Ten Years Minimum

Fate tapped the shaman's journal against the ball, and space folded in on itself, devouring the book in a distorted implosion. Within the image conjured by the sphere, Empress Settan held her hand out, bringing it back into frame to reveal the leather-bound book in her hand. She opened it and rifled through the pages, her eyebrows climbing higher and higher with every page she went through.

"This imp truly was a genius," she said after finishing the book in less than a minute. "It's a shame you had to kill him; there is a lot he could've taught our scholars."

"I did what I had to, My Lady," Fate said calmly.

"I know, and I don't blame you for what you have done. But that doesn't change the loss of a genius, even a mad one. Our business is now concluded, everyone. Continue the great work, and we may see each other again."

"Wait, Your Majesty!" Fate called as the Empress raised her hands.

"Yes?" she asked with a raised eyebrow, hands still visible.

"What's going to happen to their bodies?"

Hendren Settan's face fell as she glanced at the bodies in the corner of the room. These crystal balls allowed a 360-degree field of view, controllable with a thought.

"Sergeant Beadren and his loyal subordinates, Brent and Higgs, will receive the highest posthumous honor they can be awarded for their services. They will receive the Golden Dragon medal, and their families will be cared for for three generations, as is tradition."

"And Gus and Bregg?"

Her expression remained unchanged as she returned her gaze to Fate. Contrary to his expectations, she held no anger or distaste in her golden eyes, merely disappointment and what Fate was surprised to see as a dash of pity.

"Unlike the rest of their squad, their families will be responsible for their burials. Furthermore, their names will be placed on the Pillar of the Dishonored."

"A fitting punishment," Richard said instantly. "The worst for the worst."

"If I may, My Lady?" Madds asked uneasily.

"Speak," she said, waving her hand.

"While I agree that what they did is horrible, I know Mrs. Tregnem. She is a kind, if stern woman, and I can assure you that Bregg's performance had nothing to do with her parenting. Some people can't help but become cowards."

"I am remiss to do this, Heynard, but I am afraid my hands are tied. The Guard Guidelines are clear in this matter, and they both signed off on it. I know Mrs. Tregnem as well, and she is as faultless as you say, but an example must be made. If I break these rules now, all of my Guard will see them as something to disregard."

"I understand, Your Majesty," Madds said, downcast.

"Now, is there anything else?"

"None, Your Majesty."

"Very well. Goodbye."

The Empress waved her hands, and the image within the crystal ball once more became rippling clouds. Alessandra placed the object back on the shelf and leaned forward, steepling her fingers.

"Lieutenant Freyn, I'm sure you'd like to take your fallen to be buried," she said, glancing at the silver-armored Guard.

"Of course. Please excuse me, Principal Jernicho." Lieutenant Freyn stood, Madds and Richard mirroring the action, and they moved to the metal table where the bodies rested.

A pulse of Mana went out from Freyn and into the table, the warped air surrounding the corpses intensifying before the table's contents vanished altogether. Freyn pivoted on his heel, prim and proper, and marched out with a stony expression. Madds and Richard followed after him, wearing similar masks.

When they were gone, Fate turned to Alessandra. "Why did they go out looking like that? And where did the sergeant's body go?"

"Lieutenant Freyn is officially on the job, and now so are Corporal Heynard and Corporal Sretch. They need to show a strong front to the crowd they're about to walk out to. And the table is enchanted. It sent the bodies to the Guard Wing of the Royal Palace, where they will be prepared for burial. Or in the case of Private Tregnam and Private Cavden, where they will stay until their families retrieve them.

"But that isn't important right now." Alessandra's black eyes stared at Fate from under the brim of her pointy hat, scrutinizing every inch of his face as if she was searching for something. "What is important is what happened during your little blood rage."

"What do you mean?" Fate asked, squirming in his chair under her gaze. He felt like a worm being eyed by an eagle; one wrong move and he'd be eaten up, and not in a sexy way.

"I think you know." Alessandra crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair, continuing to glare at Fate. "Did you or did you not leak your armor's recordings to the Magiweb?"

Fate blinked. "That's what this was about?"

"This is not a joking matter, Fate." The principal pulled another clear ball off of the shelf, a different one from before, and conjured the image of Fate cutting down hundreds of imps with Gorn's sword. "It is highly illegal to leak any footage recorded by your armor. Any videos captured are the sole property of the Empress and those in the Guard she deems fit."

"Then you can rest easy, ma'am. I didn't even know these suits could record anything until I was in the Golden Caverns, and I haven't even touched the Magiweb before yesterday. Or the day before… What day is it?"

"It's Wednesday. The last day of your detention. And if this is true, then who leaked the footage?"

"I don't know, ma'am. Why didn't the Empress ask about this?"

"Because as your principal, any law-breaking you do is under my jurisdiction, unless it's treason or desertion. Now stop trying to change the subject, this is serious. Leaking Guard armor footage is punishable by ten years in the mines, minimum. I want you to place your hand on this crystal ball and swear to me that you didn't do it."

Yet another crystalline ball was placed on the table, next to the one currently playing Fate's murder spree. Fate placed his hand on it, looking Alessandra in the eyes as he spoke.

"I didn't do it, and I don't know who did."

The ball under his hand glowed bright green, which only caused Alessandra's brow to furrow.