Vol 2: National Developement - Chapter 1: Core Technologies

Author notes:

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And a special thanks to my Patrons! Captain Quellec, Captain Iverson, Sergeant Spiele, Private Ko-xan, and Private Vincenzo. Without them, this wouldn't have been possible!

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POV: Ningyo

Big sis Yuki is awesome! Ever since she came into this meeting room, she has been leading these stubborn geniuses by the nose! Right now, they're dancing to her tune, unable to extricate themselves due to the carrot she's been dangling! Also, it's funny how she came up with the plan to use me as a pacification weapon. According to her words, I'm too cute for anyone to get mad at. So cuteness is also a handy thing to have, now I know. Though if I keep growing up, I will gradually lose my cuteness, replacing it with beauty, according to big sis. Not sure how I can use it or if I want to use it in the future, but right now, I'm content with helping my sis with whatever she asks of me.

At the moment, I'm helping her introduce our secretly developed equipment. One of them is called a computer.

"Ningyo, can you demonstrate to us how you use it?" My sis asked me after she explained the purpose of the machine to the scientists.

"Sure thing, sis!" It's an easy peasy task.

I boot up the computer, it takes ten seconds for it to turn on the black-and-white OS. Then, I run a program that's responsible for inputting and calculating data. Pulling open a nearby folder with a large set of equations, I quickly type them into the program with ease. Under the watchful eyes of the rest, the computer soon returns the answer for the set I input, the process merely takes another ten seconds.

"It's done, sis!" I turned over and high-fived big sis Yuki.

"Good job, Ningyo!" Big sis complimented me before turning to address the jaws-dropped geniuses. "As you can see, this computer can easily handle any calculations or simulations, thus lowering the workload for you all by an absurd amount. Gone will be the day when you have to write on sheets of paper and inhale a high amount of charcoal. Now, you can rest at ease that you can devote your time and effort into something else, rather than wasting away at transcripts."

Sister's words ignite a heated discussion, some exclaims glee, eyes gleaming a ravenous glint. Others can't have but have a faraway look, they probably have incurred past trauma with paperwork. All in all, the computer is well-received. I can't help but be happy that big sis's creation is well-liked by them.

Suddenly, an arm is raised among the discussing scientists. Big sis points at the hand, saying. "Dr. Einstein, you have a thing to say?"

Dr. Einstein nods, fixing her glasses before saying. "Marshal, if you don't mind me asking, where did you even get such a machine?"

Big sis nods before gesturing me to step away from the computer, to which I comply. She then says.

"Good questions. This is a personal investment of mine, one granted to a sub-division under my control. The sub-division is responsible for developing the machine and many others after I gave them the general plans and ideas. However, I must stress that what I and my sub-division come up with are strictly experimental. That's why the computer you see here is not the finished product. Rather, we envision the computer to be in a smaller package, suitable for personal use, unlike this hulking machine that takes up the entire corner of the room. In the future, the computer will be small enough to be used in not just the military, but in the civilian sector as a whole: Hospitals, schools, and manufacturing,... as long as you have a program suitable for the respective field. The computer can do everything given enough time. And of course, with the development of colored TV, I don't see why both machines can't be combined. " Big sis then shrugs. "Sadly, we are severely lacking in both experience and manpower to revise the thing."

Dr. Einstein nods, it's interesting to see her strands of red hair moving up and down from her pale blue hair.

"Is it presumptuous of me to say that you require our help to iron out the kinks that the machine has?"

Sister Yuki smiles at the question, she seems pleased to be talking to smart people. I must keep that in mind.

"Not just that, but your help will be much appreciated when I introduce other experimental techs. After all, we must adapt them to be suitable for our current means of production and technological levels."

I can see that many of the scientists nod. They understand the pain of drafting up a piece of experimental technology, only to be unable to put it into mass production.

"If that's the case, give us a few days to familiarize ourselves with the machine and its blueprints. With all of here, we should be able to come up with improvements in a week at most." The green hair doctor, Mobius, said confidently. Her hands are rubbing with each other, I guess she can't wait to dissect big sis's machine.

Sister Yuki gives the doctor a nod. "The relevant files will be sent to your quarter this evening."

Big sis then claps her hand together. "Now then, onto the next agenda, it's a major one so I suggest you all take a seat."

Once everyone in the room has settled down, big sis Yuki turns to me, saying. "Ningyo, it's your turn to do your magic."

"Un!" I hop over to an opening in the meeting room. While the servants start distributing another set of documents, I work on channeling a lot of my mana into my hands.

Then, I will them to be constructed into a highly-detailed 3D projection of a reactor. One that, according to big sis, is enough of a reason to wage an interstellar war for. Though I'm a bit confused as to why that's the case, even though I know the ins and outs of the reactor. Meh, big sis said that leave the convoluted things for her so that I will do.

"Great work, Ningyo. Now, who here is ready to tell me what's the thing being shown?"

I return to my seat, a bit curious about who can guess what the contraption being shown is. Big sis did say that aside from me and her, only mama Yggdra knows what it is.

Dr. Mobius from before has a pondering look on her face, the rest are of the same expression as they gaze at the projection. "It seems to be a blueprint of a sort. For sure it's not involved in my main field of expertise which is biotechnology. Rather it looks like a power generator?"

