RM Side Story 21: 8492nd (Part 15)

Author notes: I am back! This public chapter is about Team FN being sussy. While on Patreon, Yuki is back in business! She will be learning about what has occurred while she is away and will be giving out orders if need be. The first part about this is a bit of a crack chapter to fulfill my inner gamer fantasy lol.

Enjoy and remember to support the story, preferable on Patreon :D

Pictures here (Head to Scribblehub if you can't see them)


During the whole Pave Hawk down fiasco, Echelon 1 otherwise known as Team FN is making headway deep into uncharted Sangvis territory. Due to the overpowered advantage offered by their improved camouflage capes, Team FN has been able to cover a lot of ground undetected by Sangvis patrols and QRFs. Some may even say that the capes make it too easy for the team that prided itself on infiltration and recon. But for the girls of Echelon 1, the capes are worth more than just their ability to conceal them. To them, the capes are a gift from their otherwordly friend, one that gives them the confidence to brave the arduous task ahead. Thinking thus far, SCAR-L can't stop herself from smiling lightly, still finding it unbelievable that they've been able to befriend Aria and... Morgan.

SCAR-L finds herself blushing beneath the hood of her cape, an action that, much to her chagrin, is easily noticed by her surprisingly attentive elder sister, SCAR-H. Hence, SCAR-L can only woefully sigh when SCAR-H creeps up to her during their jog in the forest of Eastern Europe. And under the curious eyes of her battle sisters, SCAR-L juts her index finger at SCAR-H. "Don't you dare say it!"

Sadly for SCAR-L, SCAR-H ignores her warning and smirks. "So, what's gotten under your pants, dear sister?" She asked in a teasing tone. And despite her hood obscuring most of her facial features, SCAR-L can just about see the mischievous glint in her sister's blue eyes. Knowing that it's pointless to deny any accusation, lest she lengthens her time on SCAR-H's chopping block, SCAR-L comes clean.

"Alright, fine! I was thinking about Morgan!"

SCAR-H whistles knowingly. "Judging from that blush on your face, you must be thinking about her ever-so-radiant body in a nightgown a few days back." SCAR-H then pats her shoulder a few times. "Don't worry sis, I totally get it. Heck, I even saved the scene on my personal devices just so that it won't ever be lost. I can also share with you the data reconstruction of her body on Level II if you want it?"

SCAR-L almost loses her footing when she heard that. "Since when did you have the time to scan her figure!?"

SCAR-H smirks, boasting. "I'm a sniper for a reason, sis. So, what will it be? I reckon it will be more than enough for you to, well, fantasize about, despite not being the real one." She then hums. "Or do you want more? I can throw in Aria's scan too if you're up for the good stuff. But of course, that means you will be owning me a favor."

SCAr-H then makes a money sign, saying her piece like a shady merchant. "I guarantee that the products I offer are 99% true to form and the favor will be something that you can handle, for sure."

... Surprisingly, SCAR-L finds herself willing to take up the trade. She's just about to answer SCAR-H's offer when the others have been unable to contain their curiosity and jump the line.

"Hold up just one minute here! Why am I hearing about SCAR-H selling SCAR-L holo-recreations of Morgan and Aria right now?! What the Hell did we miss?!" P90 was the one to scream over the Zener Network.

"And why did SCAR-H put it that the holograms will be extra spicy?" SCAR-SC added, eyeing SCAR-L in particular. "And why do my sisters seem to be head-over-heel over our pilots? What did you guys see?"

Even HiPer is repeatedly nodding up and down while looking at the older SCARs. SCAR-L then directs a hateful look at SCAR-H, who shrugs nonchalantly without remorse. If they don't explain this now, they will be pestered constantly by the other girls whenever they're on a break. "This is your fault so you better explain, big sis."

Despite the accusation thrown her way, SCAR-H just snickers before transmitting the memory of when the pair of older SCARs stumbled upon Morgan and Aria in their nightwear. Understandably, the sensual curves of their otherworldly pilots elicit stunning responses from their previous in-the-dark sisters. SCAR-SC can't help but whistle in compliment at the images being shown while P90 breaths in and out with more effort than before. It doesn't have to be said that the latter is having her digimind going haywire at the provocative pictures. Just imagine the possibilities of what lies beneath that thin cloth of attire!

