By the time I got home, I was a sweaty mess. Sweats clung to my skin and I struggled to breathe in the heat. My body grew hot, so hot I felt I might pass out from the heat. Ivan instructed the bathtub to be filled with ice as I sat in the window with nothing but my undergarment on. The servants carried buckets after buckets of ice inside the bath tub. When they were done, I dragged myself towards the bathtub and threw myself inside the water full of ice.

A sigh escaped me as I felt my body cool down temporarily. The heat was more bearable now that my body was soaked in a tub full of ice. Ivan sat still in a corner watching me with wary eyes. I could feel how exhausted he was from where I laid at him. I smiled at him through weary eyes.

"Well now I guess we finally figured out why the twins behaved that way towards me." I say with a small smile.

Ivan didn't smile back though. "They found out about it which is why they reacted that way with you."