A heavy web-like tension falls over the Donaldson home. It is oozing its way in through every crack and crevice through every pour affecting everyone in its web.
The nasty storm brewing outside doesn't help the stressful situation one bit. Bolts of lightning flash across the dark southern skies. The rumbles of thunder follow. Strong wind gusts bend once tall, sturdy trees to the ground.
Julie is bound to a high-back seat at the kitchen table. Her hands are pulled behind her, secured to the chair's dark oak frame. Her ankles anchored to the chair's legs.
She has a knot the size and shape of an egg mercifully throbbing on the side of her head. A stream of blood trickles from it down the side of her face, puddling on the white tile floor. It's the only feature in the house she and Jeff had painstakingly sought out.
After months of searching, they finally found one they could agree on. Jeff's mom came in, complimented the floor, then candidly pointed out that the old-style cabinets don't do it justice, volunteering to pay to have them redone.
Not wanting to be left out of the family remodel, his dad decides he'll replum the kitchen to include a garbage disposal and dishwasher. Stating that since he's been in the appliance business for over forty years, he knows what's best. So he will be choosing the style and brand.
The room and all its decorations are a mix of collaboration. One that usually gives Julie warmth and comfort, but tonight she feels like she's sitting in a cold, dark dungeon, waiting for her untimely demise.
One of the intruders is roaming around upstairs near where her darling babies are sleeping. His free reign terrifies Julie to no end. Knowing he can do whatever he wants and she can't do anything to stop it. Please, God. Please don't let him hurt the girls, she pleads, eyeing the stairs. He's been up there for what seems like forever to Julie, but according to the microwave's digital clock, it's only been a couple of minutes. A man like him, it's hard to say what he might do, Julie thinks. Her body tenses up as horrific images of what he might do to her babies besiege her mind. "Please don't let him touch them, please," she begs, anxiously watching for the intruder's return.
Hearing a noise coming from the top of the stairs, Julie strains to see who it is. The commotion becomes louder, but nobody appears. Horrid images dance through her head. He didn't have time to do any of those things, Julie reasons, trying to push the thoughts away.
The noise stops. Julie then sees her attacker waltzing down the stairs, whistling an old Irish tune.
Horrid thoughts come to mind again. He didn't have time to hurt them, Julie repeated.
The intruder walks across the room and down the basement stairs without saying a word.
At least I know that the girls are safe. Julie thinks, trying to wiggle herself free of the ropes. She figures with him in the basement and the girls safe, now would be an excellent time to escape. Julie wiggles and wiggles, causing the rope to dig its way further into her skin
Lights suddenly brighten the cold, dark room. Julie looks up to find headlights shimmering down the dark, wet road. They become brighter and brighter, illuminating the front of the house. The car stops and then pulls into the drive. Jeff is home, she thinks, relieved that help is here. A horrific thought quickly replaces her moment of solace. Jeff is unknowingly walking into a trap. One intruder roams the house while the other is waiting for Jeff outside.
Julie pictures the burglar gunning down her husband in the drive. I need to stop him before it's too late. She tries to move, but her restraints keep her in place. She opens her mouth to scream, then closes it. The girls would run down here to find out what was going on. Besides, the intruder would probably make good on his threat if I made a sound. Julie glances toward the window again. How am I going to warn him?" She's trying to devise a plan when the car pulls away. That wasn't Jeff, but he should be back soon. So, I need to come up with a plan before he returns.
She's running a few ideas through her mind when she hears footsteps on the stairs. Not now, Julie thinks, feeling her heart pound rapidly in her chest. She nervously glances toward the basement and then the stairs. Julie's first thought was to tell her child to run for help, but with the intruder's friend outside, Julie wasn't sure that'd be a good idea. It's hard to say what will happen if he sees a child darting across the lawn. She quickly reasons. I'll tell them to hide upstairs. In the master bath where I know they'll be safe.
She eyes the basement again as the figure slowly emerges down the steps. I need to tell her before the man returns.
"Why are you sitting all alone in the dark?" The child asks, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she walks toward her.
Julie eyes the basement door again. Turning toward her oldest daughter, she whispers, "A burglar is in our house. So, I want you to go back upstairs and call 911. Then I want you and your sister to go into my room and lock the door, understand?"
"Like we did before?"
Julie nods. "Exactly like that. And I want you two to stay there until Aunt Rachel tells you it's safe."
The child eyes her mother's restraints. "What about you?"
"We don't have enough time for you to undo all these ropes. Go, go, and don't open that door until Aunt Rachel gets here, understand?"
"Yes, mommy." The child heads toward the stairs. With tears streaming down her face, she turns and says, " I love you, Mommy."
"I love you too, now go, go before he gets back. "
Rebecca races up the stairs.
Please, Lord. Please let this work, Julie prays, hoping her child will do what she's told.
The basement door squeaks open. Julie looks up the stairs to find her daughter is gone. I need to distract him until they can get somewhere safe.
The intruder glances over to where she's looking.
"I was thinking about how bad it needs vacuuming," Julie quickly explains, hoping he won't catch on.
The man shakes her head. "My old lady always worries about things like that."
"So you're married? Do, do you have kids?" Julie asks, hoping to stall.
"I was, but I'm not anymore. Don't have no kids, either.
Julie starts to correct him on the double negative, then thinks better of it.
"Well, none that I know of." He chuckles. My ex-old lady is like an old Corvette. They're nice-looking but weak on the drive. If you know what I mean." He winks, stomping across the room. "I bet you won't be like that." The man strums his large, hairy finger down her face.
Julie feels her body tense up with his touch. Oh, please, not that, she thinks
Untying her restraints, he grabs her arm and pulls her out of the chair. Giving her a quick once over, he smiles and says, "You look a lot like Debbie, you know.
"They, they say everyone has a twin." Julie gulps.
"Yeah, well, I hope you can satisfy me better than her." Tightening his grip on her extremity, the burglar pulls her toward the basement door. Feeling her resistance, the aggressor turns and says, " I have big plans for you and me."
Terrified, Julie tries to break free.
"Fighting will only make things worse."
"What are you going to do?."
His face lights up. He smiles and says, "You'll see."