: Adventure 4

The Fight started before you knew it, we were located in the 'Crimson Mountains'. A place STACKED with large mountains, too bad all of them were destroyed from my battle between the Hundred-headed Dragon ''Typhon''. We flew throughout the Mountains, destroying them from our punches and auras alone. I could tell, I was infinitely stronger than his guy. He is surpassing all limits to defeat me while I'm over here limiting myself. If I wanted to, I could blow up this entire area with one energy blast.

''You're such annoyance.'' The Mythological Being said to me.

That's my first time hearing him talk.


Subsequently, a large blast consisting of fire was blasted straight towards me. Too bad I use Fire Magic myself, I altered the properties of this technique to make it immeasurably weaker than me. So as soon as the blast coated my body, I would take absolutely no damage.

''You're boring, no offense, I'll end this.'' I said to Typhon.

I performed several handsigns, suddenly, 'Alzatch no Kurenai' a mystical being made of my aura appeared behind me.

''Alzatch Blade!!'' I shouted before making a spear made from nothingness.

I ended up launching the spear at Typhon, it was moving beyond any speed possible, even time itself, this spear couldn't be comprehended at all, and was not even to be seen by anyone besides the user. The spear pierced Typhon, and I saw loads of blood flooding from his torso.

''Guh! I CANNOT DIE! You cocky weakling!!'' He shouted to me.

''Sorry but, the Alzatch Blade is the very embodiment of Perfectness. It's flawless, It's supreme, It's above any being no matter what. Whatever task it's given, it'll complete it, defying anything, even logic to complete the task. As my task is, to erase you from any possible world!'' I replied back to the Hundred-Headed Dragon.


Soon, he was erased, I ended his existence.

----END OF CHAPTER 4----