I Killed Tan Shun!

Master Wang Shu invited Mu Chen over to his office after informing him about Tan Shun's death that was a mystery to them.

"How come of the sudden death of Tan Shun?" Mu Chen sat at the swivel chair opposite Master Wang Shu.

Master Wang Shu face was plastered with a slight frown on his face. "The Angelic Beings are in searcg of Xander after he left the underworld to the city." He spoke with guilt in his voice.

" In that case it's a signal to warm us of their arrival." Mu Chen bit his finger in annoyance.

" You still don't know about Xander's hidden power. If Xander knew how to control his power and make efficient use of it,then the demon clans will be on a safer side." Master Wang Shu caught Mu Chen's attention with a husky voice.

"So Xander has that much power." Mu Chen smirked evilly.

"Xander has seven demons in him but he can't control it." Master Wang Shu worriedly hit the table with his fist. "I sealed the demons in him while we came to the city but now I can't undo it." He sobs dramatically.

"We need to go back to the underworld. If the Angelic Beings finds us here..." Mu Chen paused while letting out a deep sigh. "These innocent people are gonna go for it." He stood up to look through the window and exhaled.

"Xander is our only hope now." Master Wang Shu bowed his head with so much worry. "We never saw this coming."

"Don't worry, Master Wang Shu." He tapped the old man's shoulder. "I know you're worried because your old now and Xander is such a dickhead." Mu Chen gave Master Wang Shu a reassuring smile. "We'll defeat them, don't get yourself so worked up."

Xander entered unannounced and Master Wang Shu caught him by surprise by giving him a sound slap on his face making flames to flash through his eyes.

Mu Chen saw what happened to Xander's eyes in awe. "Oh....Hold the phone! What happened to his eyes?" He was in great surprise.

Xander turned to gaze ast Master Wang Shu with a piercing eyes. "What was that for?"

"You're not touched by the invasion of the Angelic Beings." Master Wang Shu coughed while Mu Chen helped him out with a glass of water.

"Oh, you mean those pathetic beings? Why should I give a damn worry about them." On hearing the name of the Angelic Beings, Xander eyes turned back to a fiery red eyes. "I got my own plans on defeating them."

"How come with the sudden change of eyes, chosen one?" Mu Chen asked curiously.

"It's something you can't understand Chen." Xander smirked at him.

Master Wang Shu got his strength back and was able to talk with ease, his old age was his biggest threat. "You know Xander, I'm old now and you need to a stronger demon to release your seven spirits in other to gain victory over the Angelic Beings for the meantime." Master Wang Shu coughed again.

"Master Wang, this is not the time to release my demon spirits because the Angelic Beings don't know anything about our whereabouts." Xander brought out a picture of Tan Shun and a clip of how he died as a proof regarding to what he just said.

"What do you mean by that?" The now confused Master Wang Shu asked.

Xander handed over the video clip to him so he can see for himself.

" Tan Shun wasn't killed by the AB's in other words Angelic Beings." Mu Chen said after watching the clip.

"Certainly." Xander nodded in agreement to what Chen said. "Tan Shun got into a gun fight with someone who was more experienced than him by giving him several shot on his throat." Xander spoke with so much passion while his eyes started turning into normal leaving Mu Chen again curious and anxious at the same time.

"How did you get a hold of these." Master Wang Shu gave Xander back the clip.

"That's because I was there during the incident." Xander chuckled showing his well arranged set of teeth.

"Xander what did you do.....?" Master Wang Shu suspected Xander and gave him a quick frown.

"I killed Tan Shun!" Xander grinned with a devilish aura all around him.

Mu Chen spat out the water he was drinking after hearing Xander's confession. There was not sign of remourse in Xander's voice. No one could figure out what Xander was up to. Anything he does always ended up negatively, he was a man of his own world. Master Wang Shu and Mu Chen wondered why Xander must have done such a thing by going to the extent of killing an ally.

"Master Wang Shu,did you just heard what he said?" Mu Chen pointed out to Xander's direction.

Master Wang Shu was short of words, he knew Xander must have a clear reason of why he killed Tan Shun. Maybe Tan Shun must have offended him or crossed his own boundaries. They can only find out if Xander opens up to them.

"I'll tell you my reasons for killing him." Xander smiled wickedly.

Mu Chen was nervous,he knew why he felt that way. Xander was not the kind of person anyone can you with. Of course they all know he's a killer and often referred him as Xander the killer. He had no merciful side.

Xander wasted a little of their time before he started explaining. At first he never wanted to go straight to the put as he kept on throwing glances at Mu Chen who gulped severally. Mu Chen was among the strongest ally from the demon clans but her was also scared of Xander. Xander isn't much of a talker but his hurtful words can kill a man.

Master Wang Shu waited impatiently for Xander to start explaining what he did and wondered while he was staring at Mu Chen as if he wanted to eat him up that instant. What has Mu Chen done wrong this time? Only one way to figure it out!