Breakfast went quietly well, no one said anything else. Though Kiran being Kiran, tried to make light jokes but other than that it was silent. Not that I mind though, I was quite comfortable with the silence and I loved watching Charlene and Georgina squirm under my gaze. And just to spite them I kept asking them and not the servants to pass me other food from across the table.
I bet they wished to bite my crown jeweled head off and Charlene even growled at me one time. But I just smirked at her knowing fully well there was nothing they could do to me, I am queen after all.
Everyone finished their breakfast and started mumbling their goodbyes. I escorted them to the gates where their various carriages awaited them. I waved them goodbyes and when it was Charlene and Georgina's turn, I waved with a wide grin on my face and even blew them a kiss.
Good riddance! I thought to myself as I watched their carriage ride outside the castle gate. I turned only to find Ivan smirking at me. "What?"
Ivan chuckled at me. "You loved watching them squirm didn't you?"
"What? I'd never!" I let out a dramatic gasp looking at him with horror but Ivan merely arched a brow up at me and I sighed, "Well, it's not like they didn't deserve it." I said with a pout and Ivan let out a hearty laugh at that and that was the first time I'll ever hear him laugh.
I've seen Ivan smirk, heard him chuckle but never a laugh. I watched the way his eyes crinkled around the corner as he laughed. The sound so deep and rich, it made me smile. I was still smiling at him when I remembered his past actions on our wedding night. Ivan also disrespected me.
"So_" I cleared my throat awkwardly, "How long are you going to be gone for?" I asked my voice flat.
Ivan noticed how the change in my mood and he stopped laughing, "A day at most." He answered assessing me with his eyes, trying to gauge my expression, "Why? You going to miss me?"
I scoffed at that. "Not likely." I responded looking away from his face before he could see my lie.
"Well I'm going to miss you." Ivan said and my eyes immediately flew to his, "I know it's crazy but I really can't stand to be away from you Arianne." Ivan said looking at me with so much sincerity it made my legs almost go weak.
Ugh! Get a grip of yourself Arianne! This man disrespected you! Remember that before you turn into puddle of goo! I chastised myself as I fixed my expression into a hard look.
"Well I doubt that, considering you seem to prefer the company of other women to your wife!" I hissed at him my voice dripping with venom.
Ivan's eyes widened for a fraction before he smirked at me. "You jealous, wife?"
I rolled my eyes at his expression. "Pissed is more like it! You humiliated me Ivan! You said you chose me but you preferred the company of prostitutes to your wife!" I yelled at him not missing the way my voice was starting to get shaky. "Am I really that bad to look at? You couldn't even stand the sight of me when I was alone with you in your room? Is it my hair? It makes me horrible to look at, doesn't it?" I asked reaching up to touch my hair but before I could touch it Ivan grabbed it.
"Stop it Arianne!" He said firmly as he grabbed my hand in his, "It's never your hair and I could never find you horrible to look at." He said gently as he pressed kisses on my knuckles, "Besides, I didn't do anything with the girls, I sent them off after you left. I was never going to do anything with them."
"Then why didn't you come to the room?"
"Because I couldn't trust myself with you Arianne!" Ivan admitted a frustrated sigh, "Gods Arianne after what happened in my room I realized I couldn't trust myself and my wolf around you! I couldn't look at you without having this image of pinning you underneath me on my bed, your red hair fanned across my silken bed sheet while I watch you writhe in pleasure as I please you with my tongue!" Ivan rushed out and my breathing quickened at that.
Oh my! I thought to myself as I watched Ivan who raked a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. Did he really imagine doing all if those things to me? I asked as I continued looking at Ivan and I was also vividly aware about the new feeling that washed over me as I painted the image in my head, desire!
"That was why I couldn't come to the room Arianne! I lose my senses when I'm around you." Ivan admitted softly as he ran his knuckles down my cheeks and I leaned towards his touch.
"What if I want to?"
Ivan arched his brow at me. "What?"
I licked my lips which suddenly seemed dry. "What if I want you to do all those things to me?" I asked softly and I watched as his stormy gaze darkened.
"You do?" He asked me and I nodded my head at him.
"I also lose my senses around you Ivan and that day in your room, I...I..."
"What is it Arianne?" Ivan pressed when I failed to complete my words.
"I wanted you to kiss me." I admitted shyly, looking away from me.
Ivan brought his fingers under my chin and turned me back to face him. "Never hide your desire from me Arianne, not from me." He told me and I smiled up at him as he brought his thumb to graze my bottom lip gently, "Fuck! I want to kiss you, badly!"
"Then why don't you?" I asked as I shuffled closer to him.
Ivan chuckled at my eagerness. "Because as much as I want to dive into those sweet lips of yours, I fear the moment I do so we won't be able to make it to the moon cave on time and there's also that meeting with the human council." He informed with a smile and I blinked at that.
"Oh well, I guess you should hurry back then." I informed him with a smile.
Ivan grinned at me as he pulled me closer to him by the waist emitting a soft gasp from me and I stared up at his grey eyes. "Knowing how you feel now, not even a barrier of mountain ash can stop me from getting back home to you."
I grinned at his admission and wrapped my hands around him. We were still lost in each other's embrace when we were suddenly interrupted.
"Well, well, well, this is a twist!" Kiran said approaching us along with Aurora and behind them were guards with horses.
"Oh shut up, they look cute together." Aurora retorted as she beamed at us and I couldn't help but smile back.
Behind her Kiran made a gagging noise but stopped when Ivan snarled at him. "Well you are no fun." He muttered under his breath before he climbed up on his black horse, "Anyway hate to cut your love story short but we must leave now brother if you want to hurry back into the loving embrace of your wife." Kiran said shooting me a wink and I grinned at him.
Ivan sighed as he released me. "I'll be back before you know it, I promise!"
"I'll be waiting." I told him then reached up on my toes to press a kiss to his cheek.
Ivan's eyes flashed red when I looked up at him. He shook his head at me with a smile before he reached up and climbed his horse in a fluid manner and watching him do that made my heart race again. There's just something primal and sexy about watching a man mount a horse! I looked up only to find Ivan smirking at me knowingly and I blushed at that.
"Soon Arianne, soon!" Ivan promised me again and I nodded my head at him in response.
With that, Ivan clicked his tongue at the horse and took off with Kiran and the guards after him. Aurora came to stand beside me as we watched them ride out of the castle gate and I clasped my hands in front of him, smiling as Ivan's promises still rang in my ears.