The Performance

"Excuse me?" Penelope asked, perplexed.

"What I meant to ask was, what will you do to amuse us?" The Northern

Desert supreme leader said

"It's simple." I'll dance, "Penelope stated firmly.

The Supreme Leader of the Northern Dessert smirked and replied, "Is that so?" but I'm hard to please when it comes to dancing."

Penelope grinned and remarked, "It's okay, I can handle it," before looking at her aunt and cousin.

'How is she able to remain composed in this circumstance?' Camilla wondered.

'Could it be that she already knows about our strategy, given how she still smiles in such a situation? ' Madam Juanna worriedly pondered

"Really?" The Northern Desert's supreme leader said

Penelope responded, "Yes, but may I ask what kind of dance do you enjoy?" and now all of the aristocrats present are gossiping.

/She is quite daring, which is no surprise given that she is the daughter of Duke Constantine/

/The ruler of the North is difficult to satisfy, and no one succeeds in doing so./

/How fascinating/

/Yes, you are correct, and I am currently bored, so let's watch this/

"Well, as you can see, I come from the North, and the North likes to dance the dances of war, so can you do it?" The Northern Desert's ruler stated

"Of course, if it's only a war dance, I can do it," Penelope answered, smiling.

The ruler of the North thought, 'There is no woman in our tribe who can dance a battle dance.'

"Then I will go and prepare for your majesty," Penelope responded, bowing gracefully.

"You may refer to me as Prince Thomas," said Prince Thomas.

Penelope then walked away after saying, "Then I'll go now, Prince Thomas."

After a few minutes

/Where has she gone?/

/Perhaps she is afraid since she knows nothing about war dances./

/pft... perhaps she was just being brave earlier/

'Well, look at that; she hasn't arrived yet, and that makes her a scared rabbit,' Camilla smirked, turning to face her mother.

In a silent voice, Madame Juanna also looked at her daughter while mouthing the phrase "Great Job."

Meanwhile, Penelope's mother, Madam Giselle, is now worried because her daughter hasn't arrived yet.

'Penelope, where are you' Madam Giselle thought with a worried expression.

A few minutes later,

The Emperor is now angry because Penelope hasn't arrived yet, so he decided to speak now.

"Duke Constantine!" With a dark aura, the Emperor said, and Duke Harry walked in front of him.

"Yes, your majesty," Duke Harry said calmly, and that made the ruler of the North impressed.

'Even in this kind of situation, he is still calm. I'm quite impressed. ' He is truly worthy of being the favorite duke of Hail Kingdom.' Prince Thomas thought

"Did you know what your daughter di­­—" The emperor hadn't finished his sentence when the guards outside shouted.

"The daughter of Duke Constantine has arrived." The guards said, and Penelope walked in front of the throne where the Emperor was sitting, then she bowed.

"I'm sorry for being late, your majesty," Penelope said.

Penelope is wearing a blue bedlah with a blue face veil, and the other male nobles are now shocked, even the emperor, because of Penelope's beauty.

'Tsk, how can she be this beautiful?' Camilla thought

'This can't be happening." How is she able to come here when I ask my men to dispatch her!? ' Madam Juanna pondered.

'I didn't know that she was this beautiful," Prince Thomas said, while blushing a little.

The Emperor cleared his throat and said, "You are late, Penelope. Do you know that we've been waiting for a couple of minutes? "

"It's just a couple of minutes, it's not even a day," Penelope said.

"You—" The Emperor was interrupted when Prince Thomas laughed.

"Pft..HA HA HA HA HA, this is interesting." Prince Thomas said, and the emperor got embarrassed.

"Done laughing?" "Penelope said with confidence."

"How rude of you!" one of the ministers said to Penelope.

"Disrespectful!" other ministers said.

"Penelope!" Madam Giselle said

"Let him be, Honey," Duke Harry said to Madam Giselle.

"Everybody quiet!" The Supreme Ruler of the North and the Emperor said, and all of them are now quiet.

"Miss Penelope, you can start your performance now." Prince Thomas said, and Penelope just nodded.

Can you play it before I start dancing, your majesty? I heard that you know how to play a flute. Can you play it along with my dance?" Penelope said, while bowing

/How dare she ask the supreme leader/

/tsk, she's just flirting with the supreme leader/

/I know, I know/

/what a flirtatious lass/

The room was filled with all of the whispering, but Penelope chose to ignore it.

"Sure, Guards! Bring my flute now " Prince Thomas said, and a guard brought a flute and gave it to him.

Penelope then walked to the center of the stage where all of the performers perform while Prince Thomas is just on the side waiting for Penelope's sign so that he can play the flute.

Penelope then signaled after she went to her position, and Prince Thomas just nodded and blew his flute. Penelope performed gracefully and even got a perfect match because of the sounds coming from the flute.

All of the nobles were amazed because of the perfect harmony that they were performing.

"Woah, they are so perfect."

"I know, right!"

"They make a good couple."

After the performance,

All of the nobles clapped their hands because of amazement, and Penelope then looked at Prince Thomas and gave a thumbs up, and Prince Thomas also did the same thing.

After that, the Emperor then raised a toast.

"You have such a great performance, Penelope. The Constantine family really never fails me," the Emperor said.

'tsk, what a plastic person he is' Penelope thought.

"Thank you, your majesty," Penelope said as she bowed, and the Emperor just nodded.

"What do you think of her performance Prince Thomas?" The Emperor said

"Well, I liked her performance and because of that I have a reward for his majesty," Prince Thomas said while smiling.

"Really, what is it?" The Emperor asks

"But before I give it, I have one condition." Price Thomas said that made the Emperor curious.

"What is your condition?" The Emperor asked curiously.

"I will give you the...."


A) He will give the Emperor land.

B) He will request Penelope's marriage.

C) Both A and B

To Be Continued…