The Solynus Galaxy and (Almost) Everything In It.

I promise the actual chapters will have much better grammar than this. I just couldn't be bothered to be perfect for what's basically a dictionary. By Chapter 1, this will be pretty outdated, so I suggest you check the google doc link if you want a more up-to-date list.

Galaxy: Solynus Galaxy

Year: 1237 FSC (1237 years after the Formation of the Shyviate Collective)

Backstory: 40,000 years ago and billions of lightyears away, The Milky Way became an uninhabitable wasteland. The various governments of the Milky Way galaxy drove each other to extinction over the course of a fifty-year war.

Three years before the entire galaxy became a desolate, lifeless void, a small group of humans about one million strong realized the ending this war would have, and worked together to flee the galaxy-wide battlefield for the very distant Solynus Galaxy, where humans have flourished since.

The Hand of Styx

An Assassin's Guild composed entirely of psychics. All of them have known each other since they were 5 or 6. They were all kidnapped from different parts of the galaxy, and their families killed, to be part of a series of illegal experiments conducted by a now-destroyed (by them) group of scientists who called themselves the Advanced.

After the group killed their way out and hunted down every member of Advanced, they formed an assassin's guild, as the best trade-worthy skills they learned in life were the ones they used to escape. If any other Assassins-for-hire spring up, the Hand of Styx stamps them out with ruthless efficiency.

All of them carry the scars from the experiments upon their backs. These hypertrophic scars take the shape of a giant X, extending from the base of each shoulder down to the base of their hips. For their home, see "Styx Home".

Styx Tactical Armor: Advanced armor with parts from various corporations. Consists of an Endon Mask, short sabatons that only cover the top of their steel-toed boots (look at Mandalorian sabatons from Star Wars), greaves, bracers, shoulder pauldrons, codpiece, and torso piece (connects over the shoulders and at the hips to become one piece, has a back and a front).

All are made of Bulgar Steel. All are a very dark black, making hiding in shadows much easier. Every member of the Hand of Styx wears this on missions unless it requires blending in. In such a case, members wear thin, laserproof chest plates under any shirts or dresses.

Shadow Jumper: See the entry under "Unclassified" Vehicles.

Excar Earpods: All members of the Hand of Styx have one. Theirs are black and military-class. Has an exclusive channel the team calls the "Styx Channel".


Quick Overview:

Fate: Null. TK rating 5 (700 Ibs), Null. Dragoon, H-6.

Tom: Ares, TK Rating 4 (300 Ibs), Enhanced Senses/Control. Beam rifle

Nikolas: Hades, TK Rating 6 (1450 Ibs), Tangible Illusions. Knives.

Autumn: Hercules, TK Rating 8 (4500 Ibs), psychic power to 2x physical power. Dragon Claws.

Maya: Hera, TK Rating 4 (275 Ibs), Emotion manipulation. 2 red Jenghang H-6's.

Fate: Main Character Male. Codename: Null. Age: 23 Appearance: Short black hair, dark blue eyes. Lean, muscular, 6'1. Likes to wear: Form-fitting blue T-shirt, black jeans, black belt on jeans. Leather, steel-toed boots. Prodigy Power: "Null". He can (optionally) make those who notice him consider him a non-threat. They'll effectively ignore him entirely. This extends to if people see him via recordings, surveillance cameras, or psychic senses. Since he isn't considered a threat, other psychics can't resist the mind-altering, as they don't consider it a problem.

The only flaw in this power is that it doesn't work on other psychics if those psychics had him in their line of sight before he activated the power, and they keep their eyes on him. If they break eye contact, the power takes effect when they see him again, until he turns it off. The non-threatening part of the power stays until another Psychic dispels it, or they see him again with his power off.

TK rating: 5 (700 Ibs) Skills: Well-versed in all weapons, several martial arts, popular dances among the rich and influential, and interrogation (nice cop, due to his power). Skilled pilot. Favorite Pastimes: Reading (fantasy, action), video games (FPS, sidescrollers). Favorite TV Show: The Snake-Eyed Detective (noir, detective show)

Typical Loadout: 1 Dragoon Railgun (black with dark blue camo spots); holstered on right hip. 1 gunmetal gray Jenghang H-6, holstered on left hip. 2 Breach Knives. Black Endon Mask.

