The Escape

They drove into gorji street one of the most quiet areas filled with all sorts of schools, maternity hospital and a station I guess and they were able to find a pharmacy to buy some medicines. The Iraqi embassy was not far away as they could see it upfront just by the road not far to a clinic but they also thought hard and well about it that going to a clinic and forcing whoever is on duty to attend to us might draw the type of attention we do not need at the moment. Miremba finally got hold of Lina who told them to get me stable first then get back to her when we are ready to be on the move again but this time we need to be very careful because they will have their most dangerous men out looking for us. After cutting off coms, Miremba drove to a safe spot just outside of the bakery as they both did their best to get the bullet out, they discovered I had been shot in more than one places. The plan was to stop the bleeding and get the bullets out then drive from Tripoli to misrata to catch a ship from there to Benghazi. It was a very difficult task with police everywhere and them not trying to shoot everywhere to draw unnecessary attention, Lenora devised their plan to move. Miremba said even though with her expertise they still need to get me to an hospital but since we are going to Benghazi, their is a general hospital we can use there just to stabilize me then we head to our next location which is Johannesburg South Africa. Lenora was not happy with the outcome of things as we already messed up big time on our first mission Miremba told her not to worry, Lina already has someone looking into the case just Incase we don't meet up with our time schedule. I was slowly coming back into it has I opened my fucking eyes I saw Lenora changing her cloths just in her pants and bra but packed with guns and knives before wearing her cloths and a hijab over as Miremba also did the same. I knew at that moment for it to come to this, that means we have been pushed to the fucking wall. Miremba came to me as she said don't worry you will fine, we are heading to Benghazi and we will take you to Al hawari general hospital for blood transfusion, you need at least two or three pints of blood and some antibiotics but this are just what we can get our hands on until we can get you proper medical care. They switched on the radio to hear what was on and from the looks of things, it seems the government was not ready to spill out their deeds as it will not speak good of them so they stuck with their same old useless fake news they feed to the people telling them an enemy of Islam as entered into the country to destroy their peace, joy and happiness making it easy to manipulate the entire nation. Lenora said to Miremba what a bunch of useless pricks, we must use this to our advantage since they don't want to expose it out then we will cover more grounds a lot faster by avoiding checkpoints.

We drove most of the night only stopping to get gas and moving through alleys with not much supervisions we were getting closer to our destination. I was out cold most of the drive sleeping during the night as I felt a little drowsy and weak they moved as fast as they could but life is not a fucking Cinderella story with a bloody happy ending and sure problem came searching for us. Morning came with Lenora stepping out to pay for gas as we fuel the car, only a blind man wouldn't notice Lenora's beauty. Her curves were even more attractive in the dress she wore and her hijab drew men to seeing her beautiful face, sexy lips and intoxicating eyes. It was an absolute mess of a moment with assholes and junkyard dogs wanting a scrap of the bone. Miremba made matters worse as she stepped out also with all the hypocritical fuckers well driven by the hormones to fuck, they grabbed Lenora's hand drawing her back asking her where does she think she was heading to. Fortunately for me I was just waking up to see and check what was happening but unfortunately for me again, I was caught in the crossfire. I said to myself shit that was a fucking mistake and Lenora hesitated not to break his hand with Miremba pulling the pistol on them taking them down one after the other. A bullet came through the door hitting me in the arm as they came back into the car driving away, I said to them I have been shot in the arm. Lenora jumped to the back to attend to me but Miremba was the physician amidst us so they swoop places as she drove off. After making it to misrata, we went to meet the person Lina directed us to giving us a nice sweet able spot to hide in on the ship, he said to us don't worry my men will dispose of the car and other evidence, you are safe now, I owe Lina a very big favor I cannot pay back for the rest of my life. Being in safe hands for the moment out of danger allowed Miremba and Lenora have a think about how we messed up our first mission and how we might be just days back away from our initial target. The man was able to get us someone to transfuse for me which a universal donor o negative onboard, made life a little easier. Lenora was having a discussion with the man while Miremba stayed with me just incase of any problems, Lenora was able to find out some information that might help with our travel. We were ninety five hours away from Benghazi which isn't roughly about four days to our destination but the man made sure we were prepared to get off the ship before we make port as they will be coast guards and police waiting for every ship that will dock out there for thorough searching. After two days I had recovered well and thought to myself that was a very stupid mistake to make getting myself shot on my first official mission for the agency and I felt like shit. I really could careless about how happy Lenora and Miremba were, because as for me I kept thinking about both getting our target. I said to them getting to and out of Benghazi will be difficult and tricky asking them both what plan have they deduced during my fucking little period of napping. They knew I hated myself for it and couldn't live with the failure of the time lost and of the mission so I try to erase all negative thoughts by putting the positive to aspect. Miremba said to me we are heading for Al Kish, it's our only option to get a fake passport and get out of the country, I said to her what the fuck do you need a fucking passport for when we can just find our connect then get to the border to catch the flight to Johannesburg.

