I messed up! I messed up big time! Ivan has stopped talking to me completely. He still comes to the bedroom and sleeps right next to me but I might as well have not existed. Even when we are together in the same room he flats out ignores me. When we pass by across the hall, he doesn't even stop to acknowledge me at all. When I reach out for him, he pulls away. Even my friends are wary of me now.

I can't say I blame them, it was my entire fault! I had allowed this to happen to me, I invited the enemy into our home and bound him to me! I should have told Ivan, I should have said something but I thought I was actually protecting him! I thought I was protecting them, me not speaking up led to my suffering.

When I woke up this morning, I decided to apologize to Ivan again but he said nothing. I just stood there embarrassed. I went to grab his arm but he sent me a glare that made me drop my hold on him.