Tom: Male. Codename: Ares. Age: 22 Appearance: Spiky brown hair, silver eyes. 6'0, lean. Likes to wear: White T-shirt, blue jeans. On Job: Prodigy Power: Enhanced Psychic Senses. He's able to control his telekineses to a very fine level, capable of grasping and sensing hundreds of things at a microscopic level at once, making him excellent at medical and technical tasks.

He can force electricity to build up in a battery and cause an explosion, can force someone to suffocate by closing off their air passageways, can combust air, and can kill foreign bacteria with a thought.

TK rating: 4 (300 Ibs). Skills: Well-versed in technology and medical practices, all weapons, interrogation (can keep them awake for hours of torment), and a few martial arts.Digital tracker. Exceptionally skilled pilot. Favorite Pastimes: Video games (RPGs, FPS), shooting practice, watching whatever's on.

Typical Loadout: Gunmetal Gray Vega SV rifle, modified to burn hot enough to match plasma's power; 2.5 x scope; has a sling for carrying. 1 "Seasons" knife.

Nikolas: Male. Codename: Hades Age: 23 Appearance: Skinny, pale, 5'11. Shaggy white hair, pitch black eyes. Likes to wear: mostly red, blue or black T-shirts, blue jeans. Prodigy Power: Illusions.

He can force people to see, hear and feel illusions. Usually, he shows them their greatest fears, which typically cripples them with fear and sometimes drives them to suicide. Can affect everyone he can sense (250 feet radius standard). Easy to shake off by other psychics if they have strong enough will.

TK Rating: 6 (1450 Ibs). Skills: Skilled in melee weapons, well-versed in sidearms and martial arts involving melee weapons. Physical tracker. Average pilot. Favorite Pastimes: Sleeping, knife-throwing, watching soap operas and romance movies, dating games.

Typical Loadout: 3 Breach knives, 2 Seasons knives in the belt around his waist. 1 Seasons knife in each boot, and a Breach knife concealed up the left sleeve, strapped to the arm.

Autumn: Female Codename: Hercules. Age: 23 Appearance: lean, muscular. 6'2. Brown hair to shoulders. Likes to Wear: tank tops, t-shirts, sweatpants. Prodigy Power: Physical Might. Can focus psychic powers on her own body to gain great strength (can lift 2x her TK Rating's Ibs, and can grip with her base TK Rating).

Using techniques she's practiced extensively, she can use her entire body's enhanced strength for punches and kicks, allowing her to punch and kick with her TK's lift rating times 1.5.

TK rating: 8 (4500 Ibs). Skills: Extremely skilled in martial arts (especially those focused on manipulating and shifting body weight), has normal gun training (can't operate plasma weapons). Average Pilot. Favorite Pastimes: Watching TV Shows and movies (comedies).

Typical Loadout: 2 Dragon Claws. TK is so strong, she can do more damage than most guns.

Maya: Female Codename: Hera Age: 22 Appearance: lean, no visible muscle. 5'10. Long black hair. Green eyes. Likes to Wear: baggy t-shirts, jeans. Prodigy Power: Emotion Manipulation. Typically hard for psychics to realize she is influencing them.

Able to influence and force people to feel certain emotions. Very precarious to get the right "mixture," so she typically practices on a teammate. Very similar to mind control, except there is a chance to backfire if she gets the wrong "combination" of emotions.

TK rating: 4 (275 Ibs). Skills: Skilled and well-versed in all dances the rich and influential prefer to use. Well-versed in melee weapons, skilled in sidearms. Skilled pilot. Favorite Pastimes: watching tv shows and movies (romance, action). Point-and-Click videogames.

Typical Loadout: Grappling hook (just in case), Seasons Knife, 2 red Jenghang H-6's.

Gavyn: Deceased. Died during the escape from the Advanced.

Corporations, Groups

The Hand of Styx: the Assassin Guild that Fate is part of.

Excar-Corp: Biggest mining company in the galaxy. Mines metals. Also manufactures ships. Run by George Excar.