HiPer's reaction, in particular, shocks everyone. SCAR-L can't help but clean her synthetic eyes a few times when she notices something red is leaking from the nose of their mechanically-adept pistol T-Doll. "HiPer, why are you leaking coolant?" She asked in befuddlement while SCAR-H almost keel over, trying to stop her laughter. "Oh, my god! It seems like it's true that the quiet one is always the most dangerous. Tell me, HiPer, are you imagining yourself with Morgan, doing..." SCAR-H then goes to make a circle with her fingers before pushing an index finger in and out of it.

HiPer blushes another shade of red when SCAR-H called out her perversive thoughts. That reaction doesn't escape the notice of the others and now they're looking at HiPer in both surprise and awe. The latter is due to how deadly Morgan's charm is, even managing to subdue their usually gentle and shy member in a matter of days. But then again, just with another cursory scan of their echelon, SCAR-L can see that all of them are harboring budding feelings for the devilishly charming but surprisingly caring Morgan. There's a saying that T-Dolls are made to imprint themselves not just on their namesake weapons, but also on humans they judge as good characters. This seems to be holding true right now for Team FN.

But before they can discuss anything else though, SCAR-L holds up a fist, prompting them all to crouch low to the ground with their chosen weapons at the ready. Their leader then signals for SCAR-H and HiPer to head to the side, taking up a position atop a hill with excellent concealment and line of sight. Without needing further order, both SCAR-H and HiPer report what they see for the rest of the team.

"500 meters ahead of us is the abandoned town Morgan called out earlier. The buildings and roads are still in surprisingly good condition but there's no sign of human lives, obviously deserted as the report said." SCAR-H said without any of her previous mischievousnesses.

"However, I can see that someone or something has been keeping the roads in the town clear and without any obstruction. All the abandoned cars are pushed to the side." HiPer, SCAR-H's spotter, added. "And from the look of it, the town's train station is well-maintained. If this is abandoned, then how come that singular building seems to be brand new when compared to the rest?"

SCAR-L immediately responds. "That's because it's not quite abandoned. We have known Sangvis to be using a railroad system to funnel troops, resources, and supplies everywhere in their territory. And I think we have come across one such terminal that fuels their whole defensive operation against us."

P90 then asks. "If so, how come SCAR-H hasn't reported any contact, yet?"

SCAR-SC replies. "It could be that we have either drawn out the defenders of this place due to the ongoing operation. Or, they are trying to keep this node hidden by being in plain sight with no obvious guards."

SCAR-H adds her own hypothesis. "Or they never even bother setting up a permanent defense here in the first place. G&K has never been able to go this far in, so it makes sense that they will place their manpower elsewhere instead. To put it directly, they're underestimating us."

They all roll their eyes at that, but understanding what SCAR-H meant. After all, a bar girl wielding a bolt-action rifle from a century ago fighting against plasma minigun-wielding terminators? The odds usually go against the former unless she has the skill to back it up.

"So, what's the plan, sis?" SCAR-H addressed SCAR-L. "We still occupy the town and set up a base of operation or divert elsewhere?

"We will first recon the area before deciding. If there's a railroad funneling pain and misery towards our allies, we need to know if we can take it out." SCAR-L answered in all seriousness. Earning a chuckle from SCAR-H. "I like the way you think, sis. Third sis, I reckon it's the time for you to show off. Defended or not, that train station should still have an automated security system."

Hearing that, SCAR-SC nods, tapping her enhanced augmented reality visor a few times as a habit. "If they're still running the same system of their perimeter outposts, I can get in and out, no sweat, in five or less even. But if they upgraded it, I should still be able to get in without being detected. I'm very eager to try out the upgrades HiPer and Morgan have made on my visor.

P90 then smiles. "So, we have a game plan?"

"Infiltrate, recon, secure, and protect SCAR-SC till she's done, then get out before anyone even raises an eyebrow at us." SCAR-L confirmed. "SCAR-H and HiPer will be providing overwatch and early warning."

SCAR-H comments. "Basically same old. You girls good to go?"

A subdued chorus of affirmation is heard over their local Zener Network.

"Then we're off, watch over us, big sis." SCAR-L communicated, earning a soft giggle from SCAR-H. "Since when have I not?"

