sip out of his coffee.

"Locked inside a coffin for three decades,thrown into a forest of twelve demons, possessed by seven and you still call me a young man." Xander chuckled evilly.

" Your time was paused inside the coffin so there's no way you grew older." Master Wang lectured the stiff Xander.

"All thanks to the demon realm for sending you to me. I'm indebted to you all." Xander smiles at the evil but calm Master Wang Shu.

"Alexander you have no good side now, you're a villian." He applauded Xander.

" For killing the love of my life in my birthday sure are doomed." He tightened his fist as the mark that was separated by his left eye and the remaining scars on his body glowed.

" You're our weapon against the Angelic Beings." Master Wang Shu laughed evilly.

" What do you mean?" He sat back opposite Master Wang Shu.

" You'll never know now until when the time comes." Master Wang Shu grinned. "It'll be hard for you to fall in love again and once you do you'll become weak like a puppet, because love is the root of all weakness." Master Wang Shu strongly warned.

" Anna Lu died for a reason." Master Wang Shu added causing Xander to frown.

"Vengeance is what I seek until I find my right Anna." He walked out of the room banging the door so loudly.


At the other part of the country, Anna Shen and Ping Ming was helping Madam Pei Wei in her bakery.

"Anna, can you help me with the yeast?" Madam Pei Wei requested for the yeast used for making bread.

"Here you go aunt Pei." She handed over the yeast to Madam Pei Wei.

"This is really stressful,I'm just so tired with all these baking stuff." Ping Ming lazily complained.

" Oh com'on Ping, you won't be here forever,or don't you want to get a job?" Madam Pei Wei asked kneading her unbaked bread.

"Of course, I and Anna are in search of a job so we'll be able to fend for ourselves and pay up our house bills." Ping Ming explained to Madam Pei Wei who seemed to be interested in helping them look for a job.

"After college we didn't get any feedbacks from the companies we applied for." Anna became sad after remembering what she went through after college.

"You don't need to be sad Anna, you both can get a job." Madam Pei Wei assured them, she handed over to both girls two job application she got from her friend.

Ping Ming went through the job application that was given to her and Anna. "Wait a sec...These are prestigious companies. AL Holdings and the YI Holdings." She looked at the application with excitement in her eyes.

"Yeah that's right." Anna added.

"Anna I'd want to to apply as a secretary for the AL Holdings while Ping go for the YI's Holdings." Madam Pei Wei smiled broadly at them.

"Thanks aunt Pei Wei,you just don't know how excited we are." Min Ping grinned.

"Finally Ping, we can pay our house bills without any stress." Anna smiled sweetly at her friend Ping.

"The application form should be submitted next week to various companies." Madam Pei Wei informed them.

"Thanks aunt Pei Wei!!" Ping smiled.

"Let's get this bread over with." Madam Pei Wei said smiling to both girls while kneading the unbaked bread.

During the final rising (proving) the dough again fills with more bubbles of gas, and once it has proceeded far enough the doughs are transferred to the oven for baking.General appearance – large gas holes lined with gluten with smaller holes and ingredients in between these. After two hours rising gluten strands form a lattice as the dough reaches the required size.

Sweats already began to form on the three women's fore head. The bread making was a hard one for Anna and Ping. It was now time for the bread to be baked.

The baking process transforms an unpalatable dough into a light, readily digestible, porous flavourful product.As the intense oven heat penetrates the dough the gases inside the dough expand, rapidly increasing the size of the dough. This is called "ovenspring" and is caused by a series of reactions: Gas + heat = increased volume or increased pressure. Gas pressure inside the thousands of tiny gas cells increases with the heat and the cells become bigger.

They waited for some hours before the bread was finally baked. Madam Pei Wei wore her hand gloves and brought out the bread from the oven for cooling.

The bread was cooled quickly when it left the oven. The crust temperature is over 200°C and the internal temperature of the crumb about 98°C. The loaf is full of saturated steam which also must be given time to evaporate. The whole loaf is cooled to about 35°C before slicing and wrapping can occur without damaging the loaf. A moist substance like bread loses heat through evaporation of water from its surface. The rate of evaporation is affected by air temperature and the movement of cool air around the loaf. In a bakery there are special cooling areas to ensure efficient cooling takes place before the bread is sliced and wrapped.

Finally the baking process was over and Madam Pei Wei thanked them for their helping hand since it wasn't easy and gave them some loafs and the both ladies went home.