"Kiran?" I gasped as I stared at Kiran on the floor.

"What took you so long?" Kiran wheezed from where he was on the floor, "There's only so much beating a werewolf could take you know?" He asked as he wiped the blood from his now healed mouth and pushed himself up from the ground to stare at his brother who was approaching him with speed again.

Before I knew it Ivan grabbed Kiran by the collar of his armour and threw him across the throne room. Kiran let out a painful groan as his back hit the armrest of the throne. I stared at Ivan in shock, at this rate he was going to kill him.

"IVAN! STOP THIS!" I yelled but I might as well have been talking to myself. I turned to look at Yasmin and Aurora only to see that they were watching the whole thing with an unbothered expression on their faces, "Well, are you just going to stand there?"

Aurora and Yasmin turned to blink at me at the same time, "What do you expect us to do?"