Vol 2: National Development - Interlude 1: Ambassadors (R-18 Lite)

Author notes:

I hope you have fun reading! As usual, leave a like, comment, and review! If you spot a mistake, let me know down below. Send me some power stones if you're on Webnovel! Support me on Patreon, would you kindly? There are many tiers with different benefits depending on your budget! Right now, I am financially unstable with no job and my mum being sick so every help is appreciated.

All the money made from Patreon will be used to ensure the quality of life of my sick mother and myself. To be more precise, it will be used to pay: Rent, first of all cuz Vietnam is expensive. Then water and electricity bills. If we have any surplus, we will use it to get food, grocery, and medicine.


My goal is to get to 250$/month. By achieving that, I will be writing full-time! Help me achieve my dream, I beg of you! *Dogeza*

Current income: 6 Patrons with 164$/month without calculating taxes.

And a special thanks to my Patrons! General

Dan Nicolae Barzu, Captain Quellec, Captain Iverson, Captain

Ole Martin Johnsen, Sergeant Spiele (retired), Sergeant Camati (retired), Private Ko-xan, and Private Vincenzo. Without them, this wouldn't have been possible!

My Patreon is in my profile on RoyalRoad, or you can just head over to Scribblehub for my Patreon link.

Once again, thank you for reading, and do support me! Every bit helps!

P.S: Private Ko-xan has helped me edit Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6, and 32. Cheers to him!


Walking down a hallway of the Forbidden Palace, I can't help but reminiscent of an era long past. There was a time when wars were fought with swords, spears, and sheer fucking will. There was a time when chivalry and magnanimous were touted as the righteous ways to fight a war... Yet, all of that is now faded into the annal of history, begone from the heart and mind of the people.

By the end of the hallway is a veranda surrounded by a lotus lake. Reaching there, I stop for a moment, taking in the aroma of lotuses before deciding to take a nightly stroll around the lake. Midway through it, I turn to look up at the starry sky, a melancholic mood befalls me as I look for familiar constellations. Centuries ago, I stood upon this very sky alongside the Five Tigers, the constellations are still here but gone were the days of drinking around a bonfire with the sound of merry brothers. Now, there are but a man and his somber heart.

Ever since I donned the mantle of Emperor of the Long Dynasty, I've regularly questioned the stars about the meaning of my reincarnation. For what was the purpose of bringing back a senile old Emperor, one that was clearly unfit for the modern era? As expected, whenever I asked such a question, none returned an answer, only the chilly night wind washed over my bones. That is, until that fateful day.

I remember the day the stars answered. The day we learned that we were not alone. As a familiar sun rose on an unfamiliar universe, some of us saw wondrous possibility, and others existential danger... The astronomers had insisted that the bright streak in the sky was no natural phenomenon. Most of us didn't really believe them until they burned through our atmosphere and crashed into what's now Belka today. It left only wreckage, uncertainty...and the future.

In our ignorance, we fractured, taking refuge in our most primal emotions: fear, wrath, and greed... Each of us see what we wanted to see and feel what we wanted to feel. Each of us divided by a common cause, fought against each other to prove that we were just. We squabbled with each other like beasts only to find that the home that we knew of, has changed perpetually. It's disconcerting at first, to awaken to an unfamiliar home. To open your eyes and see that everything has changed forever.

But unease has long been the price of wisdom. There comes a time when we must accept change, no matter how great. There comes a time when we must all leave home.

"Home... an unfamiliar place."

The sound of quiet footsteps shakes me out of my reverie. For a second there, I laid a hand on my C96, thinking it was an assassin, only to find that it was one of my General and my friend. He approaches me as I'm standing on a bridge, overlooking the gently lit lotuses below.

"Emperor." My friend, Liu Zhang, cups his hands and bow. "The Imperial Consort and her daughter have arrived. They're now waiting in the throne room."

I give a grunted acknowledgment, placing a hand on General Liu's shoulder.

"Follow me, old friend. We have much to discuss."

"Yes, Emperor!"

We start making our way to my lavishly decorated throne room with a dragon motif. Though I've been acting on the principle of not wasting resources in this life, the throne room must not be lacking if you want the other party to be aware of you. By the time we're there, my consort and lovely daughter has already there, waiting for me.

"Greetings, Emperor." My wife and daughter greeted me. Even though I've elected for them to dispense the needless pleasantry, they only seem to address me differently in our private chamber.

Regardless, I can't stop a smile from showing on my face as I see my cute little sunshine. "Little Mei! Come to papa!"

With that as a cue, my daughter Mei rushes into my embrace with a big goofy smile. The human-size artillery almost knocks the wind out of my sail for a moment there. My wife breaks her serious facade, showing a wry smile at the bonding moment between father and daughter.

"Good, good! It seems like you've been gaining some much-needed weight! Those physical training must have done wonders!" I said with a jubilant laugh, teasing my daughter.

Pouting, my little Mei protests.

"Papa! You can't comment on a lady's weight, that's uncouth!"

I faked a hurt expression upon her admonishment.

"Oof! Emotional damage from being called uncouth by my daughter."

Little Mei and my wife roll their eyes at this. Seeing this, I turn to address my lovely consort.

"Ling, sorry that I've woken you up at this hour."

Sporting a kind smile on her face Ling says.

"Had I not known any better, I would have admonished you for waking Mei up also."