Jenghang Industries: Mainly mines Jenghang Crystals and Grapha Pearls, exotic crystals. The only corporation with knowledge of how to process them. Makes most Kozmos Drives and civilian firearms. Run by Michael Jenghang III, whose grandfather discovered the crystals. Motto: "Bend Light, Break Space."

Lightshow Weaponry: Makes Civilian firearms. Makes classified military weapons. Makes civilian ship weaponry.

Shipshape Shipyards: Makes Civilian ships. Comfort ships and mass transport. Run by a board of directors. Expensive, prestigious.

Lightspeed Automatics: Makes ships for both military and civilians. Prioritizes speed. Popular with racers.

Klentoon: Manufactures most military vehicles, ships, and weapons. Run by Henry Klen and Ken Toon.


Fild-In Republic: The governing body of Fildosten. Led by Fildentat, who is elected by citizens of the world. Part of the Shyviate Collective.

Shyviate Collective: The Shyv is the supreme ruler. The role is inherited by blood. Has the final say, but mostly allows planets to be autonomous. Emblem: A black hole surrounded by four stars (shape) up, down, left and right.

Legion: Hivemind of Cragosts. Lead by the Cragost Queen. Hates other life. At War with Shyv Collective


Fildost Steel: Dark blue metal. Stronger than steel, but heavier. Can be sharpened enough to cut other metals. Found on Fildost 9. Rare and expensive.

Public Light Platform: Massive underground tunnels crisscross the city of Mystar. Stepping on a platform lined with rails (each can hold up to 400 people). Stand on it. The platform moves near-lightspeed towards a destination. Takes up to 2 seconds to get from one end of the city to the other.

Kozmos Drive: This allows ships to reach lightspeed. Used to travel around the galaxy at fast speeds.

Bulgar Iron: Extremely resistant to high (7000 degrees) and low (-700 degrees) temperatures. Used mainly to build ships and laser guns. Extremely common. As strong as regular steel.

Can be made into Bulgar Steel, making it as strong as Titanium, but the temperature range is halved both ways (can only withstand -350 to 3500 degrees), making it useless for spaceships, and very useful for experimental weapons. However, extraordinarily expensive to do due to the high melting point of Bulgar Iron.

Jenghang Crystal: great at refracting and amplifying light. Used to make lasers on ships and laser guns. Can also be used for cloaking, although only Psychics can alter them to do such.

Grapha Pearl: Needed to make Kozmos Drive.

Radar: Used on ships to detect other ships. All ships have them. Cannot detect cloaking.

Energy Clip: a clip that contains a certain amount of charge, used to power weapons.

Proton Breeder: Removes need to reload and generates a charge for the gun to shoot. Each lasts about 2 years. Needs to rebreed.

Energy Shield: a shield generated around an object or location, designed to ward blows from lasers, plasma, and physical objects. Shield class fits vehicle class unless otherwise specified. Civilian shields can ward off lasers and physical objects for about 3 minutes of continued pressure, and plasma for 20 seconds.

Military shields can ward off lasers and physical objects for 10 minutes of continued pressure (on fighters) and 1 hour of continued pressure (on larger ships) and can ward plasma off for 3 minutes (fighter) and 10 minutes (larger ships).


Michael Jenghang III: runs Jenghang Industries. Friendly rivals with George Excar. 33

George Excar: runs Excar-Corp. Friendly rivals with above. 38

Shyv Palar: Jeffrey Palar. Shyv of the Shyviate Collective. Silver hair, Gold eyes like all Palar. 45.


Shill: currency of the galaxy. Exchange rate for readers: 1 Shill is 2 US Dollars. Minted as coins. One side has the face of Shiv, other side has the Emblem of the Collective. Copper coins are 1 Shill, Bronze is 5, Silver is 10, Silver with gold rim is 20, gold with silver rim is 50, and gold is 100.

Civilian-class: for weapons, this means the lasers are ineffective against thick armor. For ships: civilian-class weapons, not particularly fast or armored. Max speed (without warp) is Mach 10.

Military Class: for weapons: encompasses guns with full-auto capability, weapons with Proton Breeders, or armor-piercing Plasma weapons. For ships: either exceptionally armored, exceptionally fast (Mach 30 max), Exceptionally armed, or some lesser combination of the three. It is extremely illegal for anyone not part of the military to possess military-class equipment.

