The police and the thief

We took our time before heading out the apartment checking if they had some people on us or around us. Miremba went out first pretending to go for a fresh air and a view of the sky, she kept on with her amazing complements of the true beauty of nature. After hearing her say the words, I went outside dressed for the job with my gloves on and my fucking boots. We drove down to the street just like given in the address, there was a lot going on outside with enough cover for us to hide behind just Incase something was to go wrong. I broke in first with Miremba keeping watch in the car pretending to be waiting for someone while fuck face cunts try to use dirty cheap pick up lines to entice her. I was not impressed and the more I here of her conversation with the silly fucks makes me want to blow my ear drums out. I ransacked the whole house but couldn't find anything of worth until I jumped on a family portrait of the entire family, his family, the siyabonga family. I checked for a brief looking at what I could find useful to us but nothing was left behind, he is very good I said, very very good. The only thing that mattered to him was his family and just a portrait of them alone was all I could find until a call came in from his friend Nikolai. Didn't know who was calling until the call went into the voicemail and I heard the fuckers name on the tone, hi this is zuri siyabonga, I am not available to receive your call please drop a message. Anybody would be fooled by that but just not me, no, no way not me, I said to Miremba what a nice voice don't you think, enough to make you want to buy him a hot cup of coffee the next day. I waited a little bit more to the end of the message when he mention Nikolai wants to meet tonight but he never gave the address or location so my best bet is we stalk him and follow him to the place. I was about leaving his bedroom when Miremba told me that he Ian on his way back and driving fast so I had no other option but to take toilet window to escape. I stayed still for a while hiding behind the flowers with the bastard inside looking around the room, he picked up the envelope from underneath the chair, then went into his room as I tried looking through the window then I found the secret stash we were looking for, a safe box locked with a security code in the wardrobe.

What a smart ass I began to think to myself, who would have thought, as he picked up some papers stuffed it into the envelope then took his gun and jacket rushing to the car as he drove off immediately. Miremba was about driving to pick me up in front of his house as I refused and told her to stay put, just give me a few seconds, he might have someone just around the corner looking out to see if he was followed. I got to the car with Miremba driving after him we kept our distance then told her of what I found, she was amazed but with all this it looks like we are looking at a bigger ring of connection here. We kept on behind him until we got to a very populous area filled with prostitutes on every corner then to one of the biggest casinos in the city. It's an underground spot for dirty bags, gang lords and scums to come do business as they please and most have their desires supplied and filled as they wish also. We couldn't get close to the place, it was filled with armed men ready to dish out the goods if needed and right now a good low profile will be good until we get our man. Miremba wasn't happy with the state of things and devised for us a way to enter into the place but if he spots us, we are doomed. We knew it could never be a trap so we both put on our disguises as we went to the door I said to them don't bother asking me any fucking questions, I am here for zuri and he is not in a good mood. That would buy us a ticket in if the bastards are not witty enough I guessed and it worked, we saw zuri rushes into the building slapping the guards on the head before entering, the guard said to us I wouldn't like to be in there with either of you tonight, the boss is pissed. Miremba knew no gangland or underworld organization would allow anyone in like that just because of a name as we may be cops, so they set up a trap to see if we would fall for it. Miremba spoke Swahili to me calling me her pimp and begging me not to let them know anything, she would get the girls to work harder with me smacking her on the ass and telling her I would give her a good fuck later. Miremba liked that playing her role very well she rubbed her bum all over my dick and said to me anything you want daddy, that eased the fool off falling into our trap as they said to me what I nice obedient dog you have there, I replied them i trained her well. I went inside with her as they bought into the idea, we were able to move around freely with someone leading us directly to where the meeting was been conducted inside. We got to the hallway as I took a turn asking for the loo, I told Miremba to wait for me where she stood. It was a defense tactic we developed, works a lot easier with Miremba than Lenora as she Is more submissive than Lenora.

Miremba began her play book with the guard flirting with him as I stood at the corner waiting to see the kill switch then we dispose of the body quick before anyone could ever notice. He was quite the playboy also falling in to Miremba's sweet seduction until he got knifed in the throat as we both locked him up in the toilet making sure the blood dropped directly into the loo. I was interested in wasting time so we got into it lurking and sneaking around until we were able to catch a hearing of their conversation. It wasn't much but we heard the word Washington and then we heard an argument break out between them as Nikolai got really angry and began to speak Russian before getting on the phone with his boss back home. Something didn't add up, it all just doesn't make sense again, what has Washington got to do with this, the United States involvements in all this, then that's a pretty strong alliance going on and would take a lot of manpower to take down. The meeting ended abruptly as we had to leave, we saw someone rushing inside also going towards the room meeting us on the way he said to us is the meeting over, I replied him in Swahili ndio mkutano umekwisha. It was a reassurance to make him feel more comfortable with us, speak the language, mix with the people and become indifferent when it comes to manner of approach, the perfect psychological defense mechanism, works like wonder every time. We got out heading straight directly for the car whilst the guard went to inform the boss that they have an infiltrator within, someone has been Killed and it's one of his top men. He couldn't take it anymore as he asked for a complete lockdown of the entire building no one gets in or out and they've should go have a look at the footage to see who it might be. We were already long gone by then and disposed of our disguises while Miremba made another call to Lenora to know what was going on with their outings. She picked and told us to get back indoors, it seems zuri is on to us and since she is currently with Riley at the station she won't be questioned by him so his next target is definitely we two.

It was the longest drive of my life as we both couldn't wait to get home, Zuri had one of his men from the station immediately look into us as they also raced with great speed to get to the house. We parked just across the corner from the house then began rushing inside, with both of us going in through the kitchen door we took off our shoes outside then dumped them into the dishwasher with our cloths. Nobody suspects the dishwasher, they always go for the microwave, washing machine or the dryer as they all have a great long history of being an avenue to keep dirty secrets and valuable stuffs. We pretended to be having a romantic evening as we liter the floor with our underwear's then into the bathtub we go with lights candles and a nice glass of champagne in our hands. Miremba loved the scene as she has always wanted to get a romantic evening with me even if it's for the job alone, something to make me find a love and see her, something to make her be of a worth to my eyes. We were both prepared for a visit but wasn't prepared to have someone burst into our home but not withstanding still, there is always back up in the tub just Incase of plan b. They broke in forcing their way into the parlor then started rushing into all the rooms and house before making their way into the bathroom to find us both there. Miremba was a fine actress and I have always believed if the fucking life of ours, this fucking path that has chosen us wasn't the life we were living, she would have grown to become one of the greatest movie star that ever lived. She saw the guns and began to weep, she held on to me and cried like an average civilian who couldn't hurt a fly. I played along telling them to get out of our house, they apologized for breaking in receiving a false alarm that we might be in danger. I asked him of what but they didn't say nothing and told us that they will leave a few men to stay with us for the night if we don't be mind, I knew it was a trap if we rejected so I told them they can wait in the car outside, I will get themselves coffee and warm food before go to bed.

After a while things calmed down with Miremba making them a cup of tea and I nice steak, I went outside to play ball with the boys trying to look like a nice guy. It was quite the evening as we spent time looking around the neighborhood, I was able to plant a bug in their car to hack into their coms and hear their conversation. I went back inside a little after eleven in the night as Miremba told me about her discussion with Lenora and what tomorrow might look like for us. It was a nice game all night of the police and the thief and we couldn't have them snooping around later so we had to watch them all night as they kept watch over us too.

Around two in the midnight, they made their move and their real plan and intentions revealed, with everyone asleep they snuck into the house again hoping that both I and Miremba will be fast asleep, this time the police became the thief.