
Fate kicked his Skill on, the surge of Mana washing through him like a tide. Even though Venden was slightly stronger than Fate, the former's Mage Reach lacked the power to latch onto Fate in his ghostlike state.

Fate looked around jokingly, waggling his limbs as if to show he could still move. "Was something supposed to happen?"

"Your Skill is extremely annoying," Venden jeered. "Does it feel good hiding behind it like a coward?"

"Says the guy who wanted to pin me down and pummel me like a pinata," Fate retorted, mustering his own Mage Reach.

He found that his own Grasp was actually stronger than Venden's Mage Reach, and was able to shove the surrounding Mana away before stuffing it back into Venden. In a turn of the tables, Venden was the one immobilized as Fate walked forward with a calm expression.

"What was that? Mage Touch? I doubt you could even lift me with that, let alone keep me in place."

He trailed his eyes over Venden's struggling form, the noble's arms pinned to his sides causing his attempts to resemble a worm caught in between a curious boy's fingers, something the audience found pretty funny. Giggles and chuckles floated down to the stone platform from the stands as the spectators made sure to capture Venden's face.

Venden's anger grew as a blush formed on his face, his expression deforming into a snarl as a gush of Mana spilled forth. The noble's Mage Reach struck out like a serpent with the strength of a high-tier Mage Grasp as he broke the hold Fate had on him. The two entered a battle of telekinesis, fighting the other for dominance.

Surprisingly, they were about even. Fate could only spare about five pounds of force, only enough to tug on his opponent's clothes at an opportune time.

"You were holding back?" Fate asked. "Underestimating your enemy is a stupid way to lose."

Fate took no small amount of pleasure in using some of the larger words he had learned from his new dictionary.

"Can it, peasant," Venden answered.

The two simultaneously realized that neither would win with just their Mage Reach and dashed forward to finish the fight.

They sent a fist toward the other just like before, only this time Venden was ready.

His punch was a feint, and he twisted sideways as Fate's Zero Punch missed its mark, sending his other fist careening forward at the same time, aimed right at Fate's nose.

Fate sighed inwardly. 'Guess fighting randomly is harder than I thought.'

He used Reflexive Zero to let it pass through him, hopping over a leg sweep when Venden noticed that his punch would miss. Fate put extra strength into the leap, his knee going for Venden's jaw.

Venden backstepped smoothly, taking advantage of Fate's landing to send his own knee into Fate's forehead and propelling back. Fate spun in the air, palm slapping against the ground as he flipped around and onto his feet.

As Venden stared at him in mild surprise, Fate couldn't help but be shocked.

'The hell? What did I just do, and how?'

He'd never done that before, or even tried to. All of his training was just to hit harder and last longer than his opponent. He knew some admittedly dirty moves from the many fights he'd gotten into with his peers, but he didn't know anything even remotely as complex as what he just did.

'Maybe it's the same reason I can use a sword? But where did that come from?'

He could only push these thoughts to the back of his mind as Venden rushed forward once more. Setting his sights on trying that 'erratic fighting' he thought about earlier, Fate rushed forward as well.

His thoughts flooded with moves like grappling the man by the waist, sending a sucker punch into his stomach, or even doing the same leg sweep Venden seemed to enjoy, but he opted for the one he thought was the strangest.

He didn't slow down even as the distance closed to feet, and when the distance shrank to inches, Venden stamped a foot and started to pivot on his feet. The noble was sure that Fate would use his Skill to phase through him and attack from behind, but Fate did no such thing.

The two collided in a tangle of limbs and fell to the ground.

Fate rolled off of the aristocrat, pressing a hand on the ground and spinning around. His kick was aimed at his opponent's head, but was blocked by Venden's crossed arms.

Venden snatched Fate's leg and risked using his Mage Reach, which was still tussling with Fate's. He sent all one thousand or so pounds right into Fate's knee, who only barely activated his Skill in time, falling through the ground once more only to pop out and land on his feet.

Fate frowned angrily as he found Venden already on his feet.

"You're annoying," he said wearily.

"You're one to talk," shot back Venden.

'That charge worked earlier, but it won't work again. How do I end this without spending hours pummeling this asshole into the dirt? Even with out-of-the-ordinary actions, it's clear he's better trained than I am.'

He'd just have to wing it harder, then.

This time, there was no charge. Both men walked toward the other, breathing slightly heavier than usual by now as Fate made sure to smother the other's Mage Reach into his person. It was slow-going; those five spare pounds didn't have much force behind them, but soon Fate's entire Mage Reach was smothering Venden like a cloud of fog.

He wouldn't have to watch for sudden jabs that concentrated the noble's entire Mage Reach in one point, as once one entered the Journeyman Stage, the entirety of one's Mage Reach could do so. This obviously included Fate's, so all he had to do was keep it focused on Venden.

The noble's face twisted angrily as his Mage Reach was suppressed, but there was nothing he could do about it. "I'm going to enjoy breaking you," he said resentfully.