With two of their own setting up a camouflaged sniper position behind them, the rest of Echelon cautiously made their way over to the town, taking note of where to go so that SCAR-H has a good view to cover them. While fording their path to the inner town, SCAR-L reports. "Aside from sporadic wildlife, not a single soul is here, human or Doll alike. If the train station is only brought online whenever it's used, it's understandable why Avalon Squadron missed it in their recon sweep."

"Makes sense," P90 commented. "Sangvis tries to hide the deployment of their armored trains whenever possible, lest they incur heavy retaliation from us to disable their logistics."

SCAR-SC adds. "That and they don't want the Soviets to raise their threat level. If they bring out anything heavier than a Manticore, say an armored train with cannons, the Soviets will have no choice but to immediately intervene. It's stupendously hard to cover up a train than a singular walker."

"I second that." SCAR-H said over the network.

HiPer has a question of her own for SCAR-SC also. "SC, aside from regular data extraction, can we pull any information about their armed train?"

SCAR-SC replies positively, much to HiPer's delight. "I get what you mean, aside from map intel, I will see if I can fetch you a schematic or two."

"Thank you, SCAR-SC!" HiPer beamed. Laying by her side, SCAR-H is immediately assaulted by the positive energy coming from the pistol T-Doll.

"I swear if the data extraction about the train leads us to hijack one for a living later, I'm gonna be seen questioning my choice of career soon." SCAR-H jested, not thinking too much about it.

A few minutes of bantering later, they reach the obviously Sangvis-tampered train station. As expected, hidden security measures in the form of motion, infrared, and electrooptical sensors, are encountered the moment a person tries to trespass into the main hub. And if they trigger the alarm, machine gun turrets installed in the ceiling and walls of the train station will pop out and light up the intruder like a Christmas tree. Such obstacles, however, prove to be a none issue for SCAR-SC, the infiltrator of Team FN. As a Special Operations and Electronic Warfare model, SCAR-SC is the most powerful of Team FN when it comes to dealing with anything related to the digital domain. Utilizing her impressive hacking ability, SCAR-SC fools the sensors and scanners of the main hub, making her way inside through otherwise locked doors and restricted access terminals. Outwardly, the train hub is just another bog standard pre-WW3 design, yet internally, Sangvis has given it a revamped by adding their iconic metallic dark walls and having the inoperable lighting system replaced by a low-power, low-lumen one. The latter is very typical of Sangvis for they don't care about human or Doll comfort.

When SCAR-SC starts pulling out the required data, she comes across a notification of an incoming train, prompting the autonomous station to immediately accept its entry. "Well, that's awfully great timing!" SCAR-SC complained before extracting the last of the data and rushing out. Being mindful to cover up any trace of intrusion, SCAR-SC reports the new development to her echelon.

"Girls! We have an incoming train inbound! ETA 3 mikes!"

SCAR-L wastes no time and replies. "They sure picked an awfully good time then! Anything we need to know?"

"If you're talking about the train then I know, for sure, two things about it." SCAR-SC rejoined SCAR-L and P90 outside before they all make a break for an unimpressionable office building for cover. "The first is that we have nowhere near the firepower nor time to take out or even derail the train."

"And the second?" P90 asked while they dive into the shadow of the building, making their way upward to higher ground for clear vision.

SCAR-SC replies while running up the stairs. "The second is that the train will be making a one-hour pitstop, right here, to deploy additional units to the frontline. And guess where they will be heading soon after?"

SCAR-L questions immediately. "Where?" This earns a smirk from SCAR-SC. "None other than smack dab in the center of our location of interest. The train will be bypassing all known security checkpoints belonging to Sangvis, so if you all are feeling daring..."

SCAR-L finishes up the sentence for her younger sister. "Then we hijack it, riding it all the way into the heart of Sangvis's operations." SCAR-L finds herself smiling at the proposition. "Hey big sis, I know what we're gonna do today."

SCAR-H, who is being addressed, can only respond dumbly at the insinuation behind SCAR-L's tone. "You do realize that what I said earlier was a joke, right? Right? And for the love of God, we're not Phineas and Ferb!" Lying next to her side, HiPer can only giggle nervously, though a part of her is very curious about Sangvis' autonomous armored train. Truly a motorhead.

When P90 hears SCAR-H's stupify reply, she laughs at the sniper's folly. "You better starts thinking about alternative careers, SCAR-H, because we're going to rob a train!"