Queen Elise Hail Past

Previous chapter…

"I got news from the knight of the second prince," the knight said, and the queen stopped what she was doing.

"What does it say?" inquires the Queen.

"It is said that his highness will return soon," the knight said, and the queen's face lit up.


"Are you sure?" The queen exclaimed joyfully.

"Yes, your Majesty," the knight remarked.

"OK, you may leave now," the queen responded, and the knight bowed before departing.

"M-my son will return soon," the queen replied, choking back tears.

In the King's office

When the doorbell rings, the king is busy conversing with his butler.

"Come in," said the king, and a knight entered the room, bowing to meet him.

"What do you need?" the king inquires as he peruses the documents.

"A letter has arrived, and it is from the knight of the second prince," the knight explained.

"Is that all?" inquires the king.

"Yes, sir," the knight said, and the king turned to face him.

"Then what are you waiting for?" the king asked angrily.

"Excuse me, sir?" the knight asked.

"LEAVE!" yelled the king, and the knight saluted before departing.

After that, the butler says, "Ha Ha, quit pretending you don't care about your child, King James."

"Oh, will you shut up?" King James asked, and the butler only laughed.

At the Crown Prince's residence

The Crown Prince is busy emoting in the corner due to paperwork when someone knocks on the door, and the Crown Prince's countenance changes to a serious one.

The crown prince ordered, "Come in," and a butler appeared.

"This butler greets his highness," the butler said, and the crown prince returned to what he was doing.

"What do you need?" the crown prince inquired, as the butler showed a letter.

"What is that?" asks the crown prince once more.

"A letter, sir," the butler said, causing the crown prince's right eye to twitch.

"I know it's a letter, Baka" (Baka is a Japanese word that means "idiot"), the Crown Prince said.

"O-oh, sir, this is from the knight of the second prince," the butler explained.

"Give it to me," the prince ordered, and the butler handed him the letter.

"I will leave now, sir," the butler remarked before bowing.

After the butler has left, the crown prince opens the letter.

It states:

"I'll be there soon and can't wait to combat with you, brother."

From your beloved brother.

'Well, I can't disguise how delighted I am to see you, my beloved brother,' the crown prince remarked, smirking slightly.

"Well, well, well, see who is smirking at a letter now," the guys said, and it was the crown prince's shadow guard.

"Seriously? You appeared anywhere; I want PEACE in my life," grumbled the crown prince.

"OK, ok, relax, I'm sorry if I disturb your peaceful moments," the shadow guard said.

"What exactly do you need?" inquires the crown prince.

"The queen has sent you a letter," said the shadow guard, pulling a letter from his pocket and handing it to the crown prince.

"Did you read this?" asked the royal prince, to which the shadow guard got shock.

"Gasp, your highness, how could you? I will never do that," the shadow guard exclaimed, overreacting.

"Stop overreacting, moron," the crown prince said, as the shadow guard made a peace sign and took a cookie from the crown prince's plate.

"Seriously?" the crown prince exclaimed, astonished.

"Yeah," the shadow guard said as he ate the cookie from the crown prince's plate.

"Tsk, GET OUT!" yelled the crown prince fiercely, and the shadow guard vanished like a breeze.

Following the disappearance of the shadow guard, the crown prince read the letter sent to him by the queen.

It states:

My dear child, I know you are already aware of your brother's return. So, I'd like to invite you to my office so that we can talk about how we can prepare for your brother's return. I'll be waiting for you.

From your mother: The Queen

'Sigh, mother will just write a letter if it is an important matter. And she will instruct the servants to summon me if it is not,' the prince thought as he walked to the wooden coat rack to retrieve his coat.

"Butler! Grab the carriage, we're heading to the Queen's palace," the crown prince stated, and the butler prepared the carriage right away.

At the Constantine Estate

The Constantine family is busily eating when Butler Jiang approaches Duke Constantine and whispers something to him.

"Is everything all right, honey?" Madam Giselle said, and the butler stopped whispering.

