The New Employee.

At the AL Holdings, Anna couldn't believe her eyes. She was welcomed by the gatekeeper who seems to be an old man. She greeted the man politely, Anna pleaded the man to show her around since she might get lost.

"This isn't the headquarters of the company. Although it isn't big or as large as the headquarters. " The old man implied.

" It's actually beyond my expectations. This looks more like the president's house. " Anna chuckled.

" I'm Jing Jing. That woman over there." He pointed to a middle aged woman that will be probably in her thirties. "She's Lei Fei and she'll shoe you around."

"Thanks! " Anna smiled and the old man left her side. She went ahead to meet with Lei Fei.

" Hello ma'am, I'm Anna Shen. I'm here to apply as a secretary of this outstanding Company. " Anna said with a smile making her two dimples visible.

"I'm Lei Fei. Please follow me, there's the receptionist."

Anna followed the woman in silence. She arrived at where the receptionist was. The receptionist was busy welcoming other applicants. Looking at the receptionist facial appearance, she seemed to be really displeased with the applicants form.

"The AL Holdings has its own way I employing people. The employees undergo some strict test before they could get the job." Lei Fei informed her.

"I'm ready to face anything." Anna said with determination.

"President Li is the founder of the AL Holdings,he's also the CEO and he stays at the headquarters but this particular one is managed by Director Wang Shu." Lei Fei added.

"I've heard of President Li before. Isn't he the business god?" Anna curiously asked.

"Of course."

It was about time that the queue started reducing in numbers and finally it was Anna's turn for the interview. She gave the woman sitting opposite her, her application form and other requirements.

The receptionist had showed her to where she would get interviewed.

"You're Anna Shen?" The interviewer asked.

"Yes I am." Anna shrugged her shoulders.

The interview read through Anna's application form and other requirements that she'd submitted and smiled mischievously. Other applicants form were inferior to Anna's.

"Congratulations Ms Shen, you've gotten the job as the secretary of AL Holdings region two." The interviewer smiled broadly at her, extending her right hand for a handshake. Anna complied and they both shook hands.

"Thank you ma'am" Anna grinned.

"You can start immediately,there are alot of work waiting for you." The interviewer plainly said.

"No problem." Anna jaw hardened. She just applied for the job and yet she was to start immediately. She left the place where she got interviewed and told the receptionist about her predicament. The receptionist directed her to her office.

On getting to her office, Anna admired the hallway. She hasn't seen anything as large as it. Her father's mansion can be built inside the hall. She wondered how the headquarter would look like.

"Ms. Shen, that you're office. If you need anything, Madam Lei Fei will attend to you." The receptionist said politely and left.

Anna gazed at her so called office. It was more than amazing. Everything was intact. There was nothing she could lack since everything she needed for the job was provided. All her happiness disappeared when her gaze met the pile of documents that was on her well arranged table.

She actually knew what it'll take to be a secretary of a prestigious company. Fortunately for her she wasn't the only one there. Her office was also one of the offices in the place, she also had some coworkers. Her office was the first and was at the front of other offices.

If one was to enter the place, they'd meet with Anna first. The other workers paid less attention to her as they all focused on their work.

"Anna you'll be fine, it's just your first day at work " She said to herself.


"President Li, the region two has already employed someone that's fit for the vacant secretary job." Li Hun informed Xander who was staring at Anna's photo on his desk and the wrist band she made for him.

"I hope the new employee wouldn't mess up like the previous one did?" Xander asked still looking at the photo.

"According to what I heard, the new employee seems responsible." Li Hun said almost in a whisper.

"I made Director Wang Shu to be in charge of all the activities that'll take place in the region two. Just drop the new employee's document and make sure Director Wang Shu sees to it." Xander instructed almost yelling since he can't say anything with a low pitch.

"Your wish is my command, President Li." Li Hun placed Anna's Shen document of being a new employee in Xander's desk befor her left.

"Anna my love, can you see how I'm trying to earn a living. Now I'm not only wealthy man but also the business god of the country. I know you must be happy for my success." Xander spoke to Anna's photo album.

Anna Lu only wanted to live in peace with Xander, raising their children together but all her dreams crashed down in pieces. Although her death was Alexander's fault which the man could never forgive himself for causing Anna Lu to die in the hands of the Angelic Beings.

It's been three decades now and Alexander couldn't find a place in his heart to forget about her or forgive himself for him being the cause of his wife's death by working for the Demons Clan instead of the Angelic Beings.

The pain of seeing Anna Lu's corpse on her own pool of blood made Xander's eyes to turn fiery red. He remembered vividly of everything that happened; the letter and all that.

"I promise to seek revenge for your death so you can rest in peace." It was all Alexander said before he kept her photo album back and continued with his work forgetting the fact that Li Hun gave him a document of the new employee.