Ivan and I finally got to the moon cave and I can't believe it was the same spot Kiran and I use to train. I tried not to let my surprise show as we neared the clearing of the cave with the huge waterfall. Ivan got down from the horse and helped me down before tying Maximus to a nearby tree.

"We are here." Ivan announced and I looked around feigning surprise.

"Yeah we are." I agreed before turning to look at Ivan with a smirk on his face, "So this is where the alpha and Luna mate huh? Out here in the woods, with no one to disturb you and for you to scream your release out for the moon goddess to hear?" I asked approaching him and putting an extra sway to my hips as I wrapped my hands around him.

Ivan placed his hands on my hips, bringing me closer to him. "Yes except we do it in the moon cave."