A Dog Called Lu

Xander came back home looking so exhausted. He walked through the hallway that was leading to his room, only to find Meng Xi feeding his pit bull dog.

His dog have been his source of happiness because it was always around him whenever he needed it the most. Meng Xi saw him coming towards her direction and immediately halted.

Thinking that he was going to approach her since she was in her best clothing she moved a step forward.

"Sir, do you need any..." She was cut off my his word.

"You can go home now, I'll take care of Lu." Xander squatted, patting his dog's head.

Meng Xi was confused, who did he just call Lu. Her master was going crazy.

"What are you still standing here for. Get out!" Xander turned to her.

Meng Xi was stiff, she wanted to disappear from her scary master's sight but her body refused to listen to her.

Xander just ignored her presence and continued talking to his dog. It's strange to have a pit bull as a pet but for Xander, everything has a reason.

"Lu, Anna has been reborn. I saw her in my dreams. I'll go on a search to find the reincarnated Anna. I just hope she won't be petty." Xander gave his dog a knowing look.

Lu just stared at his master without barking or making any move. Meng Xi thought her master has already lost it.

"Xi, you're still there. Well let me tell you one thing that we all find difficult to believe." Xander let out a deep sigh.

Meng Xi didn't dare to utter any word. She just kept quiet but somewhat happy that her master has finally recognized her presence for the first time.

"Depression is when you don't really care about anything. Anxiety is when you care too much about everything and having both is just like hell." Xander said using his hand to demonstrate.

Meng Xi found it a little bit awkward for her master to tell her this. She knew he was directly talking to a her because she'd been depressed lately after being diagnosed of breast cancer.


"Doctor, it's not an incurable illness right?" Meng Xi asked worriedly.

"Miss Xi, it's not an incurable illness but have you ever noticed it's symptoms?" The doctor asked adjusting his glasses.

"What symptoms, I've been experiencing some slight pain." Meng Xi said holding her right breast.

"New lump in the breast or underarm (armpit). Thickening or swelling of part of the breast. Irritation or dimpling of breast skin. Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area or the breast. Pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area. Nipple discharge other than breast milk, including blood. Any change in the size or the shape of the breast. Pain in any area of the breast." The doctor explained making Meng Xi to nod, understanding what the doctor said.

"I've only experienced the pain in the nipple area." Meng Xi was extremely worried now, knowing fully well that that's among the symptoms.

"Miss Xi, Keep in mind that these symptoms can happen with other conditions that are not cancer." The doctor assured her.

"What does lump in the breast mean? I still don't get that." She leaned forward.

" Many conditions can cause lumps in the breast, including cancer. But most breast lumps are caused by other medical conditions. The two most common causes of breast lumps are fibrocystic breast condition and cysts. Fibrocystic condition causes noncancerous changes in the breast that can make them lumpy, tender, and sore. Cysts are small fluid-filled sacs that can develop in the breast." The doctor winked.

"Thanks doctor." She smiled.

"Make sure to come for checkups. It's not an incurable disease." The doctor reassured.

Meng Xi thanked the doctor, leaving the doctor's office with a sad expression.


"Go now! I'll take care of Lu." Xander took it's dog by the collar and headed to his study.

Meng Xi watched him leaving till he disappeared from her sight. She had never seen her master like this. Was she supposed to be happy? After all she's gonna out his words into consideration. She left the mansion hoping to come back the next day.

Meanwhile, Alexander was enjoying the company of his dog.

"Hey doggy, don't mess with those documents." He chased his dog off the table.

" We still have a mission to accomplish Lu." Xander went to his room to get changed. He was now wearing his matching black outfit with a white Nike sneakers. He wore a white face cap and a mask so he won't get much attention from the public with his swaggy outfit.

Alexander took his dog with him, this time they were going to walk along the local market in search of the reincarnated Anna.

Xander went to a local coffee shop to drink some coffee while he'll investigate the area, without paying attention to where he was going he bumped into someone.

"God damnit girl, are you blind. Next time pay attention to where you're going to." Xander almost yelled not admitting his fault.

The girl stared at Xander from his head to his toe. "You're the one at fault here mister." She said.

Xander's dog then barker at her making her to run away in fear.

"Pttf! How dare she?" He shrugged his shoulders and left the coffee shop without buying any coffee. "The girl looks more of a kid to me."

Now he was thinking about how he'll accomplish his mission when he couldn't even find her. The ghosty Anna Lu was so demanding, if it were to be some other ghost he'd not let them go back to the afterlife.

His phone beeped, he took it out of his pocket to read the message which was sent by Wang Shu.

[I need to have a word with you at the exclusive bar.]

Xander immediately shut down his phone and kept it back in his pocket. Master Wang Shu was so demanding and he hate it.