"So that went well." Ivan says as we walked the castles hallway.

I rolled my eyes without looking at him. "If you mean we had a civil conversation without killing each other then I suppose you could say that. Though I suspect it was only because of a protective alpha who was about to rain fire and brimstone if they so much as tried to hurt me." I said this while arching a brow up at him.

Ivan's face immediately became a picture of innocence. "What? Me? I did no such thing!"

"Oh please." I scoffed with an eye roll, "You were prepared to rip Christine's tongue out of her mouth when she mouthed off to me."

"I still would have! She deserves to be mute for the rest of her life." I heard Ivan growl behind me and I turned to see a hard look on his face looking like he was about to turn into his wolf form and tear across town to look for Christine so he can make good on his promise.