I stared at the broken statue on the ground. I watched as a small wisp of smoke drifted from the ground and swirled till it formed into a woman. I stared at her shiny white dress to the silver breast plate she was putting on. The breast plate she was putting on were encrusted with light blue stones which I recognized as diamonds. Her long light blue hair cascaded down all the way to her waist and her blue crystal bright eyes stared at me with a calm expression in them it was almost hard to believe this was the same goddess who was terrorizing us.

"You've got a lot of nerve Arianne." The water goddess spoke directing my attention back to her. "But I'll call it stupidity."

"Goddess." Kiran spoke up to the water goddess and bowed. I swallowed and immediately did the same thing, no matter what she was putting us through she was still a goddess afterall.