The dying screams of men filled the air as I rode through the woods. I could also hear Ivan's roar and I closed my eyes shut hoping and praying to the gods to keep Ivan safe. I was still running when I heard another roar but this one sounded more painful. I pulled Maximus to a stop as I whirled around, hoping I can see Ivan but there was nothing except for smoke which had fogged up the whole area.

I can't do this! I just can't leave him there! I muse as I stared at the foggy smoke in horror. I know he asked me to leave but how could I? Ivan was there in the woods all alone with over fifty men, he was also unarmed! No, I can't leave him! I must go to him!

Maximus as if sensing my thoughts turned towards the place Ivan was. I gave him one last pat before I snapped the reins and with that we took off with me praying it wasn't too late.