An Empty Drum Surely Makes The Loudest Noise.

"Why did you send Tan Shun to execute our plan?" Mu Chen blurted out. His eyes were burning with anger as he gazed sternly at the Ruo siblings who he took as allies.

"He insisted that he could carry out the task effortlessly." Ruo Nuo, the eldest of the Ruo siblings bowed his head to meet Mu Chen's gaze.

Mu Chen's plan was to eliminate Xander so that he could be the chosen one. Mu Chen wanted to be have the seven demon spirits to himself. Alexander was inferior to him. He's not worthy to be called the chosen one.

Mu Chen supposed to be the Demons chosen one but since Alexander Li showed up, his plans were ruined. He lost his position, he knew from the start that Alexander would be obstacle to all his plans ever since Master Wang Shu brought him to the Demons Clan.


"Mu Chen, this is Alexander Li. He would be your partner in the swordfight for now." Master Wang Shu introduce Alexander to Mu Chen who raised a brow on hearing the name of his new partner.

"I already have a partner and I don't need him. He doesn't even know anything about a sword. He also can't hold a sword." Mu Chen complained bitterly. He was directly mocking Alexander.

"I won't hesitate to cut your ass off. I don't mind going against my partner." Alexander threw a great comeback making Mu Chen to gritt his teeth in anger.

Master Wang Shu knew Mu Chen was good at blabbing but he also possess some potential skills.

"Mu Chen that's enough,you really don't know where he came from and the kind of skills he can possess." Master Wang Shu tried to put an end to the both men's dispute but hit was of no use.

"I want us to both compete with each other. I challenge you to duel." Mu Chen challenge as he shrugged his shoulders with so much hatred in his eyes.

" That's fine by me." Alexander smirked. This was his first day at the Demons Clan and this man wanted to welcome him the hard way but he won't go easy on him.

Master Wang Shu was uneasy, Alexander demons hasn't been de yet. He couldn't help but agree to the duel. He instructed the servants to give them the necessary weapons, he made sure they both had matched weapons and armor they'd need for the duel.

They were both ready for the duel. Master Wang Shu announced to other higher authorities of the Demons Clan about the duel and they came out to watch including mere demons.

Mu Chen and Alexander were made to carry out their combat at the center of the field.

Mu Chen wore his complete armor and swung his sword with pride. On the other hand Alexander already pulled off his armor,he complained he wasn't comfortable with it. He just held his sword tight.

"How can you defeat me when you don't have an armor to defend yourself from my attack." Mu Chen laughed out so loud. Alexander could only stare. An empty drum surely makes the loudest noise.

At the last drop of the the white quartz sand from the hour glass,the duel begun and Mu Chen was the first to attack.

Alexander dodged all My Chen's attack. Mu Chen only groaned I'm frustration. He was no match for this Alexander of a man. All his attempt was failed. He left not even a single scratch on Alexander's body.

"It's my turn now to play, pretty boy." Alexander chuckled.

Mu Chen was startled by his word. Alexander swung his own word severally. Mu Chen tried to dodge every bit of his attempt but he fait woefully.

Alexander possessed almost all the skills that Mu Chen has been dying to learn. Mu Chen ended up with a broken bone. His elbow was swollen.

"Is that all you can do?" Mu Chen stood up from the ground, maintaining his balance. He threw his sword away as he wanted a fistfight.

"Are you kidding me?" Alexander smiled evilly. He threw his sword also. This time around he was the one to make the first attempt. Since Alexander couldn't control his demons, his demons took the opportunity to rise and he gave Mu Chen the beating of his life.

Mu Chen became really unconscious because what the crowd could only hear was the sound of breaking bones.

Master Wang Shu stopped the duel. Mu Chen was rushed to receive treatments.

Alexander gained favor from the highest demon itself. The Demons Clan had its own ruler and it's ruler was also a demon.

Since that time Alexander Li became the chosen one because the skills he possessed was unimaginable. Far from what they all had seen.

Whenever the Demons emerge in a war with other colonies, Alexander was always the one to stand for them and he always came back with victory. Without an armor or a weapon he killed more than hundreds of soldiers.


"I just tried to play along with him,if not I would have been a dead meet by now " Mu Chen told the three Ruo siblings.

"He's clearly the Emperor of the dark." The youngest of the Ruo siblings said.

"I suppose to be the Emperor of the dark. I want to take back everything he took from me. I want to have everything he has." Mu Chen claimed.

"What do you want us to do now, master?" Ruo Nuo inquired.

" For now keep a close watch on Alexander Li. He's still mourning over his dead wife." Mu Chen didn't seem to understand what Alexander was going through. Hell No! Alexander wasn't mourning over Anna Lu's death but he was thinking of a perfect time to pounce on the murderers. He can possibly eliminate Mu Chen with his bare hands.

"How can a man in his right senses mourn over a woman that's long dead. Over three decades ago." The second of the Ruo siblings blurted out.

" That's right. Alexander isn't in his right senses and I have to defeat him before he regain his senses." Mu Chen smiled wickedly.