The first class of the day was a category class.
For two hours, Fate listened to the professor lecture the room on Radiation and its Facets. The professor was a dreary man with shaggy black hair and bangs that covered his left eye. His one exposed eye was black and devoid of any emotion, and it was obvious at a glance that he was uncomfortable in his silver robes.
He spoke as monotonously as one would expect, putting hardly any effort into it. His lips barely even moved. Despite this, each word could be heard clearly and concisely by every student in attendance, whether they were at the front or all the way in the back.
Fate didn't achieve any great insight into his Facet from this class, but he didn't expect to. Despite what seemed to be irrelevant information to him – the professor was talking about the 'wavelengths' of radiation and the 'EM Spectrum' – Fate still dutifully wrote every word down.
Based on the way the professor started, this was part two or even three of a multiple-part lecture, so Fate was left even more in the dark on many of the discussed subjects.
To practice his Ziob and reaffirm his knowledge, he wrote every word in the Ziob language. While he could now read the language at an average speed, he hadn't spent much time learning how to write in the chamber. Due to this, he fell behind by a few sentences, his mind working overdrive to remember the professor's next words so he could jot them down.
The professor finished his lecture and dismissed everyone exactly at the two-hour mark. As the students shuffled out, the gloomy lecturer stopped Fate with a mumbled word that still made it to his ear.
"Hold on," called the professor.
"Yes, Professor Trept?" Fate asked, halting at the doorway.
"You've missed the past three lectures," Professor Trept droned. "Knowing this topic, you are probably lost, correct?"
"I – yes, professor."
"Don't be harsh on yourself. Facets are difficult things, especially for one who doesn't possess the Facet they are trying to learn. Here." A thick stack of paper appeared in Trept's hand and he handed it to Fate.
"What's this, sir?"
"A copy of my notes on the previous lectures," the professor explained. Although his voice remained apathetic, Fate thought he saw a glint of understanding in the man's eyes. "I've been in your boat before," he explained.
"While not the exact circumstances, being a professor of Radiation required learning about each of its Facets to the level of a Journeyman at the least. It was a thankless task that only boosted my own Facet marginally, and was difficult because my Sound Facet was related to the others only partly.
"My point is, I know how hard learning a different Facet is, even if it was much easier for me. So from now on, you'll receive a copy of these lecture notes after every class. I suggest you do the same with your other classes, or you may quickly get lost.
"Now, run along," Trept said. "You only have three minutes to get to your next class."
"Thank you, sir," Fate said with a bow, stowing the notes in his ring and rushing off.
As he watched Fate run out, Professor Trept shook his head. 'Every other student in this class received at least a small boost to their comprehension today, even Natalia, who was out sick the past three days. Maybe he shouldn't be running around from class to class like this.'
He nodded his head, his dull eyes gaining a bit of life to them as he came to a decision. 'He should have Vice class with Professor Andena on Monday. I'll talk to her tonight. If he doesn't show any improvement after her class, I'll talk to Principal Alessandra about his curriculum.'
Contrary to his emotionless exterior, Professor Trept genuinely cared about his students.
The next class of the day was one Fate had been excited about since he signed up for it: Enchantment Development. This class was taught by a middle-aged man with a big belly and thick, muscular arms covered by his silver robes. His short-cropped salt-and-pepper beard differed in color from his pure black hair, which was also kept short.
His silver eyes broached no disruption, commanding the attention of all those who saw them. He stood like a drill sergeant, with his hands clasped behind and his face stern. Fate wouldn't be surprised if this man was a retired Guard.
As the students took their seats, Fate couldn't help but notice the pedestal next to the professor. On top of it rested a see-through glass ball with a rugged exterior, different from the crystal balls Fate was used to by now. In front of each student's seat rested a similar object.
The difference between the students' and the one on the pedestal was that each of theirs held a complex network of copper wire within, one that gave Fate a slight headache trying to unravel.
Before Professor Redek got started, he gave Fate a reproachful glare.
"So, the detention boy is back, huh? Luckily for you, you only missed me explaining the rules of this classroom last time. It's a short list, so I'm sure you'll figure them out as you go," he said disdainfully.
"Is there a problem, professor Redek?" Fate asked with a frown, using the most respectful tone he could.
"That's one warning, young man," Professor Redek sniffed. "Do not speak unless spoken to, or permitted to do so. I expect everyone to show proper discipline while in my classroom, although my expectations are low for you. Causing such a scene on the first day told me all I need to know about your self-control."
Fate caught on quickly, shutting his mouth as he waited for the lecture to start. This professor thought Fate was a no-good hoodlum, so he would have to prove the veteran wrong.
Fate pulled his notebook and a pen out of his backpack, opening to a blank page and putting pen to paper as he waited for the professor to start. Professor Redek's silver eyes flashed with undecipherable thoughts when he saw this. His face betrayed nothing as he gave everyone in the room a cursory glance.
"It looks like we're all here. Let's begin."