Overheat: when a laser weapon overheats, it automatically locks itself from firing until cooldown. If this cooldown were somehow to be overridden, the weapon would melt itself within a few shots. Cooldown is typically 3 seconds for sidearms, and 1.5 seconds for rifles. Overheating can be avoided by shooting sparingly.

Rebreed: When a Proton Breeder makes more charge. Most rebreed about 5 shots worth per second.

Hologram: While holograms do exist in this galaxy, due to the requirement of Jenghang Crystals, which must be melted very carefully and in very specific patterns (much thinner and more complex than laser weapons), they are very bulky and require box-shaped emitters about the size of a coffee table, and twice as high. As such, they are used exclusively for three-dimensional maps, or for very expensive and very flashy hologram shows (which typically need about a house's worth of space).

Psychic: The Fildenen, Cragost, and Scirnock are all psychics. Human psychics are much rarer and are typically the result of very painful and very illegal experiments on children. Every human psychic has telekinesis, although the strength varies.

All human psychics can sense each other in a range of 500 feet and can sense other things ranging in size from a coin to a mountain in a range of 250 feet. Psychics can resist the mental powers of certain Prodigies, but they must be aware they are being influenced by them first.

Telekinesis: a Psychic power unique to humans Called TK for short (because I'm too lazy to type out "telekinesis every paragraph, and so are the people in this galaxy)

TK Rating: the power of a psychic's TK. A rating of 1 means they can only lift about 25 Ibs maximum. 2 means 50 lbs, 3 means 100 Ibs, 4 means 200 Ibs, 5 means 400 Ibs, 6 is 800 Ibs, 7 is 1600 Ibs, 8 is 3600 Ibs, 9 is 7200 Ibs, and 10 can lift anywhere from 100,000 pounds to entire planets. Example of how the rating works: If someone cannot lift 7200 Ibs (the rating for TK 9), then they are considered TK 8, even if they can lift 7199 Ibs. Of course, 10 is purely theoretical.

A psychic's grip strength with their TK is equal to half of what they can lift. The average TK rating is around 4 and 5. The maximum amount of TK rating Ibs can be distributed in any way needed. An example: someone with a TK rating of 2 and a lift strength of 50 Ibs can lift two 25 Ibs items, 5 10 Ibs item, 20 5 Ibs items, etc.

Prodigy: a Human psychic with an ability other than telekinesis (although all Prodigies have telekinesis as well). Extraordinarily rare, the Advanced found a way to guarantee the awakening of a Prodigy…if the subject can survive the procedure.


Civilian class

Jenghang X-12 "Scattershot": a semi-auto rifle that shoots multiple lasers at once, which scatter in different directions. Close range. Slow firing rate means no overheating. 5 shots per clip. 1000 Shills.

Jenghang H-5: Small laser pistol commonly used by civilians. Semi-Auto, a decade-old model, prone to overheating (5 rapid shots before cooldown). Mid range. 6 shots per clip. 500 Shills

Jenghang H-6: Similar to H-5, but venting innovations allow it to fire longer before overheating (8 rapid shots before overheating). Civilian class. Mid range. 8 shots per clip. 700 shills

Vega SV: Lightshow Weaponry. Civilian-class rifle that fires continuous beam. Overheating occurs after about 4 seconds of continuous fire. Mid range. 12 shots per clip. 1200 Shills.

Vega SM: Lightshow Weaponry. Civilian-class. Laser pistol, higher power than H-6, but extremely prone to overheating (3 rapid shots before cooldown). 8 shots per clip. Mid range. 750 Shills.

Orga mdl 5: Lightshow Weaponry. Civilian-class. Hunting laser rifle with 5x scope. 3 rapid shots before cooldown. Long range. 5 shots per clip. 840 Shills


K5X: Klentoon. Military-class. Laser rifle that switches between full auto and semi. Has sights that can switch from 1.5x magnification to 3x magnification. Almost no overheating at semi-auto (38 rapid shots before cooldown), but very prone to overheating at full auto (15 continuous shots before cooldown). Mid to long range. Has Proton Breeder, allowing for about 40 shots before it must rebreed. 3900 Shills.

