What the hell was going on? I thought to myself as the guards approached us on Dahlia's command.

"STOP!" I yelled at the guards who stopped, gibing each other nervous glances. I turned to look at Dahlia. "What is this? What are you doing?"

"You disrupted the order of the court." Dahlia stated with a blank look on her face.

frowned at her. "Order? Where's the order in this?"

"Exactly my point." Dahlia said, "You attacked one of our royal guests and you are also preventing him from seeing his son.

"Yeah, only because he wanted to kill him." Freya spoke up. "Your highness." She added when Dahlia turned to look at her.

Dahlia released a sigh before she turned to look at me. "You have no right to interfere with the matters involving his son.

"Seems like I have every right to because he is a monster!" I said this while glaring at King Ronald who arched a brow up at me.