In a mysteriously black, deadly dark and entirely hushed room with inaudible atmosphere, on the upper most floor of a remote, enervated and incapsicaded building whose delicate and fragile condition coveys a lots of unsaid stories, Robin is seen hanging faintly with her hands bound with a thick bold rope whirled tightly over her hands and passing through a ceiling bracket along with her head supported with them and uncombed messy hairs tousled around whereas her knees are bent and she seems knelt on the floor.

She has been kept in such condition for the last three days since she has been suddenly kidnapped. She seems to be unconscious but suffering with pain in every single cell of her body. Moreover, there is only one shore to the crashing waves of the sea of her puzzled thoughts and miseries that is only about how her father would be? As she had promised him not to leave him ever again. The darkened eye circles of her closed eyes demonstrate her weakness, tiresomeness and hunger.Little instantaneous sparkles of twinkling stars manifests that a small window is the only outlet for the passage of air and light into and out of the celled room but obviously that is still useless at veiled night. A young tall nefarious boy named Roger enters the room while brushing his hairs with one of his hands and a water bottle holding in the other.

Moving closer to her, he sits over his knees and says in a harsh accent with a villainous smile over his lips and his gazed sight settled over her face, "You have gone through three days stuck in this hell, I guess. Aren't you hungry? Are you?. Oh! But unfortunately, the poor girl didn't get anything except a water bottle. How could she? Doesn't she know how unlucky she is?"

He rises up, brutally clutches the tuft of her mane and drags her head backward rudely. She transits roughly through such torture with great fortitude of endurance but lacks the strength to shout. Ignoring her painful expressions, He opens the cap of the short water bottle and pours the water into her mouth, letting multiple cascade channels of the fluxive fluid gravitate down to the ground. With the choking breaths, she tries to transpirate but a ceaseless and uninterrupted aqueous flow does neither let her to inhale a single breath nor drink a single sip. He flings her head away coarsely and walks out of the dark cell.

Two of the sunrises and sunsets are also spent by half-dead Robin being retained in the room, whereas the third sunrise greets Robin with forecast of her death and leads Roger to set his foot back into the deceased room along with a lengthy iron rod and a nefarious smile revealing over his face, while mentioning a firm statement, "Sorry! but you need to end up." After passing a short villainous look with his dreadful sight, he commences to hit her with great force at her back with the iron rod.