Patting the little girl's hair, making Mei squirms comfortably, I go on to say with a light smile of my own. "Well, the news was abrupt and so was my decision. If you don't go now, it will be hard for you to leave later."

My words make Ling shows a pained expression, if only for a moment. She has schooled her expression as we have Mei near us right now.

"I see, we've packed our luggage for the trip."

I nod.

"Good, General Liu will escort you to Belka. You and Mei, alongside him, will be our ambassadors there in the name of fostering the relationship between the two nations." I stop before saying with a rueful smile. "Only there will you both can be safe."

My wife nods slowly, not commenting any further. Little Mei chooses this moment to speak up though.

"Papa, must I go study abroad? Our school and teachers have already taught me everything I needed."

The girl is a genius unbefitting for her age of ten, yet, a kid she still is.

I crouch down to her level, putting on the kindest smile I can muster while I look into her dark purple eyes.

"Mei, the best teachers in all of China have taught you everything they have. It's time that you spread your wings and fly away to a new land, broadening your horizon there. In Belka, the land of mystery and technology combined, I have no doubt you will be able to learn a lot more many things."

"Un!" My daughter nodded with strength, the promise of knowledge proved to be tempting, I see. "Will you be visiting mommy and me, papa?"

At this, I have a brief moment of inner struggle, thankfully, it doesn't show on my face. Smiling reassuringly at my daughter, I say.

"Though I am bounded by this mantle to take care of the state, I will work my bones off so that I can visit you soon. Don't worry, your mother will no doubt fill your life with interesting things so that you won't even notice I wasn't there." It pained my heart to say so, however.

Ling picks this time to wrap up this last bonding moment by saying.

"Come on, Mei. We must get ready to board the ship. Father still has work to do." I'm grateful that she intervened, otherwise this parting will be harder than it already has been.

"Ok, mama! Papa, I will see you later, promise?" Mei held out a pinky to me. Smiling, I make a pinky promise to her, probably my last one too.

Standing up, I let the pair of mother and daughter walk past me, heading out under armed escort to their motorcade. Though my face shows no obvious emotion, my heart betrays me for beating a sorrowful tune.

I motion for General Liu to come forth, the man respectfully kneels as I ascend my throne. Sitting down grandly, I address the venerable General with an order.

"Liu, you have been my long-time friend ever since we've known each other since five. It's with a heavy heart that I entrusted you with the task of safeguarding the last of my family." With a heavy voice, I give him his first task. "Keep them safe at all costs, even your own life isn't worth a hair on their body."

Cupping his hands, General Liu swears an oath.

"Your word is my command, Emperor! So long as I draw breath, not a single harm shall befall your royal bloodline!"

I nod, trusting my best friend. "You have never failed me so far so I know you won't stumble now. Onto the next and final task, you're to secure our dynasty with modern firearms from Reich, and if you can, a long-term partnership between them and us. Though I do wish we can enter a proper military alliance with them, it would be too much of a thing to ask for as the Japanese share a root with the Reich. Whatever the case, remember this, the first task must always come first and foremost. Their safety is more important than some arms, we will fight the Japs with bamboo sticks if we have to!"

"Yes, Emperor!"

"Now go! Don't keep my family waiting."

Bowing his head, General Liu retreats from the throne room. I am now truly alone.

Leaning back on my throne, I have a tired sigh. What use is a second life as an Emperor for me when I can't hold my family close? This Cao has never seen such bullshit.


"Are we there yet?" Rosa said lazily to the intercom as she slumped into the crevice of Mary the maid's breasts.

In response, an irritated female voice comes back. "For the uncountable number of times, you slutty princess! No, we aren't there yet!" The pilot is having just about enough before sending this plane crashing towards the Alps.

"Mo~ I want to see Yuki, my best friend!" Rosa pouted, arms swinging all over the place before placing them on the melons next to her head. "Though I don't mind taking my sweet time with these here."

Giving them a few squeezes, earning herself a gasp from Mary, Rosa is living the life right now. Not content with being teased by her master and lover, Mary snakes her hands under Rosa's attire. The maid can feel the hotness near Rosa's lower region, so she does what a good maid must do: Putting her fingers into Rosa's slit. Mary is shocked by the wetness of Rosa's nether region.

"Are you that excited to see Princess Yuki or you're just happy to have me in you?" Mary said as she started pushing her fingers in and out of Rosa.

With heated cheeks, Rosa direct her beady eyes upward. "Both... Yeah, both are good."

Mary chuckles at the way she answered. After a bit of time spent with the Belkan Princess, she has come to accept her as a very chill person, that's until someone touches her reverse scale. Anyway, what she means is that Mary isn't feeling jealous over Rosa's attention on Yuki anymore. She has come to see them as a fitting power couple, should they even admit to having a thing for each other. So far, only Rosa has been hinting at developing their relationship further than being friends, with Yuki being too preoccupied to do much else. Even though her feelings for Yuki have been one-sided thus far, the love Rosa has been showering Mary with has never been stronger, ironically enough. The mere hope that she will be able to date Mary in the open has ignited Rosa's passion into overdrive, it seems. The Ustian Princess can't wait, being too excited about their vacation in Belka for her to sit still. This is why she has been messing a lot with their chief pilot and friend, forcing Mary to have a bout of sex with her just to make her lose some steam, literally and figuratively.

All in all, it's just another one of those passionate but routine trips to Belka.