Dr. Einstein then interjects. "Yes, but I don't see any sign of the conversion mechanism. Without it, how will it generates electricity?"

Big sis chuckles, a bit surprised that Dr. Mobius managed to come close to the truth on the first try. "Well, you're correct that this is a generator, or rather, a reactor. One that getting damn close to the concept of perpetual motion machine."

The provided answer shocked all of the geniuses in the room. It's funny how their eyeballs almost come out of their socket as they are about to refute the claim.

"That's impossible! Perpetual motion is unachievable, even those from the Previous Era couldn't achieve that concept!" Dr. Mobius shook her head. Some also nod in agreement, with only Dr. Einstein a pondering look on her face.

"Well, I didn't say anything about it being the actual perpetual motion machine. Rather, the reactor serves as a giant converter, one that taps into the pool of infinite energy known as the void." Big sis explained.

Before the other can say anything, Dr. Einstein says, wide-eye at the conclusion she reaches. "Marshal, you aren't kidding when you said it's damn close to a perpetual motion machine. For as long as the reactor maintains its connection to the void sea, it can convert limitless Void Ether to different kinds of usable energy. Heat, electricity, and mana,... to name a few. That's such an insane concept that I really want to poke around the heads of you and your sub-division. Excuse my rudeness, Marshal." She ended with a wry smile.

Big sis and I both chuckle at the doctor's words.

"Hahaha! Wow, I think that this is the first time the renowned Einstein breaks her stoic facade."

Dr. Einstein can only scratch her head but before big sis can answer her question, Dr. Mobius interjects.

"This is not just insane, it's supposedly impossible to do! To access Void Ether, you would have to first breach the Universal Boundary. And doing that, by itself, is taboo already!"

Big sis just rolls her eyes. "Oh please, Dr. Mobius, we all know that you're the least qualified of us here to talk about the taboo. Your research in enhancing the human body has granted you quite a lot of body count."

Dr. Mobius blushes in shame at the refusal, yet, it seems like she still keeps her stance. I wonder if the woman is what you describe as a hypocrite.

"I am not afraid of what I've done, yet, breaching the Boundary willy-nilly will bring an end to the entire universe! What I've done versus that is on a whole different sca-!"

"Mobius! That's enough!"

Dr. Einstein places a hand on Dr. Mobius's shoulder. It's at this moment that Mobius notices that my sister is exuding a weird atmosphere. Leaning her head on her palm, big sis is smiling yet her eyes are scary looking! Is she mad?

The entire room falls into silence as they wait for big sis's words.

"I will ignore that outburst earlier for I know that you're ignorant of what I'm about to say. Yet, I don't take it kindly when ignorant people enforce their stupid universal truth on everybody else. Listen for what others have to say first before you decide on any response, will you?"

Dr. Mobius realizes that she has overstepped her boundary, hence, she mutters out a small apology while the rest just nods. I cross my arms while nodding at their reactions. That's right, don't be rude to my sister! Unknowingly, my act has been witnessed by my sister, who suddenly pats my head with a warm smile.

I deeply enjoy it!

Anyway, back to the main topic at hand. I can see that the geniuses heave a collective sigh when big sis decides to move on.

"As Dr. Mobius has said, breaching the Boundary equals a death sentence to all. Which is why we never wanted to breach it in the first place. Rather, with the aid of the Mother Goddess herself, we have made a set of classified spell circles. I can't and won't speak on how this set works, all you need to know is the circles will help negotiate with the void for its Void Ether. So long as void still deem us fit for its Ether, we won't have to worry about lacking in energy ever again!"

Big sis let the information sinks in for a few seconds before continuing with her talk.

"Once the reactor accepts the Ether, it will run them through a series of converters, primarily turning them into clean mana. The mana will be then used to power the majority of our industries, freeing up a lot of fossil fuels for other needs. Mana itself is a clean and renewable energy source, thanks to the reactor, so we also don't have to be worried about pollution."

The scientists and researchers nod, they already can imagine the future where vehicles and industries are run with mana alone. Though Dr. Mobius adds, this time with constructive a question.

"Even if we have the new power source, we still don't have a lot of things that can be run by it, yet."

Big sis nods at her words. I can see Dr. Mobius's shoulders sag in relief when big sis ignores her previous mistake.

"Which is why I will need your help. Ningyo, the next set of projections please."

"Coming right up!" Per the big sis's command, I change the big projection to show a bunch of smaller ones.

Pointing at the new display, big sis says. "These are the designs for mana batteries and mana-fueled engines of all sizes. If we can iron out the kinks, we can quickly adapt them for actual trials in a year at most. Once they hit mass production, I don't need to say how this will affect the Reich and the world at large, no?" Big sis ended with a grin.

Dr. Mobius and the others just give a cramped smile while Dr. Einstein shakes her head, saying.

"Marshal, you really thought of everything. Knowing the political situation right now, I pity the fools that oppose you."

Hearing that, big sis, and share a look before we chuckle.

With the day still long, big sis moves on to discuss less important subjects with the geniuses. I also stick with her to offer whatever help I can. At the end of the day, even though it's exhausting, everybody leaves with a big smile on their face.

Looking back on this day, Dr. Mobius and Dr. Einstein will say that. "This is the day the Earth stops spinning around the Sun. It now spins around Belka, more specifically, its Marshal."