P-X10: Klentoon. Military-class. A rifle that shoots plasma. Mid-range. No overheating. Holds 4 shots per energy clip.

P-X1: Klentoon. Sidearm plasma pistol. Military-class. Every military person carries this, as plasma is the only energy type effective against Cragost. 10 shots per clip. Close Range. 560 Shills.

Fildost Steel "Breach" Knife: Klentoon. Military-class. Allows for ease of cutting through armor, and can be used to breach star ships.

Excar "Seasons" Knife: Excar-Corp. Military-class. Uses an energy clip in the hilt to either heat or chill the blade to a ridiculous degree.

"Dragoon" Railgun: Lightshow Weaponry. Military-class. Pistol-sized railgun shaped similar to a revolver with a long, perforated barrel. Range of 300 feet. Holds 6 shots, and requires reloading each bullet. 1200 Shills

Garvon Gas Grenade: Klentoon. Releases gas that poisons anyone who breathes in. Takes 5 seconds to kill.

"Hydra" Hydrogen Bomb: Excar-Corp and Jenghang Industries (for demolition). Impact causes it to start seeping Hydrogen. After all the gas is expelled (takes 2 seconds), a lighter in the canister ignites the gas.

Serpent's Strike: Lightshow Weaponry. Smoke grenade.

Dragon Claw: Klentoon. Gauntlet made of Bulgar Iron. Has Fildost Steel on the fingertips, palm, and knuckles. Allows the wearer to grip metal, slowly melting it, or punch their way into metal by weakening its solidity.


Endon Mask: Jenghang Industries. protects the wearer from dust and airborne toxins. Holds/Recycles 2 hours of oxygen (refillable). Flat mask with small vents on each cheek. Variety of colors.

Foldeen Grappling Hook: Excar-Corp (for mineshaft escape, mountain traversal). The size of a palm, can hold up to 1000 Ibs.

Excar Earphones: Basically Bluetooth earbuds that perform calls. Made by Excar-Corp. Variety of colors. Range of entire civilized galaxy. Powered by extremely powerful Excar Towers that can cover the range of ¼ of a Solar System each. These towers are extremely well-maintained by Excar-Corp and well-protected by the military. Military-class Ears are resistant to tampering, hacking, etc, and have special channels for open communication between teammates. 250 Shills for civilian-class Earphones, so every adult has one, including the Hand of Styx.

They are a sphere inserted in the ear, with a piece of painted iron that loops around the top and behind of the ear. Come in models for the left ear and right ear. All are charged by body heat. To call with them, one presses down a button on the outside of the sphere and, while holding the button down, says "call [insert the name in contacts]".

Attuned to the owner's body heat, but can last for about 5 minutes in a call without it. Can be turned off by pressing the button 5 times quickly. Can add other earphones to contact by tapping another earpiece, or inserting it into a slot most civilian computers have and downloading the desired earphone's ID.

Ships and vehicles

Military Class

"Kraken" Klentoon Mobile Weapons Platform 4500: Resembles a long "T" floating vertically. Lands horizontally. The entire vertical part of the "T" is covered in laser cannons, plasma casters, and missile launchers. The horizontal part is where the fighters and troops stay at the ready. 4 miles tall. City killer. The vertical part can be detached to allow escape, and can remotely detonate the part as a payload. Kozmos Drive, Energy Shields.

"Phoenix" Klentoon Capital Ship: Resembles flattened rectangular prism with rounded top and bottom. Near the back thrusters, on each side, protrudes massive rectangular cannons. Used heat from thrusters to help generate power. Each cannon can shoot enough plasma with one shot to topple a mountain. On the top of each cannon are two swiveling missile launchers. On the top and bottom of the ship, there are many laser cannons. 6 miles long. Kozmos Drive, Energy Shields.

"Firebird" Klentoon Fighter Ship: Looks like a horizontal "A". Thrusters in between the tails. The top of the tails have plasma cannons facing forward, the bottoms have laser cannons facing forward, and the back of the tails have laser cannons facing backward. Also a bomber. Bombs or missiles can be stored directly underneath the cockpit, near the front. Energy Shield. Can reach Mach 30

"Ghostbird" Klentoon Stealth Ship: similar to the Firebird, but painted dark black to blend into space, and capable of cloaking for up to 2 hours. Typically used as bombers or scouts. Rare and expensive. Can reach Mach 32.

