
The blow drove the boar off course, sending it careening past Fate with enough room that the whirlwind only ruffled his hair. It kept dashing forward, blind and angered, until crashing into the arena wall with enough force that its tusks were buried in the wall up to the boar's snout.

The wall didn't even shake from the impact, a fact Fate wasn't too surprised about. The fact the beast could damage the wall at all was a testament to how powerful its charge was.

It let out another furious squeal as it jerked its deformed head wildly, trying to free itself. Fate expanded his aura to its full thousand-foot radius, easily enough to cover the entire arena, and started hammering at the creature's head while it was stopped.

He was conservative with his Divine Energy, only creating finger-sized chunks with his Divine Grasp. He drove these nails into the coffin that was the boar's head, nailing each one into the small section of exposed skin right in the center of its forehead.

Fate had noticed that part of the boar's anatomy when it entered the arena. All four boars had this weak spot, and he was going to take advantage of it.

Within seconds, the Magical Beast's squeals turned to whimpers before dying down to faint gasps. Then he landed the final blow, bits of brain matter splattering onto the wall and even on some of the women above, the beast's head collapsing inward on itself.

The women that the blood landed on looked at the red liquid in distaste before removing it through various displays of Manifest Powers.

Fate retracted his aura after the kill. With how unarmed his companions were, his suppression effect would only harm them.

The other boars had charged at the same time and were currently pestering Fate's 'companions.' One was wreathed in fire, another looked like it was made of shadows, and the last slung rocks with every thrust of its tusks.

"Need any help?" Fate called with a smirk.

"No," Joka shouted back, grunting as a head-sized rock smacked him in the stomach. The stone cracked on impact and fell into a pile of dust, revealing his abs to be unharmed. "We got this."

Fate shrugged and walked over to his kill, not one to help where help wasn't wanted. As the battle raged on behind him, he studied the spikes and tusks of the deceased boar.

'These are definitely strong,' he thought. 'It pierced through a wall made for Personifications with minimal damage. Problem is, I don't have time to fashion a weapon out of these, and the bases are too wide to hold comfortably.'

He sighed. Unarmed it was, then.

The empress raised her voice. "Rest is not allowed in trial by combat. Release the next wave!"

Out of the open portcullis charged twelve women with bronze skin and armor ranging between leather and metal. Their armor and weapons shone faintly with signs of simple Seed-Grade Imprints designed to increase sturdiness and sharpness.

Regardless of the material, it made sure to highlight the curves of each woman and left their heads exposed but their throats covered, giving them a feminine yet lethal air.

Each had either a one- or two-handed sword; three with just a sword, seven with a sword and shield, and two with two swords. They jumped into the fray without hesitation, letting loose maniacal yells or excited whoops as they mingled with the men and boars.

The boars grew confused, finding over twice the amount of people surrounding them now, but quickly that confusion turned to blood lust as they started goring men and women, body-checking them with spikes, and slinging their Elements at their foes.

Two of the aforementioned women made a beeline for Fate, one with leather armor and a sword in her right hand and a wooden shield in her left, and the other with medium metal armor and a greatsword.

The one in metal armor said something in a language Fate didn't understand before the other laughed and nodded her head. They advanced toward him with sadistic glints in their brown eyes as the leather-armored one rolled her wrists and the other woman adjusted her grip on her sword.

"I don't suppose we can talk this through?" Fate asked hopefully.

"When you die, my name will be sung for decades," said the woman in leather armor, her voice gruff yet melodious.

"Grendpe Vatoo, Urke," said the woman in metal with a grin, her tone suggesting she had said something funny. Her skin glittered like steel under the sun.

"Okay, then. Hey, what's that over there?" Fate pointed at a spot behind the women, receiving laughs in return. Neither one turned back, but the one in leather laughed so hard that tears came out of her eyes.

'Was it really that funny?' Fate couldn't help but wonder as he attacked the distracted woman telekinetically.

The strike rebounded off an invisible barrier conjured by the woman in metal, her grin widening as she noticed Fate's Avatar-Level strength.

"Kel Bred Fadrun Ont Ben Fadruna Verfendan," she said mirthfully, Divine Energy surging toward Fate from all sides.

Fate's lack of knowledge of the language prevented him from knowing what exactly she said, but he swore it was something along the lines of "You're weaker than even the weakest Verfendan."

Fate, of course, was inclined to agree. All of the women in the stands were Avatar Level or above, and the ones below, fighting him and his companions, were all Personifications. He didn't know much about this place, but something told him that men weren't the dominant gender here.

How Joka and the other men from the wastes reacted to the empress' "display" earlier cemented this. Men here were just weak, and to top it all off, they didn't even use armor or weapons!

Although as he watched a sword bounce off of one of the men's wrists and leave only a scratch, even with the Imprints buffing them, he realized it was more complicated than that.

He had no choice but to push those thoughts to the back of his mind, however, as the two women made their move.

The leather-armored woman grew serious once more as she realized how close she was to losing and potentially dying just then, and the woman in metal just seemed amused by the entire situation.

As one, they stepped forward, the shield-wielding woman vanished in a flash of lightning as the sword in the second woman's hand started to glow.