I watched as Arianne took flight on her dragon from where I was hidden in the woods. What an impressive sight it is! I muse as I watched the dragon flap it's powerful wings and head straight to the castle. I could feel Ravenna's gaze on me and I know what she was thinking and probably resents me for it.

"My Lord…" Ravenna called me.

I heaved a deep sigh. "There's no chance you are going to let me enjoy the view along with the quiet, can you?" I asked her.

"Forgive me my lord, but what you did for Arianne, it's going to benefit the whole kingdom!" Ravenna informed me.

I nodded my head deep in thoughts at what I had just did for Arianne. "Yeah, it will, wouldn't it?"

"My lord!" Ravenna said exasperatedly, "We are trying to bring the kingdom down remember? Not build it back up!"

I turned to give her a stern look in response. "Careful Ravenna , I do not like the tone you are taking with me."