"Uhh, yes," Duke Harry responded.

"What is it?" Madam Giselle inquires, while Lady Penelope looks on.

"Well, I've been summoned by the king and queen," Duke Harry explained.

"Oh, it's okay, just go," Madam Giselle answered with a kind smile.

"Are you sure?" Duke Harry inquires.

"Yes, I am fairly certain," Madam Giselle replied.

"All right," Duke Harry said, standing up and instructing Butler Jiang to prepare the carriage.

"I'll get going then," Duke Harry said as he walked away.

Returning to the Crown Prince

The crown prince arrived at the queen's palace and is currently looking for the queen's room.

Several minutes later,

The crown prince has already found the queen's room, and he has fixed himself before knocking.

"Come in," the queen said, and the crown prince entered the room.

"I greet her Majesty," responded the crown prince, and the queen smiled warmly at him.

"Go sit, Rowan," the queen commanded, and the crown prince did so.

"What do you want to discuss, mother?" the crown prince asked, and the queen ordered the other maids to depart and her personal maid to fetch her tea, which she did.

"So?" the crown prince inquired.

"Sigh, I wanted to hold a party for your brother's return; could you help me?" The queen said, and the crown prince smirked just enough for the queen to notice.

"Your brother is incredibly lucky to have you, Rowan," the queen replied warmly.

"Why, tho, mother?" inquires the Crown Prince.

"Because you care about your brother," the queen explained.

"Aren't siblings meant to support one another?" asked the Crown Prince.

"Well, certainly, but you and your brother have a special relationship that other royals don't have," the queen continued, as the crown prince looked perplexed.

"What I mean is that some royals wanted to be a king or ruler of their country, so they ended up killing their own brothers. Even rebelling against their own father or mother since they didn't receive what they wanted," the queen explained, as the crown prince noticed her mother's sad expression.

"Have you ever experienced something like that, mother?" the crown prince inquires.

"Well, maybe," the queen answered, leaving the crown prince speechless.

"However, I am different," the queen concluded.

"What makes you different, mother?" inquires the crown prince.

"Did you know that I am not the biological daughter of my own family?" the queen states, and the crown prince is even more taken aback than before.

"W-what," the crown prince stuttered.

"You heard it right, I was adopted by my parents, and their son recognizes me as their sister," the queen continued, shivering slightly, which concerned the crown prince.

The crown prince says, "You don't have to force yourself, Mom; it's fine if you don't say anything," but the queen stops him.

"No, Rowan, it is time for you to know the truth," the queen remarked as she calmed herself.


The little queen is out looking for some lovely shells.

"Brother, take a look at this," the little queen remarked, before her second-oldest brother looked at it and smiled warmly.

"It's gorgeous, just like my dear sister," the queen's second-brother said, and the small queen smiled joyfully.

"Really, brother?" the small queen inquires.

"Of course!" The queen's second-brother smiled.

"Then, I considered my brother to be a handsome person," the little queen replied, and her second-brother flushed and felt proud.

"Of course I am handsome," her brother replied, and the two of them laughed.

Five years later,

The queen has reached marriageable age.

Her elder brother is obsessed with her because she is known in their estate for being a stunning person.

Her adopted father and eldest brother abuse her and use a whip to discipline her when she does something wrong. But her second-brother is unaware of this because her second brother is on vacation and hasn't heard anything from their estate. He assumed that his family is alright.

However, one day when they were dining, her father said something.

"Ehem, everyone listened to me," the queen's adopted father said, and everyone stared at him.

"So, I decided to marry Elise off to the Crown Prince of Hail Kingdom," the queen father explained, and her brothers were shocked.

"What!? You can't do that, father!" exclaimed the second-brother angrily.

"Yes I can, and I already did," the queen's father remarked, and her second-brother is angrier.

"Unbelievable," her second brother said.

"Do you think it's great, Elise?" the queen's adopted mother asked, and the queen forced a smile.

To be Continued…