Civilian Class

FF-5000 Freighter: Excar-Corp. 3 miles long. Designed for industrial transport. Massive Cylinder with a flat bottom. Kozmos Drive, Energy Shields. A light amount of weaponry (lasers).

KL-2500 "Thumb" Cruiser: Lighstpeed Automatics. Short, round and wide, like a thumb. Designed to transport people long distances. Kozmos Drive. A light amount of weaponry (lasers).

GS-2350 Pleasure Cruiser: Shipshape Shipyards. Designed to transport people long distances in comfort. Medium amount of weaponry (lasers). Resembles water yachts. 1 mile long. Kozmos Drive. Energy Shields.

Heylian Flier: Shipshape Shipyards. A personal ship designed for comfort. Resembles a "D". A glass window at the very front. 500 feet wide. Medium weaponry. Kozmos Drive, Energy Shields.


Shadow Jumper: Klentoon. Used only by members of the Hand of Styx (each member has one). Cloaking, Kozmos Drive, Military Energy shields. Medium Weaponry (lasers, plasma). Can reach Mach 35. Such a dark black, it is extremely difficult to see in space. Looks like an H if the horizontal line was a circle, with the top and bottom of the circle reaching the top and bottom of the H. 80 feet long, 50 feet wide. Every Styx member has one.

Misc Vehicles

"Raven" VTOL Bike: Lightspeed Automatics. Has 4 VTOL fans, one at each "corner". Can reach Mach 19. Max height of 300 feet above ground level. Civilian-class. Military-class is available, with 2 laser guns at front and 1 at back, and faster max speeds and acceleration.

Behemoth: Lightshow Weaponry and Klentoon. Classified Military-class land weapons platform. 1 mile tall, 2Bipedal with legs shaped like lizard legs. On top is a massive "head" shaped like a prism with slanted sides that lean inward to the ceiling. The Left and right sides of the "head" each have 2 massive cannons, one that shoots plasma and one that is a railgun. The top of the "head" also holds hundreds of anti-ship missiles.

"Clunker" Industrial mechs: Civilian-class. Tall, broad, human-shaped. No head. The cockpit is in the torso. Glassless window at head-level of the cockpit to see. Military-class is available. Has reinforced glass in the window, and the inside is lined with Bulgar Iron. Weapons include Fildost Steel blades mounted on the arms and shoulder-mounted plasma cannons.


Fildian Solar System

Governed by Fild-In Republic.

Fildosten: planet filled with rainforests. Plants are blue instead of green (minus wood). Homeworld of Fildenens. Everything seems to be blue, all things are shades of blue including stone.

Moon: Fildost 9. A high amount of Fildost Steel, no atmosphere. Excar-Corp is mining the moon. Blue, stone moon.

Ranton: 1/4 of the world is grassy plains. 1/4 is Savannah. Half is an ocean. Very little cover on the world, little amount of trees and bushes. Few trees are miles tall. Rich people live on the grassy plain side. Use the savannah side for hunting. Hunting resort. Savannah's side has deer, wolves, elephants, Scirnocks.

Narro: Typical planet. Has plains, forests, oceans, one long river, mountains, and a small desert. Both Humans and Fildenen live here. Similar to Suburbs. Hildan, Marro, Mena, and Tora villages. Hildan and Marro on plains, with Marro at the base of the planet's Mar mountain chains. Mena and Tora are in the forest, along the river. Desert full of Sand Worms.

Fild 15: Gas giant, various shades of blue.

Mystarian Solar System

Governed by the Mystar Shyviate

Mystar: Human capital. ¾ of the planet is a sprawling city called Mystar, other 1/4 is a wildlife reserve. ½ of the wildlife reserve is a massive lake. People get around in Mystar by using the Public Light Platform. World is as big as a small sun.

Bulgar I, II, III, IV: Mining planets to grab Bulgar Iron. Like all mining planets, these are mostly lifeless and full of dust and dirt. Requires breathing masks to work in. Bulgar IV also has Jenghang Crystals. I, II, III mined by Excar-Corp. IV is mined by Jenghang Industries.

