Chapter 21

A café was the best place to meet this woman. Wide open space with a lot of witnesses. Just in case she got any funny ideas. Like drugging him or trying something crazy like exhibitionism. She had told him that she would be wearing a yellow headband. He stepped in and looked around for a lady with that outrageous colour on her head and he saw her at the end. Luckily it was at the left side so they weren't close to the toilets. They were still secluded though. No one would give them a second glance. A good thing and a bad thing.

He hesitated for a few seconds.

'Three thousand dollars and a free meal' he told himself as he approached her. He slapped his cammer smile on and approached her. She seemed to be so invested in her phone and biting on her yellow nails that she didn't even flinch when he grabbed his chair back. He sat down and cleared his throat. She looked up then.

He smiled wider at her.

"Oh my God hi" she dropped her phone and actually rounded the table to hug him. He did try to stop her, but just like in her texts she was persistent. She hugged him tight, his face getting buried in her soft chest. Well they couldn't be confused for mother and son, so he hoped something among friends.

She was really loud and talking to herself a lot as she still had him in her embrace. He couldn't even talk due to his position.

She let him go then and went back to her seat. She stared at him with that creepy smile of hers. It was coming off like that killer clown.

He cleared his throat when it seemed that she was just going to keep staring and salivating.

"Cynthia" he started.

"Masked Matt" she giggled. "You are way better in person" she openly leered.

"Glad I exceed your expectations".

She looked at him dazed for a while and it was making him uncomfortable. What exactly was she staring at? They should really give teachers psychological evaluations before they hired.

"Anna remember why we're here?" he asked coquettishly.

"Oh yes I do my darling. Tell me what you would like".

"Well those cakes don't look so bad" he said innocently, like he didn't care if he got it or not.

"Consider it done".

"And a cappuccino" because why not.

"Anything for my princess" he almost choked and he hadn't even gotten his food yet.


"Won't you eat anything?" he had gotten his food, but she hadn't ordered anything. Every single thing he did her eyes followed. It was unsettling, and that was putting it lightly. Just how long had this woman gone without sex?

"Problem Anna?" he tried not to sound ticked off.

"Oh no. No problem at all. I like seeing you stuff your face" she replied with a tipsy giggle.

He schooled his features so he wouldn't look affronted. He played it off as a smile and then he continued to eat. He did quirk his brow when she moved her chair noisily so she was sitting beside him.

"Why don't we get to talking hmm?" her hot breath was dangerously close to his ear. She drew a swirly pattern on his wrist.

"Are you sure you're done watching me?" he meant that.

"I could never get tired of watching you" she kissed his earlobe. "I never miss your live streams" her teeth came out to play and he tried not to flinch and scream. He looked around subtly and saw that no one had even given their table a glance. What he would give to have someone look.

"I noticed" he tilted his neck to get away from her mouth, all the while still not trying to show his discomfort, but somehow she got access to his hair. She tugged on one lock harshly and that put him back in his earlier position.

"So tell me…" she wouldn't stop worrying his ear. Now she was mapping it out with her tongue. "Have you lost your backdoor virginity?"

He didn't want to eat his cake anymore. He dropped his fork and tried not to think of her saliva all over his ear. "My what?" he reached for his beverage.

"Don't play coy. Your backdoor" the hand drawing patterns on his wrist slithered down. He couldn't hide the shudder of disgust that hit him. Obviously she would think something else. It felt like a lizard crawling down his skin honestly.

He gaged, feeling his cake come back up. "You mean my…" with everything he had done and was doing he couldn't say ass.

"Yes. Have you had anything up there?" her hand dropped in-between his legs. He wrapped his hand round her wrist on instinct, but he didn't push it away like he wanted. Three thousand dollars. He still didn't want to get arrested, just in case someone saw this.

"Cynthia. This doesn't seem like the time or the place for this" he gulped.

She bit his ear and squeezed him quite hard. He snapped his legs shut, but she didn't remove her hand. He couldn't even turn his neck to look at her in the eye. He just kept it down. His heart hammering against his ribs.

"Yes it isn't. So I have to know. Would you be willing to take it up?"

"What exactly are you offering?"

"What about pegging?" her tongue was in his ear. He wanted to clean that part of his body with disinfectant.

Taking a fake anatomy up there. Just no. Even if it was a woman still no. He couldn't do that.

"No" he answered on instinct. He was not even going to try to correct himself.

"Yes obviously I'll have to ease you up to that" she didn't move her fingers anymore. She just settled it there on his middle. "Have you been eaten out before?"

"What?" he looked to her then.

She smiled before planting one on him and biting his lower lip. "I'll ease you into it. Don't worry" she said as she pulled away. "How does tomorrow sound" she squeezed again before giving him a friendly pat and removing her hands. She leaned away and acted like she hadn't been doing anything indecent.

She got her phone. And with a few taps of keys he got a notification from his phone in his back pocket.

"So tomorrow then?" she looked to him for confirmation.

He could still say no. He could give the money back and never have to deal with her. But this woman was unpredictable.

"Sure" he agreed.

"Would you like something to go?" she gestured to the pastries.

"Yes" he agreed even though he was seconds away from throwing up.


He knew he shouldn't be doing this, but with everything Matt had put in front of him it was hard to trust him. So that was why he was here contemplating before his son's room on whether he should enter or not. What was he even looking for? He didn't know and he doubted that he would find anything.

He stepped in. Neat as always, he decided as he looked around. Nothing stuck out. There was nothing out of the ordinary. He looked under the bed there was nothing. His closet there was nothing incriminating. Looking at the top of his drawers and coming up with the same thing he felt really stupid.

Why would he not trust his own son? He pulled the middle drawer open, not even paying much attention when he saw something frilly. He almost closed it, but he pulled it back. Touching it and pulling it up, he was filled with horror.

His jaw dropped. Why did Matt have panties? He held it with just two fingers, like he was holding something revolting. He looked in again and he felt a bit dizzy when he saw that his son had a collection of fishnets and thigh-highs.

There had to be an explanation. Of course there was a plausible exception. If this was for the girlfriend that drove and called him mummy, shouldn't they be with her? And not crumpled in his drawer. And why were they crumpled. Had they been used? He would not smell them? Who did he wear them for?

To be honest he wasn't sure which was worse. He dropped the garment and pushed it close. He was taking deep calming breaths. What dad wouldn't be worried right now?

"Dad?" he heard from the door.

He turned around to see Matthew standing there, giving him a weird look. Accusing? Suspicion? Questioning.

"Hey Matt" he smiled stepping away from the drawers. "Didn't hear you come in" he hoped he didn't look nervous.

"I called your name many times" he stepped in. "What are you doing in here?"

"Laundry!" he answered sharply. "Was just putting it away".

"Where's the basket?" he looked around for it. Matt didn't believe him it seemed.

"I didn't need it. Not much" he could feel the sweat rolling down his back.

"Well alright" he said coolly. He was using that tone he normally did when he didn't want to argue, but knew something was up. Great. Both of them suspecting the other.

"Now that you're here want to do something?" Matt looked hopeful.

He gave him an apologetic look. "It's fine dad" he sighed. "Just go to work" he stepped past him and sat on his bed not sparing him another glance.

It was better if he just left before tensions got high. He stepped out and closed the door. He didn't know what his brain would tell him later on, but he knew it would be something bad. He hoped that he was wrong.

He had to get ready for work.