Best Chef

As if to make up for earlier, the new wave of negotiations proceeded smoothly. Lord Bosina didn't threaten or kill anyone, and while he still had that smug, I'm-the-best-person-here look on his face, he didn't vocalize his perceived superiority. It was almost disappointing.

In the end, it was decided that Venlanz would be ruled by three royal families: one representing the Emotional Embodiments, one representing the Elementals, and one for the Universals. All major decisions would be decided by a vote amongst the three, and each royal family was responsible for writing laws governing the Embodiments they represented.

Such laws could only be unwritten if both other royal families agreed to dismiss them. If a ruler was found lacking, the other two could vote them out and have a new one step up to represent the party of the dismissed. Whoever this new ruler was had to be an Embodiment of the kind they were supposed to represent, and must be approved by the Will of the Ancestor.

Furthermore, all of the Fractured's territory would once more become part of the country of Venlanz, and all citizens, Fractured or not, could move between the lands of Venlanz as they pleased.

The latter would go into effect immediately upon signing the contract; the former would take a few months while Queen Dinan consulted the Will of the Ancestor on who would be the royal family for the Universal Embodiments. Until then, both Lord Bosina and Queen Dinan were responsible for the subjects they currently ruled.

Lord Bosina left without event, his lackeys in red armor following behind. Once they were gone, Queen Dinan dismissed her witness so it was just her and Fate in the tent. When the last man left tying the tent flap close behind him, Queen Dinan sagged forward, leaning on the table with her head in her hands. She sighed exasperatedly.

"That was a damn fool thing to do," she said tiredly.

"But it worked."

"But it worked." She sighed, rubbing her eyes as she squinted at the tent's walls, in the direction Lord Bosina left. "I don't understand how he managed to become an Incarnation. The Personification Level was the highest the planet has seen in… well, ever."

"There is a lot of fear and bad blood between the Fractured and your kingdom, Your Majesty. More than enough to shed some insight on his Manifestation."

"I suppose that's true. Let's go back to the palace. I have to create an entire new royal family and teach them the basics of governing, and you have to ask the Ancestor who is worthy of such a position." She sighed again, a much deeper sigh this time, and pushed off of her wooden chair.

"Very well," Fate said, following her to the tent flap. He untied the flap for her, holding it open as she stepped out. "And then we never have to see each other again, just like you wanted."

"Yes. Just like I wanted." With her back to Fate, he couldn't see the conflicted look in Queen Dinan's eyes.

"A single battle was enough for them to tuck their tails between their legs and give in, huh?" Sir Gamlesh asked. Fate had brought his Miao Dao in for inspection. He didn't know if Lord Bosina's aura could potentially damage it, so he brought it to an expert.

"Anyway, your sword is fine. I can tell you from experience that the only thing possibly capable of breaking these things is the focused, undiluted strength of a Realized Manifestation. Even that's iffy, as I've never even seen one. But Manifest Weapons are made specifically to withstand Divine Energy from any stage. It's why they're such a pain in the ass to make; you gotta give it durability capable of standing up to the strongest force in existence."

Fate thanked the smith and said his farewells, then went to find his master. He was making his rounds, saying goodbye to everyone he thought he should, as he was slated to leave by the end of the day. He had already talked to the Ancestor again and told Queen Dinan what the disembodied Embodiment said, so it was only a matter of waiting for the Space Embodiments to gather so they could transport him back to his ship.

He found Geifong in the same large garden Fate had met him in, eyes closed and legs crossed in a state of meditation. The students wandering the gardens told Fate that it was break time. He walked silently toward Master Geifong, making sure not to disturb him.

"The wind told me you were coming long before your steps did, young one," Master Geifong said, opening his eyes. "I was almost done anyway." He placed his hands flat on the ground, pushing up and launching himself four feet into the air, upon which he straightened and landed on his feet. "What did you need?"

"I don't know if you've heard, Master, but Queen Dinan has brokered a truce between Venlanz and the Fractured."

"That's excellent news," Geifong said, stroking his half-beard. "Which is why the troubled look on your face confounds me."

"I'm leaving the planet tonight."

"Ah, that explains it. This old man won't try to keep you, I'll promise you that. Go back to your family. I'm sure they miss you."

"Of course, Master. I just wanted to say…" Fate hesitated, scratching the back of his head before he bowed as low as he could go. "Thank you for teaching me in the ways of the Miao Dao."

"Think nothing of it," Geifong said, placing a hand on Fate's shoulder and gently straightening him. "I will never deny those who wish to learn the opportunity to do so. If you or your family ever wish to learn the wakizashi and katana, send someone to pick me up and I'll train whoever it is off-planet. All I ask for in return is a bed to sleep in and some delicious food while I'm doing so."

"You truly are generous, Master Geifong," Fate said. "I'll make sure to hire the best chef money can buy for you."

Geifong laughed, slapping Fate's back with surprising strength for his age.