It was the morning of the fourth day of our travel, after eighty five hours into our journey I had the privilege of meeting the people that helped me and spoke with them, then was it I discovered what Lina did for all of them that they were all so eager to risk their necks for her anytime she calls for help. She saved their family from a lifetime of slavery where non of them have the slightest chance of possibility to see each other ever again. They say prostitution is a forbidden act here but guess what it's one of the biggest business they make money from out here. It was a big shame as the man said to me even though I am Libyan, it doesn't exclude me from this heinous acts and I am forever grateful Lina showed up at my doorstep that day, I don't know maybe my wives and daughters would be a play toy for some rich bastard somewhere around the world. He said to me Mr let me tell you the truth it's not just here the cancer is spreading, they are moving far and wide doing as they wish and with no one to oppose and stop them, with most important figures in them government also involved in this shady business, it's just a matter of time before the world burns to hell. I held him by the shoulders to give him a little encouragement that as long as God exists, we shall all be saved Insha Allah.

South Africa ahas become a safe haven corn traffickers over the years with increasing numbers of missing people working as sax slave in the country. We all thought maybe after their independent from the fucking apartheid who held them in slavery for years things will finally change and they would grow some pairs and build their country different. I had high hopes for South Africa after Nelson Mandela rose to power, possibly one of the top ten greatest men in the world and Africa, this man was able to overcome hate with love and resilience. I dreamt of a new Africa coming from their side maybe they would inspire other fuck face bastards amidst the African president who knew nothing but their own selfish benefits and cared not about the people but it's seems just like one of the greatest authors who would walk the face of the earth titled one of his greatest inventions ever written, one of Lenora and aunt Lina's favorite book to read by Chinua Achebe Things Fall Apart. I said to myself that's moment things has definitely fallen apart in Africa and we are our own worst disease and enemy. Lenora asked me why I said that and I said to her think about it, one of the biggest market for illegal sex workers in Africa is South Africa. Reason with me, the only reason he is going to South Africa is either they already moved the girls down there and he is going to broker a deal for them or going there in person to collect his money. I told her about Lina reading an article about how South Africans kidnap people and sell them into the sex industry with most of them working in Cape Town, Bloemfontein, Durban and yes the place our target I saw going Johannesburg as we all said it together. That fucker is going there not for vacation but for a business, he is either going to find them a new fresh supply into the country or get them fresh supplies from the country itself as most kidnapping has been said to take place in Guateng. I said to them both I took the liberty of reading on some fresh new stuffs myself and got news on some organizations working in Ethiopia also, and they are growing larger by day with organized crimes to traffic women and girls as sex slaves. Devastated by these piece of information I gave Lenora, she became more motivated to kill as she said to us both we are about to get to the drop off point, gather everything you need, this time no room for errors or mistakes, just like we were trained, we need to put that to action now. The man came to us handing us enough cash to get by and some weapons just Incase we might need it, he said to us see you someday my brother, I replied to him masha Allah, kun jayid.