Kravoss' Day in Town, Part 2

He bought the foam one almost instantly, finding it extraordinarily comfortable and springy. Harry packaged it into a small spatial bead the size of a walnut that would hold it for the next four hours, or until Kravoss took it out.

Then Kravoss put the bead in another, ordinary pouch he bought, as his current one could only hold Lights. Thanking the man with a cluck, he left the store and headed into another one, Dreyden's Devilish Deals.

He recalled from Fate's memories that there were a few items inside that Kravoss would be interested in.

The bespectacled man behind the counter said not a word as Kravoss strode in and started browsing, not even watching the Dragon Chicken for thievery as his security systems would do that for him.

Kravoss dug through barrels and buckets, racks and shelves, amassing a small pile of items that interested him in a corner of the shop before thinking hard about whether he wanted to buy each item. As he did so, another pile was created nearby where his rejected items went.

'Armor for my claws… not necessary. Armor for me? My scales are enough for that. A pocket pet that's half dead? I'm not responsible enough.'

When he was done, his pile had gone from dozens of items to just three. He couldn't afford to buy each one, so he had to think carefully about which one he picked. After buying his bed, he had 103 Lights left, and still needed to pay for food later.

These items were a small, burnished steel spatial ring that would fit around his largest talon and would grow as he did, a small black bowler hat that gave the wearer night vision, and an amulet with a ruby in the center that allowed the wearer to imbue Lightning into their Mana attacks.

All three of them were of the Seed Grade.

The last one would work exceptionally well with his Breath since he was a Water Dracok. It was only a Seed Grade amulet, so it wouldn't be ridiculously strong, but it appealed to him strongly.

The price was an issue though, sitting at 137 Lights. If he wanted this, he'd have to save for it.

The ring was an important item for anyone in the Mage world. This one only had a 1x1x1 foot cube of space, but just the fact that it would accommodate Kravoss' growth meant it was worth considering.

It could only hold unliving things, a trade-off in exchange for its growing ability. Dracoks could grow to massive sizes, but they never gained hands. The item cost sixty Lights.

And the bowler hat… well, that was mostly his vanity. He imagined he'd look quite dashing in it, surely enough to make his potential mates swoon. The night vision was just icing on the cake. It was also the cheapest of the three by a large measure, only costing around ten Lights.

He had two choices, save for the amulet or get the ring and hat right then and there.

Ultimately, his vanity and excitement at making his first official purchase won out, and he decided on the ring and hat.

After he diligently put the other items back where he found them, he put the ring in the hat and carried the two items in his beak to the counter and the human behind it.

Flying up, he landed on the counter and dropped the items, fishing out the Lights to pay for them soon after.

"Is this all?" Dreyden asked.

A nod from Kravoss.

The purchase went smoothly and Kravoss left the store feeling stylish. Dreyden was kind enough to place the hat on his head and slip the ring on his talon, so he walked down the street with confidence as he gazed upon the humans.

He knew the onlookers wished they were as handsome and gorgeous as he and his scales were, but it wasn't their fault they were born ugly, squishy humans. He could only feel sorry for them as he shuffled up to a food stall.

Fate hadn't eaten or fed Kravoss yet, and the Dracok was feeling hungry.

He read the sign, ignoring the awed look of the stall runner as he asked for a beef hot dog filled with cheese.

It dawned on him shortly after clucking his order that he had forgotten his lack of human vocal cords. He could only cluck exasperatedly and point at the item on the menu he wanted.

Thankfully, the stall worker caught on quickly and asked for the required three Lights, placing the hot dog plate on the ground for him soon after.

Kravoss dug in with zeal, wolfing down the meal in less than a minute despite it being half a foot long. He tossed the empty plate into a nearby trashcan and wandered around town some more.

He observed some street performers swallowing swords and juggling balls of different Elements and was even stopped by a human female who recognized beauty when she saw it.

"Aw, look at you in your dapper little hat!" she squealed.

The Dracok knew her as Deodeky, the pale-skinned Febenochi triplet. Her joy-backed hedgehog, Berny, rested lazily on top of her head, unconcerned with his master showing such love to another Magical Beast.

Deodeky bent down and stroked Kravoss' scale-feathers without his consent, smooshing his face and ruffling his well-maintained scales much like that one noblewoman had when he and Fate met.

Kravoss let loose a clucking growl, warning the woman to back off, a piece of advice she smartly accepted.

"You're a grumpy one, huh?" she giggled. "I'm about to go see a play with Berny. Do you want to join? I can pay for your ticket."

'A play?' Kravoss pondered.

He knew only what Fate knew about the topic, which was to say, not much. From what he could tell, they were like books acted out by real people, but Brergan had never hosted one and thus Fate had never seen one.

Kravoss was always eager to try something new, and accepted Deodeky's offer with a sharp nod.

"Good. It's called 'Tail-Crossed Lovers.' I'm sure you'll love it. Follow me!"

Deodeky led the way to the theater as the sun started to set and clouds started to gather above, paying for their tickets and ushering the Dracok inside. He settled next to her on a red velvet seat that was disarmingly comfortable as the lights dimmed.