Myst I, II: Completely covered in Cities. Each city is named after the planet (Myst I, Myst II). Where most citizens live.

Mining Sector

Bulgar V thru XV: Mined by Excar-Corp. Has Bulgar Iron. VI has a small amount of Fildost Steel. All have lots of normal iron.

Bulgar XVI thru XX: Mined by Jenghang Industries. Has Jenghang Crystals and Bulagr Iron.

Graph I thru V: mined by Excar-Corp and Jenghang Industries.

Cragost Cove

¼ of the galaxy is completely controlled by Cragost.


Fildenan (plural, Fildenen): Sapient Species. Blue skin. 4 eyes, in the center of the face, arrayed with one pair above the other pair. Their eyes are slanted like a cat and black with blue pupils. Eat by absorbing food into the skin. No mouth, but can speak telepathically. Every member of the species is Psychic, but can only use telepathy. Rarely found outside of Fildian Solar System.

Humans: live pretty much everywhere habitable.

Scirnock: Raptor-like legs. Stand on two feet. Arms are wings, scaled. Long tail with a spike at the end, used to spear prey. Typically gray in color. Human-shaped head, but nothing except a large mouth. Hunt by sensing with psychic powers. Can also use them to enhance screech and immobilize prey with fear. Very rare, endangered.

Cragost: anthropomorphic, lobster-like creatures. Sapient. Hive-mind. Carapaces are resistant to lightweight laser weaponry, need powerful ones to pierce through (military grade, ship weapons). Torso extends into a long tail/body about 6 feet long, similar to a centipede centaur thing. 6 legs on either side of the tail. From the shoulders extend long arms with powerful pincers. Below these arms, lower on the torso, are 2 arms, each with 2 fingers and a thumb. Very good in the cold, very bad with heat. Likes human flesh.

Cragoloss: Giant, living ships used by the Cragost. Resemble Massive half-ovals (long-wise) covered in a thick carapace. Can spit balls of superheated plasma. Eats rocks and metal, so can eat ships. Used as carriers, command ships.

Cragolo: Younger Cragoloss. Used as fighters. Flatter and wider than fully-grown Cragoloss.

Sand Worms: Found anywhere with sand. Can be anywhere from 1500ft to 7 miles long. Hostile.

Styx (Hideout)

(please use the reference picture, linked in the synopsis. Instagram.)

Location: Narro. Sequestered on a bowl-shaped section where several mountains intersect on the Mar mountain chain. The mountains are close to Marro village.

Each gap in the walls is a door.

The "walls" that jut out next to the kitchen and armory aren't actual walls. They show where the respective areas end.

The areas from the Hanger/Garage and Practice Dummy areas all the way to the right have warehouse-like interior.

Living Room: Several couches close to respective walls, facing towards the top wall and right wall, where there is a TV in each spot on top of small stands filled with several game consoles and movie disks. Very center has a glass-top table and 5 leather chairs around it (for board games and the like). Near the kitchen is a large dining table with five wooden chairs around it. Wallpaper is green. Floor is wood.

Bathrooms: each is outfitted with a mirror, toilet, and shower (the ones in the wall with the blurry glass door).

Bedrooms: 5 separate bedrooms. All have white wallpaper and carpet floors. A bed is in the back left corner. Desk against the right wall. Mostly bare, because the members of the Hand of Styx like to hang out in the living room. All have a window on the back wall, with blue curtains over them. Each bedroom has a plaque with the room owner's name hung on a wooden door. From kitchen rightwards: Fate, Autumn, Maya, Tom, Nikolas.

Kitchen: dark wood cabinets on the floor (waist-height), with a stove set into it in the middle. The right side has a fridge/freezer. Sink on the far left. Dish rack next to it.

Library/Storage: Also where washing machines and dryers are. Storage for vehicle parts, tools, and miscellaneous stuff. From the doorway, when you enter: the right side has several crates. The back wall has bookshelves set against it, the left wall has washers and dryers set against them.

Hanger/Garage: Holds Raven VTOL bikes and Shadow Jumpers. All are arrayed on the floor in a line. The south wall is actually a giant hangar door that opens and closes by splitting down the middle and sliding sideways.