No, no, no, not my children! Not them! Not the twins! Please! I pleaded desperately to whatever gods was listening at that moment. I sprinted down the hallway and rushed to their room. The moment I pushed the door open, I was met with another one of their nanny who collapsed down the ground when she saw me. I ignored her and took tentative steps towards the twins cradle.

It was silent! Too silent! I muse as I neared their cradle, my heart thundering in my chest at what I was going to find. Cyril laid still on the cradle, her breathing erratic. Her small chest rose up and down as if she was trying to fight the sickness. Oh gods! I broke into a sob as I knelt down beside the cradle.

Caeden on the other hand was asleep, his breathing was normal but I noticed the way his small face contorted in pain while asleep. I let out a broken wail as I stared at my children.