How to Listen

"Master Geifong, I have business to discuss with you," Dinan said over the rhythmic "HA! HA!" of the students. The asymmetrical man nodded with his back to them, not even checking to see who it was, and swept both hands out, causing ripples in the wide sleeves of his hanfu.

Like a machine, all of the students stopped at once, pivoting to face the center in which Geifong stood and bowing, their swords held parallel to their persons. The students then spread out, crossing the wooden bridges and exploring the large garden.

Geifong, clasping his hands behind his back, walked leisurely over to Fate and Dinan. "So, what's my favorite student doing here? Come to learn more about the Wind?"

'Ah, so he's an Air user. Explains his Avatar-strength aura,' Fate thought.

"No, Master. I have come here with the Savior for your advice on his choice of weapon," Dinan said respectfully, gesturing to Fate.

Master Geifong turned to Fate as if noticing him for the first time. "The Savior… Hm…"

He stroked his beard, an unusual sight when done with only the left half of a beard. He frowned, his bushy eyebrow and thin eyebrow meeting in the middle of his forehead. Suddenly, he whipped his other hand around from his back, swinging at Fate with his wooden rod.

Fate instinctively made to catch it, but noticed instantly that his movements were just the slightest bit slower, feeling as if he was fighting against a strong gust of wind. He adjusted on the fly, continuing with the momentum from his hand to duck and spin, allowing the rod to just barely pass above his head as he extended his foot, aiming to sweep the man off his feet.

Geifong hopped over the foot with ease, jumping slightly forward and swinging the rod from below and to the left, aiming for Fate's abdomen. Fate leaned to the right, arm behind his back, before grabbing at Geifong's wrist, which was now above his shoulder.

Once more, that air resistance showed itself, making him just a fraction slower. At the same time, Geifong's speed increased incrementally, sliding his wrist back so Fate only caught the rod, which slid out of his hands from the smoothness of it and Geifong's continued motion.

Then, in a turn of events, Geifong used the momentum generated to spend counter-clockwise, using the same trick Fate had tried earlier. Only this time, the effort was met with success. Fate was swept off his feet, landing hard on his back.

When his eyes opened from the reflexive closing, he found the rod pointed directly at his face. He followed the path of the wooden rod up the master's arm, then to his face. Geifong's asymmetrical face was thoughtful, his free hand once more stroking the half-beard.

"Good instincts, experience in combat. I can tell you are used to dodging, but not adept at it. Your ability is defensive, no doubt. You also turn even defensive maneuvers into offensive counter-attacks. Yes, I think I can teach you." He clasped his hands behind his back, a breeze rippling his hair and beard and giving him an enigmatic air. "Stand."

When Fate got to his feet, Geifong asked, "I assume you are wondering whether the wakizashi and katana, or Miao Dao is the best fit for you?"

"Just the Miao Dao and katana, Master." Fate decided to give the man proper respect. Making an enemy of a weapons master was never a good idea.

"Really?" Master Geifong gave Fate a once-over. His eyes caught on an almost unnoticeable bulge under Fate's pant leg, where his knife was tucked into his boot and the hilt stuck out.

"Ah, you already have a reserve weapon. Well, learning the katana means learning the wakizashi, and vice-versa. I do not teach one without the other. Regardless, you seem more suited to the Miao Dao. You demonstrated particular skill in flowing into each movement, which is what the Miao Dao requires."

"Master Geifong, my father promised the Savior his pick of masters to teach him whatever he wishes. Would you be willing to train him?" Princess Dinan asked.

"I will teach anyone, but whether they are willing to learn is another matter. First, he must make his choice. Which weapon do you wish to learn?"

"If I am truly best suited for the Miao Dao as you say, Master, then that is my choice."

"Good, you know how to listen. Very well." Geifong turned to Dinan. "How long do I have to teach him?"

"Father is getting restless in regards to the Fractured. They are growing increasingly bolder in their attacks and almost succeeded in taking Gratnora thrice. However, they are still staying close to the border, and the generals estimate we have at least another year before they attack in full force," Dinan explained.

"Only a year…" Geifong once again indulged in the habit of stroking his beard, the other hand held behind his back. He trained his eyes on Fate as he did so.

"If it was anyone else, I would decline on the grounds that one year isn't nearly enough time. However, this young man, this Savior, already has experience with a blade, as well as the proper mindset for the Miao Dao. Yes… I believe a year will be enough. But he must follow my orders unquestioningly and pour his heart and soul into his blade. Only then will he master the Miao Dao within a year. Furthermore, we will have to use a Dilation Chamber."

"A Dilation Chamber? Those can shave years off your life, Master."

"Of course, they can. But I'm an Embodiment. I have decades, perhaps centuries to spare. The same is true of this young man."

"I'm sorry, Master, but what is a Dilation Chamber?" Fate asked.

"It is a special chamber enchanted by an Embodiment of Time to dilate time, turning a second into a minute, or even an hour. It is a heavily frowned-upon method of training, as you age to the time of the chamber.

"If you experience a decade in the chamber, even if it was merely a year outside, then you age a decade. Many foolish mortals have misused or overused a Dilation Chamber and came out withered old men, having lost track of the time they spent inside. But for Avatars like us, it's perfectly safe.

"Avatars already age at a fourth the speed of a mortal, and even the weakest of us can live for a thousand years, often triple that. We have time to spare. Now, to keep you motivated, I will show you the power that mastery of the Miao Dao gives." Geifong looked around at the garden, his eyes landing on one of his students. "LU GAO!" He barked. "FRONT AND CENTER!"

The student rushed over, bowing to his master when he arrived.

"Grab a bokken. We are going to demonstrate the forms of the Miao Dao."